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  1. #1
    shootinblanks is offline New Member
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    Tren/Test Enth Cycle + proviron or nolva

    K, I've been doing juice for years but this will be my first Tren cycle. I plan on going for 12 to 14 weeks like this;

    Tren Ace 75 mg EOD
    Test Enth 100 mg EOD

    But I'm getting conflicting stories from guys about what to take with it. Some guys tell me to take Nolvadex with it and other say Nolva is bad with Tren and take Proviron instead. Could someone who knows Tren cycles please show me the light and point me in the right direction?


  2. #2
    Canadiantiger's Avatar
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    Progestine related gyno can be made worse with nolva. I would use an AI during cycle and keep the nolva for pct.

  3. #3
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    letro .25 mg ed + have cabergoline at least on hand, if you need it .5 mg e4d
    you could take proviron in place of letro
    do not take nolva

  4. #4
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by shootinblanks
    K, I've been doing juice for years but this will be my first Tren cycle. I plan on going for 12 to 14 weeks like this;

    Tren Ace 75 mg EOD
    Test Enth 100 mg EOD

    But I'm getting conflicting stories from guys about what to take with it. Some guys tell me to take Nolvadex with it and other say Nolva is bad with Tren and take Proviron instead. Could someone who knows Tren cycles please show me the light and point me in the right direction?


    First where gonna need some stats on ya .. But lets take a look at your question ..

    Your going to have to research some more on tren because 12-14 wks with tren ace is not correct.. Also IMO its best to use tren ED due to the fact it has in effect on serotonergic amines in the brain and decrease brain serotonin. Its best to keep a stable blood level to try and minimize your sides. ( again it is different for everyone so there's peeps that go ED than EOD and have no problem and than there's peeps that if they go EOD it puts them on a emotional roller coaster..


    Test e has a long active life , why are you shooting it EOD ,there is no value in doing this ???? ( once per week can suffice with test E, but alot use it 2x per wk for more steady blood levels )

    Nolva can increase PgR in breast tissue thus increasing your chances of getting gyno , due to the simply fact that it gives more for trens metabolites to bind to. As I have said alot lately . Some have no problem with it ( using nolva with 19 nors ) but alot of peeps I know have had alot of trouble ..


  5. #5
    shootinblanks is offline New Member
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    k, maybe running Tren for 12 weeks is to long so i think i would be better at 8weeks. Also, my bad I don't have Tren A, I have Tren H (parabolan ). Letro is going to be a problem to get since I'm currently living in Iraq and we can only get a few things, but if Proviron can replace Letro I got that.

    29 years old
    205 lbs
    10% BF

    This will be like my 10th cycle but over the last year I've had to calm down on how much weight i put on due to job.
    Last edited by shootinblanks; 08-14-2007 at 02:53 PM.

  6. #6
    G-Force's Avatar
    G-Force is offline Anabolic Member
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    is using nolva on cycle a bad idea in general or just with tren ?

    on my last cycle (test/deca /Dbol ) i got gyno and couldnt get rid of it with 150mg proviron ed AND 40mg Nolva

  7. #7
    PEWN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shootinblanks
    k, maybe running Tren for 12 weeks is to long so i think i would be better at 8weeks. Also, my bad I don't have Tren A, I have Tren H (parabolan ). Letro is going to be a problem to get since I'm currently living in Iraq and we can only get a few things, but if Proviron can replace Letro I got that.

    29 years old
    205 lbs
    10% BF

    This will be like my 10th cycle but over the last year I've had to calm down on how much weight i put on due to job.

    ok man first im going to start with, dont take this the wrong way but wht is you previous cycle experience... 10 cycles and only 205 something is def wrong here unless your like 5'6 ..... what were you previous cycles and what pct have you used in the past ....

    also like merc said nolva and nor19 do not get along ... i would really like to see you on letro or a dex....... but if you cant get it then i have to ask what can you get beside provirion...?

    g force nolva on cycle is hit or miss depending on dif people some think it hurts gains some run it to be safe.... me personally im not gyno proned i have ran cycles with nothing ... had a dex and nolva on hand just never had to use it .... but i know like merc said alot of people have probs running nolva with a nor 19 such as deca ..... so to each his own there...

  8. #8
    shootinblanks is offline New Member
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    Yes, yes i know only 205, but as i said "over the last year I've had to calm down on how much weight i put on due to job", which what i should of said is i haven't been on cycle in a year due to the fact that i'm in IRAQ.

    I see how everyone says Letro is the way to go with Tren so I'll just look around harder until I can find it. Thanks everybody for your help.

  9. #9
    PEWN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shootinblanks
    Yes, yes i know only 205, but as i said "over the last year I've had to calm down on how much weight i put on due to job", which what i should of said is i haven't been on cycle in a year due to the fact that i'm in IRAQ.

    I see how everyone says Letro is the way to go with Tren so I'll just look around harder until I can find it. Thanks everybody for your help.

    i was not putting you down... i was more curious than anything.... good luck in iraq...

  10. #10
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by shootinblanks
    Yes, yes i know only 205, but as i said "over the last year I've had to calm down on how much weight i put on due to job", which what i should of said is i haven't been on cycle in a year due to the fact that i'm in IRAQ.

    I see how everyone says Letro is the way to go with Tren so I'll just look around harder until I can find it. Thanks everybody for your help.
    Keeps us posted on how it works out for ya...


  11. #11
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by pewntang
    i was not putting you down... i was more curious than anything.... good luck in iraq...
    Yes pewn is great..... Its just the Internet so its hard to really get our point across and I forgot to add, BEST of LUCK in Iraqi

    Stay safe...


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