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  1. #1
    BigMC is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2007

    GH with Test E/D-bol cycle?

    Has anyone ever took GH with a Test/D-bol cycle? Ive ran deca with my last 2 cycles and really want to leave it out this time. I was thinking about running a 13wk cycle of Test E 375mg wk, 30mg D-bol ed for 6-8 wks then throwing GH somewhere in the mix. Ive been taking an anti-aging dose of GH the last 2 weeks and will step it up a bit in another week. Im 32 yrs old 5'11 195lbs. Would 3.5iu eod be sufficient while on an AAS cycle? Im running 2 iu ed right now and seem to be getting leaner.

  2. #2
    BigMC is offline Junior Member
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    bump for help

  3. #3
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    gh isnt all its cracked up to be for lbm gains. test and dbol are great.. well the dbol is lol test is kinda weak, but w/ that being said.. when u say ur going to bump it up.. i wouldnt expect jack from it in terms of actual gains unless ur running atleast 12iu ED

  4. #4
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    GH is much of a muscle builder, its good for fat burning and anti aging properties. I hope you plan on running it for a while though..minumum of 4 months, 6 months or longer is ideal though

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    i though gh at 4-5iu a day was enough for lbm, though it just took longer. also thought it was good for helping keep gain form aas. just what i read, is this inncorrect.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    hey bigmc let me know how it goes, i was gonna run gh at 4ius a day before , during and after my next cycle.
    im thinking dbol ,test,deca

  7. #7
    BigMC is offline Junior Member
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    The mere cost of GH wouldnt allow me to run 12iu but if I could afford it that sounds like a shit load. Ive read post stating 2iu ed for a month, 4iu ed the next month and 6 iu ed the 3rd month and saw real quality muscle mass. Of course they were taking AS with it but its the developement of new muscle cells were looking to get out of GH right?. Then AS to make them grow? Think ill do 3-4iu and see how it goes. Ill report back. Thanks for the feedback.

  8. #8
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by BigMC
    The mere cost of GH wouldnt allow me to run 12iu but if I could afford it that sounds like a shit load. Ive read post stating 2iu ed for a month, 4iu ed the next month and 6 iu ed the 3rd month and saw real quality muscle mass. Of course they were taking AS with it but its the developement of new muscle cells were looking to get out of GH right?. Then AS to make them grow? Think ill do 3-4iu and see how it goes. Ill report back. Thanks for the feedback.
    err.. to stimulate muscle cell growth ur lookin at needing alot more than 3-4iu ED
    thats the dose they give 80yr olds to keep them normal.
    and teens kan produce anywhere from 12-20iu GH in their growth spurt periods so .. how come we dont all turn out like ronnie?

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