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  1. #1
    gixxerbrad is offline New Member
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    1st cycle d-bol and test

    24 years old 6' 160 pounds. Would be my first ever cycle of anything. Quit working out about 2 years ago, just started up again pretty heavy about a month ago. I want to try my first cycle and have done a lot of homework the last month. All I get is different answers. This is what i have decided on, want to know if it sounds legit. And anything else you guys might have picked up along the way. The D-Bol is the Thailand/Body Research 10mg blue heart shaped orals. The test is Testoviron Depot, Test. Enanthate by Schering. Too much? Anything for acne? Any feedback will be help. Thanks Guys

    D-Bol Test
    Week 1 40mg ED 500mg WEEK
    Week 2 40mg ED 500mg WEEK
    Week 3 40mg ED 500mg WEEK
    Week 4 40mg ED 500mg WEEK
    Week 5 40mg ED 500mg WEEK
    Week 6 40mg ED 500mg WEEK
    Week 7 500mg WEEK
    Week 8 500mg WEEK
    Week 9 500mg WEEK
    Week 10 500mg WEEK

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    wow, 6' and 160lbs, what does your diet look like?

  3. #3
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerbrad
    24 years old 6' 160 pounds. Would be my first ever cycle of anything. Quit working out about 2 years ago, just started up again pretty heavy about a month ago. I want to try my first cycle and have done a lot of homework the last month. All I get is different answers. This is what i have decided on, want to know if it sounds legit. And anything else you guys might have picked up along the way. The D-Bol is the Thailand/Body Research 10mg blue heart shaped orals. The test is Testoviron Depot, Test. Enanthate by Schering. Too much? Anything for acne? Any feedback will be help. Thanks Guys

    D-Bol Test
    Week 1 40mg ED 500mg WEEK
    Week 2 40mg ED 500mg WEEK
    Week 3 40mg ED 500mg WEEK
    Week 4 40mg ED 500mg WEEK
    Week 5 40mg ED 500mg WEEK
    Week 6 40mg ED 500mg WEEK
    Week 7 500mg WEEK
    Week 8 500mg WEEK
    Week 9 500mg WEEK
    Week 10 500mg WEEK
    Alot can be achieved with diet and proper proper training protocols ( i am a certified personal trainer ) You can achieve everything your looking for without juice at 6 foot and 160 lbs you can get unreal results through manipulating your training and diet protocols . Since your just getting back in the gym you need to keep your focus on choosing proper diet /training protocols( please trust me on this). Well with that begin said . That would be an ok first cycle. I would probably go 12 wks with the enan and only go 4 -5 wks on the dbol and make sure you have something like nolva on hand if you run into any gyno concerns.


  4. #4
    2deizel's Avatar
    2deizel is offline Associate Member
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    ^^^^^^^my thoughts exactly...well said.

  5. #5
    PEWN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mercedesdd
    Alot can be achieved with diet and proper proper training protocols ( i am a certified personal trainer ) You can achieve everything your looking for without juice at 6 foot and 160 lbs you can get unreal results through manipulating your training and diet protocols . Since your just getting back in the gym you need to keep your focus on choosing proper diet /training protocols( please trust me on this). Well with that begin said . That would be an ok first cycle. I would probably go 12 wks with the enan and only go 4 -5 wks on the dbol and make sure you have something like nolva on hand if you run into any gyno concerns.


  6. #6
    gixxerbrad is offline New Member
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    my diet is actually really good, i just have never been able to gain weight and keep it on. Usually 3-4 eggs whole grain bread skim milk for breakfast 8 am. 10:30 yogurt and bananaor apple. 1:00 either turkey sub loaded with veggies or chicken caesar salad. 4:00 i something with tuna, either sandwich or salad. 7:00 chicken with rice and plain ramen noodles no sauce. 10:00 i try and eat about 30 almonds. I have even mixed in protein bars and shakes latley to try and help. I have been staying away from potatoes, which maybe is a bad thing. Also no cheese in anything, never any soda. Always water or gatorade mixed 50/50 with water.

