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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    will gh frag help this

    i posted this in hgh forum but didnt get any help so i figured id try here

    ill start by posting my last cycle it was :

    dbol 30mg week 1-4
    test e 500mg week 1-14
    deca 300mg week 1-10
    tren e 175mg every 5 day week 5-12

    my pct was not to par ovusly(spell), it was my first pct and now know that it sucked and have learned from it. it was :

    nolv and a-dex for 5 weeks

    i am now having very bad libido problems. at first it was just a little harder to get it up and i had very little sex drive. now i have pretty much no sex drive and last night was the first time in my life i couldnt get it up. my nuts are still smaller than before in cycle but not as bad as they where a few weeks ago. i also have very bad acne that comes and goes on different days, but for the most part stays pretty bad. i have kept almost all my gains but my strenth did drop alot. i order some gh frag and it should be in next week. i was wondering if gh would help with libido problems or if i should order some caber or hcg ? i have posted a thread something like this a couple weeks ago but i figured it would get better by now. any help is apperated. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    one more question would hgh help if hgh frag doesnt?

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