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  1. #1
    maxiimus is offline Associate Member
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    May 2007

    Anavar + clen cycle advice and opinions appreciated..

    been doing a bit of research on this for a while, and basically looking to run the following 6 week cycle:

    weeks 1-6: var 60mg (this is probably the most popular dose that i have read about at the moment, not sure though if i should increase to 80mg or leave it at 60mg but go for 7-8 weeks, any suggestions???)

    weeks 1-2:
    Liquid Clen
    day1 40mcg
    day2 60mcg
    day3 80mcg
    day4 100mcg
    day5-14 120mcg

    weeks 5-6:
    Liquid Clen
    day1-14 120mcg

    weeks 7-9: pct nolva 20mg (might also run clen again for weeks 9-10 depending on if i feel i need it)

    will also be taking: coq10, liv52, milk thistle, Naicin FF, Vitamin E and C and will incorporate Taurine and potassium while on the clen

    current stats 28 years old 5'6, 81kg (178lbs) 14-16% BF, hoping to achieve strength gains as well as decreasing the BF, maybe gain a few solid kgs(lbs) of muscle, diet is in check currently,

    any advice, recommendations, additionals, changes, would be much appreciated

    thaks in advance

  2. #2
    Njord's Avatar
    Njord is offline Senior Member
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    For week 5 and 6, I wouldn't start out with 120mcg of clen . Just do it like you did the first two weeks.

  3. #3
    maxiimus is offline Associate Member
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    May 2007
    sweet will do, thanks for that

    any other advice???


  4. #4
    PEWN's Avatar
    PEWN is offline AR Addict
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    if this is you first time i would not go over 60mg of anavar .... good luck though..

  5. #5
    maxiimus is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    May 2007
    yeh first time with var, so i guess i will stick to 60mg most of my research showed that others using 60mg where getting good results

    anyone had any personal experience with something like this??


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