  7. #7
    gixxerbrad is offline New Member
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    I guess what im really looking for is to be able to fill out, im realistic in the facr i dont want to be lean right away, i just feel i need to be at around 200 pounds and nothing i do will get me there. When i quit going to the gym my diet was horrible, soda everyday 6-8 mountain dews, mcdonalds 5-6x a week, pizza 4-5x week, no chicken no tuna, i mean horrid. No gym time. I didnt even run or anything, i was so caught up in work i did absolutely no excercise of any kind for over a year, and even with the diet i was on i think the most weight i gained was about 8 pounds.

  8. #8
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerbrad
    my diet is actually really good, i just have never been able to gain weight and keep it on. Usually 3-4 eggs whole grain bread skim milk for breakfast 8 am. 10:30 yogurt and bananaor apple. 1:00 either turkey sub loaded with veggies or chicken caesar salad. 4:00 i something with tuna, either sandwich or salad. 7:00 chicken with rice and plain ramen noodles no sauce. 10:00 i try and eat about 30 almonds. I have even mixed in protein bars and shakes latley to try and help. I have been staying away from potatoes, which maybe is a bad thing. Also no cheese in anything, never any soda. Always water or gatorade mixed 50/50 with water.
    Please dont take this this the wrong way ( on the Internet since where not face to face its hard to truly have people understand where your coming from , just words with no expression ) Your diet is awful to say the least for what your trying to achieve .. Please visit our diet forum and you can get alot of good feedback there on why your having problems putting on weight. You are not ready to use juice.. Not what you wanna hear I know but none the less its the truth..


  9. #9
    gixxerbrad is offline New Member
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    no, i see where your coming from. It is what i want to hear, thats why i joined this. Im not one of those guys all anxious to start before he gets all his gear. I have had it all for 3 weeks and i have even felt like im not ready, i just feel im at a stand still. I have a personal trainer now, and i thought i was on a good diet. If i have things i can work on im always up for constructive criticism.

  10. #10
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerbrad
    I guess what im really looking for is to be able to fill out, im realistic in the facr i dont want to be lean right away, i just feel i need to be at around 200 pounds and nothing i do will get me there. When i quit going to the gym my diet was horrible, soda everyday 6-8 mountain dews, mcdonalds 5-6x a week, pizza 4-5x week, no chicken no tuna, i mean horrid. No gym time. I didnt even run or anything, i was so caught up in work i did absolutely no excercise of any kind for over a year, and even with the diet i was on i think the most weight i gained was about 8 pounds.

    Sounds like you have a metabolism thats very very high.. You will have to consume very large amounts of cals for you to reach your goal . Make sure to eat clean as possibly and get your the majority of your cals from whole foods.. Please keep in mind food is anabolic so just look at food as your juice... So to grow your going to have to eat like a mofo...


  11. #11
    PEWN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mercedesdd
    Sounds like you have a metabolism thats very very high.. You will have to consume very large amounts of cals for you to reach your goal . Make sure to eat clean as possibly and get your the majority of your cals from whole foods.. Please keep in mind food is anabolic so just look at food as your juice... So to grow your going to have to eat like a mofo...


    you always say it the best..

  12. #12
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerbrad
    no, i see where your coming from. It is what i want to hear, thats why i joined this. Im not one of those guys all anxious to start before he gets all his gear. I have had it all for 3 weeks and i have even felt like im not ready, i just feel im at a stand still. I have a personal trainer now, and i thought i was on a good diet. If i have things i can work on im always up for constructive criticism.
    Ru serious ??? A personal trainer told you your diet is good ,or made that diet for you ?????? I dont want to offend anyone but if that is the case you may need to look into another personal trainer. Hers a link to the diet forum

    please have a look around there and see what people are eating and than judge for your self if you need to seek another trainer. Do the same in the workout section forum also..


  13. #13
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by pewntang
    you always say it the best..
    Thanks man!!!!!

