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  1. #1
    Mazzive_T's Avatar
    Mazzive_T is offline Member
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    Appetite suppression when on cycle - how annoying!

    I am currently in the 4th week of my 5th cycle which consists of:

    Weeks 1-10 - Sustanon 250 (750mg/week)
    Weeks 4-10 - Anadrol (75mg/day)
    Weeks 4-10 - Dianabol (Naposim) (25mg/day)
    Weeks 10-12 Dianabol (100mg/day)

    May add NPP (dont know what dosage yet) at a later date.

    The Dianabol at a high dosage is there to get some final gains out whilst the Isocapraote and Decanoate esters are wearing there way out of my body.

    I have Proviron in hand incase gyno gets too much. No signs atm.

    Just wanted a moan on how much my appeitite is supressed! This is mainly due to the 2 orals im running, i know. Im sitting here with pasta and tuna infront of me for my second meal. Got a Mass-Tech Shake too. The shakes not that bad that goes down well, but trying to eat! Jeese, i am hungry but nothing seems appealing!

    Yesterday i only had 4 meals and one of them was something light like a chicken wrap. The shakes arnt that bad they go down well, normally have 2 MR's a day and 2 Weight Gainer, as im bulking. So im atleast getting some form of carbs, protein cals etc from them. But supplements are meant to supplement your diet arnt they, not be the base of your diet!

    The thing is, normally i have an appetite all the time, and im really hungry now, just dont feel like eating.

    Is there anything i can do or take to get my appetite back up. Do appetite anti-supressors really work?

    any help and comments appreciated.


  2. #2
    yarakefendi is offline Associate Member
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    that looks like an ugly cycle, seems like you are a little lost with your timing of drugs you are using. for appetite use b-12 or caffine tabs. work well for me

  3. #3
    dsa8864667 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mazzive_T
    I am currently in the 4th week of my 5th cycle which consists of:

    Weeks 1-10 - Sustanon 250 (750mg/week)
    Weeks 4-10 - Anadrol (75mg/day)
    Weeks 4-10 - Dianabol (Naposim) (25mg/day)
    Weeks 10-12 Dianabol (100mg/day)

    May add NPP (dont know what dosage yet) at a later date.

    The Dianabol at a high dosage is there to get some final gains out whilst the Isocapraote and Decanoate esters are wearing there way out of my body.

    I have Proviron in hand incase gyno gets too much. No signs atm.

    Just wanted a moan on how much my appeitite is supressed! This is mainly due to the 2 orals im running, i know. Im sitting here with pasta and tuna infront of me for my second meal. Got a Mass-Tech Shake too. The shakes not that bad that goes down well, but trying to eat! Jeese, i am hungry but nothing seems appealing!

    Yesterday i only had 4 meals and one of them was something light like a chicken wrap. The shakes arnt that bad they go down well, normally have 2 MR's a day and 2 Weight Gainer, as im bulking. So im atleast getting some form of carbs, protein cals etc from them. But supplements are meant to supplement your diet arnt they, not be the base of your diet!

    The thing is, normally i have an appetite all the time, and im really hungry now, just dont feel like eating.

    Is there anything i can do or take to get my appetite back up. Do appetite anti-supressors really work?

    any help and comments appreciated.

    Your cycle looks terrible, Anadrol and dianabol should be use the first 4 weeks as a kickstart to cycle. Your appetite loss could be from anadrol.

  4. #4
    domeyeahaigh's Avatar
    domeyeahaigh is offline Senior Member
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    Agreed man, rethink your cycle.

  5. #5
    PEWN's Avatar
    PEWN is offline AR Addict
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    Weeks 4-10 - Anadrol (75mg/day)
    Weeks 4-10 - Dianabol (Naposim) (25mg/day)
    Weeks 10-12 Dianabol (100mg/day)
    as the cave man off the comercial would say..... uh... what!

    choose one or the other... dbol or drol.... not both... unless you really do not like your liver in that case go ahead and get on the list now for another...

  6. #6
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    agreed...ive learned this too, if you cant eat properly on any cycle, then its not worth it...eating will all equate to more mass by the end of it if your cycle is planned right


  7. #7
    Mazzive_T's Avatar
    Mazzive_T is offline Member
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    can anyone offer me advice on adding NPP to my cycle, i.e. what dosage per week, (think the stuff i can get hold of is 100mg/ml) and for how long? Itl be week 5 tomorrow.

  8. #8
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    5 weeks in and you want to add another compound into the mix. Wait for another cycle to use the NPP. You are already running way too much and the addidtional of another steroid will most likely not get you the results you are expecting. Next time plan your cycle better and you wont be jumping at the Holy Grail looking for miracles.

  9. #9
    BuffDJ's Avatar
    BuffDJ is offline Associate Member
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    Work on the cycle it can really be much better.

  10. #10
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    For a next cycle you should just run NPP and test, leave it simple, maybe with a dbol kickstart, but definetly not at the end like your current cycle.

    For a 5th cycle this is suprisingly poorly planned.

  11. #11
    Mazzive_T's Avatar
    Mazzive_T is offline Member
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    thanks for the comments. i appreciate the input. And to a certain extent i agree that it has been pourly planned. Ive put on a stone in 4 weeks with a week in between whilst i helped my gym that i work in move. So really ive only made gains in two weeks, a stone in two weeks, im pritty happy. I realise though that most of this may be water. 7 weeks to go!

  12. #12
    darr's Avatar
    darr is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pewntang
    as the cave man off the comercial would say..... uh... what!

    choose one or the other... dbol or drol.... not both... unless you really do not like your liver in that case go ahead and get on the list now for another...
    i agree with ptang either drol or dbol imo id stick with drol!luv the stuff

  13. #13
    chipy is offline Junior Member
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    Do what you want on your cycle...everybody has an opinion and if you look for a perfect cycle on this site somebody will say its not so do what you feel is right. As for appetite do 2-3 cc of injectable B-12 a week that seems to help me.

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