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  1. #1
    TampaMan is offline Junior Member
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    What Test for 2nd cycle prop vs. eth/cyp's been a while since last one....I finished PCT in january.
    Since last round was test I have lost maybe 15% of the gains I made
    I'd like to start round 2 in sept.
    First round was a little screwed up at first when uneducated and going off of friends

    1-10 weeks deca 400-500mg/week/every 7 days?
    1-12 weeks test of some sort 600-700mg
    1-4 d-bol 50mg ed ....or......use prop to start and cyp for the longer ester

    I would love to use tren due to it's great capibilites but I figure most of you will say no.

    6'4'' 197lbs 13% bf prev cycle 500mg test week....300mg equipose week

  2. #2
    PEWN's Avatar
    PEWN is offline AR Addict
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    wht kind of pct are you running that is the important part... I would say run a cycle that looked like you other except this time do the research and get a good pct....

  3. #3
    topnotch is offline Member
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    Just to look at your stats, I think you should probably look more into diet at this point...nothing bad intended, but at your height you should definately be in the 200's for sure..and with a cycle under your belt, i would say at least 225, so to me I would take it as your diet needs a lot of work, and you need a lot more food in you first.

  4. #4
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by topnotch
    Just to look at your stats, I think you should probably look more into diet at this point...nothing bad intended, but at your height you should definately be in the 200's for sure..and with a cycle under your belt, i would say at least 225, so to me I would take it as your diet needs a lot of work, and you need a lot more food in you first.
    Easier said than done...Although, yes, a little on the light side.

    Not sure what you're asking though...Enth or Cyp? Or Prop or Dbol for the start?

  5. #5
    TampaMan is offline Junior Member
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    pct last cycle was 4 weeks clomid 50mg ed
    nolva fun at 10mg throughout and 20mg for the pct

    Never broke out during cycle but the clomid gave me a ton of acne...I usually dont have to much and never have...nothing crazy at least

    Can I run hcg and not clomid...or is clomid the staple
    also do I run the nolva again or a serm....etc

    The classic PCT I did, worked well beside the acne

    Would I retain a signifigant amount less water using prop/deca opposed to cyp/deca,,I dont see many people using a short ester with a long least when only a few compounds are being used.

    AND big questions should I or not get tren involved or is it "bad" for my situation

    tren would match well with prop but on cycle 2?
    Last edited by TampaMan; 07-30-2007 at 08:25 PM.

  6. #6
    gooer is offline Associate Member
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    that cycle looks fine bro you will gain a ton of weight on that. it's kind of heavy for your second cycle but if that's what youre gonna do, it's what youre gonna do.

    i'm not gonna say don't do your cycle until you get your diet in check (you don't weigh that much for your height) but definitely EAT AS MUCH FOOD AS YOU CAN on that cycle. seriously the only time you should stop eating is when you are at the gym.. and bring a protein shake (or 3) with you. with all those compounds you want to get your money's worth!

    kick off with the d-bol at 30 mg or 40 mg (50 is too much for your first time). run test e at 600 (you could probably even get away with 500 after that wait) 2 times a week. with the prop you are gonna have to do ED or EOD injections and since you are already doing the deca shots 2 times a week it just is more convenient imo.

    TRAIN HARD AND EAT HARDER otherwise it's a waste to do a cycle that heavy.

    good luck man let us know how it oges

  7. #7
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Looks like you have lots of questions...

    Personally, I would ditch the clomid. Acne will always be tough in PCT, but clomid def isn't helping. HCG , a serm (Nolva), and an AI (Arimidex , letro, or Aromasin ) is a protocol originally recomended by Anthony Roberts. It worked well for me and a few others... I'm not going to spell it out for you though, you'll need to go to the PCT forum and do some research there...It's pretty clear that you need to research what those compounds do individually.

  8. #8
    gooer is offline Associate Member
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    during cycle id run arimidex or aromasin . prevents bitch tits, keeps you dry.

    after cycle you need an ai and a serm, id recommend aromasin (because it doesn't **** with your LH levels) and nolvadex (because clomid makes you emotional and maybe messes with your vision). hcg for the two weeks before you start pct (to recover your balls)

    you'll keep a good amount of your gains using those for pct.

    but that's up to you. check out the pct section.

  9. #9
    lightwaytbaby's Avatar
    lightwaytbaby is offline "Anabolic Reviews Affliction"
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    Quote Originally Posted by TampaMan's been a while since last one....I finished PCT in january.
    Since last round was test I have lost maybe 15% of the gains I made
    I'd like to start round 2 in sept.
    First round was a little screwed up at first when uneducated and going off of friends

    1-10 weeks deca 400-500mg/week/every 7 days?
    1-12 weeks test of some sort 600-700mg
    1-4 d-bol 50mg ed ....or......use prop to start and cyp for the longer ester

    I would love to use tren due to it's great capibilites but I figure most of you will say no.

    6'4'' 197lbs 13% bf prev cycle 500mg test week....300mg equipose week
    -deca at 400mg wk is good
    -prob wont notice may differences between E or cyp..., stick to a single ester for now.
    -d-bol looks good, and is good stuff...


  10. #10
    TampaMan is offline Junior Member
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    There is no spelling out needed...but you sumed it up real quick...and thanks for the quick replies..flgator. I ran old school pct and I'm versed on the anthony roberts method....So I will go that route.

  11. #11
    TampaMan is offline Junior Member
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    Goals....get shredded with a good bit of size gain....just like anyones and hard to do at the same time.

  12. #12
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TampaMan
    There is no spelling out needed...but you sumed it up real quick...and thanks for the quick replies..flgator. I ran old school pct and I'm versed on the anthony roberts method....So I will go that route.
    Def give it a shot... I am acne prone and it has helped emmensely.

    With that said though, there are still some people that swear by clomid and say that they don't recover the same without it...

    Like I said in my PM, I wasn't trying to be hard on you...Once you get an understanding of how each of those compounds work, I think you'll realize why you don't want to leave one out. They all have a special role, IMO.
    Last edited by fLgAtOr; 07-30-2007 at 09:01 PM.

  13. #13
    TampaMan is offline Junior Member
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    No man I wasent worried about this post...10 months ago you schooled me to some things since my thinking was far off then...
    One final thing....prob not final but anyway...
    TREN ????????????????????????????????? Tren stats look soooo good

  14. #14
    TampaMan is offline Junior Member
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    i hear about lots of water retention/possible fat gain with long ester test/deca cycles and at 13%bf I def do not want any more...I have had to work to keep fat off since last cycle.

    Would sustanon be good instead? does it really retain less water
    Thats why aprop/tren cycle looks so good

    Or winny it for the last 4-5 weeks? with orig ethan/deca/dbol plan

  15. #15
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Be patient....Stick with your cycle above for now.

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