  14. #14
    sonnygll's Avatar
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    Well, the thing is, Mercedesdd, while you know what you're doing, the majority of personal trainers don't. I work out at a Gold's Gym. I have seen the trainers there in action. A couple know what they are doing, a couple more are ok and the other half of them are a bunch of tards.

    So It doesn't surprise me he got a diet like that. A lot of the diets I have overheard sound very food pyramid like, with the calories that low too.

    Then when you see the way most of them train their clients, that's when you really start shaking your head. So many of them are way too into all the latest trendy gadgets and alternative techniques. It's sad to see and know someone is paying a lot of money for it.

    So you're kind of a rarity really.

  15. #15
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mercedesdd
    Please dont take this this the wrong way ( on the Internet since where not face to face its hard to truly have people understand where your coming from , just words with no expression ) Your diet is awful to say the least for what your trying to achieve .. Please visit our diet forum and you can get alot of good feedback there on why your having problems putting on weight. You are not ready to use juice.. Not what you wanna hear I know but none the less its the truth..

    Here is a good example of how to eat to bulk. You should start to easily see what youre doing wrong. If you cant gain naturally, then you wont get the results you want from steroids . Diet is the most important aspect of this.

  16. #16
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonnygll
    Well, the thing is, Mercedesdd, while you know what you're doing, the majority of personal trainers don't. I work out at a Gold's Gym. I have seen the trainers there in action. A couple know what they are doing, a couple more are ok and the other half of them are a bunch of tards.

    So It doesn't surprise me he got a diet like that. A lot of the diets I have overheard sound very food pyramid like, with the calories that low too.

    Then when you see the way most of them train their clients, that's when you really start shaking your head. So many of them are way too into all the latest trendy gadgets and alternative techniques. It's sad to see and know someone is paying a lot of money for it.

    So you're kind of a rarity really.
    I second that. About 20 years ago they built a French Riviera health spa here, I joined as a member, and the manager offered me a job as a personal trainer because he said I "had the look". I wonder how many other "trainers" were picked for the same reason. I passed on the job because I knew I wasn't qualified, hell 20 years later I'm still not qualified. Keep up the good work Merc.

  17. #17
    gixxerbrad is offline New Member
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    I looked over alot of the stuff in the link. So obviously, tuna, chicken, beef, etc. What are the things i really want to stay away from, other than sugars. Like fat and sat. fat?

  18. #18
    ecivon is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerbrad
    24 years old 6' 160 pounds. Would be my first ever cycle of anything. Quit working out about 2 years ago, just started up again
    As it was explained to you diet is incredibly important. As an analogy consider food like gas and you're the car. No fuel your car won't run. Wrong grade of fuel, your car will run like crap. Best grade of fuel your car is going to be high performance.

    Your muscles will not grow, or will grow inefficiently with a poor, or wrong diet.

    What you have going for you is your young age, use it to your advantage, but be patient. If your serious about working out, give yourself al least two solid years of lifting, fueling your muscle growth with an incredible diet. A lot of guys will take in at least 8,000 calories per day.

    After that two years then consider a well researched, defined and critiqued cycle.

  19. #19
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonnygll
    Well, the thing is, Mercedesdd, while you know what you're doing, the majority of personal trainers don't. I work out at a Gold's Gym. I have seen the trainers there in action. A couple know what they are doing, a couple more are ok and the other half of them are a bunch of tards.

    So It doesn't surprise me he got a diet like that. A lot of the diets I have overheard sound very food pyramid like, with the calories that low too.

    Then when you see the way most of them train their clients, that's when you really start shaking your head. So many of them are way too into all the latest trendy gadgets and alternative techniques. It's sad to see and know someone is paying a lot of money for it.

    So you're kind of a rarity really.
    I cant believe PT's in golds are bad that shit is just totally unacceptable.. Alot of personal trainers need to learn some new things... If this is the case everywhere I need to just set up some kinda online site not a board . (this is my home and would never want to take anyone from here). to make up diet and training protocols for people so they can at least get the correct info and I could make detailed protocols for peeps.. I hate to see someone throwing there money away to people that truly should not be giving advise. I could provide a diet / training protocol that would be very effective both cost and effectiveness .. Sorry for the rant it just makes me mad that people are throwing their hard earned loot to some trainer that dont know jack shit when a cheap effective protocol is what the really need..


  20. #20
    Second2None's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerbrad
    my diet is actually really good, i just have never been able to gain weight and keep it on. Usually 3-4 eggs whole grain bread skim milk for breakfast 8 am. 10:30 yogurt and bananaor apple. 1:00 either turkey sub loaded with veggies or chicken caesar salad. 4:00 i something with tuna, either sandwich or salad. 7:00 chicken with rice and plain ramen noodles no sauce. 10:00 i try and eat about 30 almonds. I have even mixed in protein bars and shakes latley to try and help. I have been staying away from potatoes, which maybe is a bad thing. Also no cheese in anything, never any soda. Always water or gatorade mixed 50/50 with water.
    eat all that twice a day, i would i f thats all i had to eat, i dont like eggs i eatem then 5 mins later im starvin. i ran testiviron depot for my first cycle
    luv that sh-t eat like a hog, but cleean though, i ate a whole bag of rice and a whole can of chilli for breakfast everyday then 7 huge meals and dont eat a piece of bread, eat half the loaf dont do 3 huge meals and thats it, do 8 huge meals and 1 month later youll see what i mean

  21. #21
    sonnygll's Avatar
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    Yea, it makes me mad too. Most of the people are trying to loose weight. The trainers just don't have them doing any heavy lifting. The routines tend to look like a sad imitation of a pre-contest type thing. Almost all isolation. Light weight too. Just not enough to restore their lost muscle mass or burn off some fat. They never seem to change.

    Then I can clean up a friends diet and get him/her doing basic compound lifts, using heavy weight once they get the form down. And bingo, Just a month later and he/she looks radically different.

    You know I actually thought about putting a business together like what you are describing. Something where I give e-mail consultations. But the problem remains not being able to teach them an exercise and see that they do it right and get the form down perfect. I also couldn't figure out how to market it. I was all set to take the ACSM too. But I just couldn't think of a way to make enough money with it. Part of it being that it would have to be better than my Unix admin gig, which pays pretty well. Plus where to do the session is a problem if you freelance.

    But since you are already doing training, you may have a work around for those problems. So it might work out pretty well for you. You'd just need to get a domain and find a somewhere to host your site. Then find a clever way to point out how the trainers have it wrong, and how you can do it better. It would have to be something the average person understands too.

    Also I've noticed women tend to get screwed on this whole thing a lot more then men. Because they get that silly "woman workout". Where everything is ultra high reps with hardly any weight. Then when you do try to help a woman out you have to give her many assurances that she won't start looking like Ronnie Coleman. So they have an even bigger layer of misinformation thrown at them than men do. So something to dispel the myths and get women on the right track would be huge too.

  22. #22
    sonnygll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Second2None
    eat all that twice a day, i would i f thats all i had to eat, i dont like eggs i eatem then 5 mins later im starvin. i ran testiviron depot for my first cycle
    luv that sh-t eat like a hog, but cleean though, i ate a whole bag of rice and a whole can of chilli for breakfast everyday then 7 huge meals and dont eat a piece of bread, eat half the loaf dont do 3 huge meals and thats it, do 8 huge meals and 1 month later youll see what i mean
    So is Testoviron depot a particularly good testosterone enanthate then? I ask because that's what I'm going to take for my first cycle.

    ah looking at the profile I see we may even be talking about 2 different things with the same name. I will be taking the pure enanthate and not the e/prop mix.
    That is confusing that they call them both the same name.
    Last edited by sonnygll; 08-09-2007 at 11:42 PM.

  23. #23
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonnygll
    So is Testoviron depot a particularly good testosterone enanthate then? I ask because that's what I'm going to take for my first cycle.

    ah looking at the profile I see we may even be talking about 2 different things with the same name. I will be taking the pure enanthate and not the e/prop mix.
    That is confusing that they call them both the same name.
    Yea peeps confuse this alot..

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