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  1. #1
    cycleme is offline Junior Member
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    Exclamation surgery question...

    Hey all, need some advice. I am on my 2nd cycle, 1 week in (test cyp, prop and going to finish with some stana). My problem is my wisdom teeth have been giving me some problems and the surgeon wants to take them out but the only date he can do it is in just over a months time. So this would put me at about week 6 of my cycle, was planning on 10 weeks. Its only day surgery but very little food can be consumed for the 3 days post surgery but he says by day 6-8 I will be eating steaks etc again. I plan on mashing up everything for those days and just swallowing it without any chewing along with prob upping my protein shakes to 5-6 a day to help get a lil more in while the lack of food is present. You guys have any suggestions?
    Now my big worry is this...does being in the middle of a cycle increase the chances of infection during or post surgery? I know your immune system goes down the shitter for a bit, but wondering what you guys think? I will be on anti-biotics during and after the surgery so this should help.
    Any input is appreciated, help me out here boys!

  2. #2
    10nispro's Avatar
    10nispro is offline Productive Member
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    extractions of the wisdom teeth, in most cases, is noncomplicated. I had all 4 of mine extracted at the same time. The reason you are put on a soft diet is, you have holes where you had teeth. It will be sore. Most problems arise from dry socket.(things get in the holes and cause pain and may get infected before healing). Most times he will let you eat, what you can tolerate. They will give you anti-biotics to take usually before and after, so your immune system should be fine. It's an easy procedure, so kick back, enjoy the valium, and pain meds

  3. #3
    39+1 is offline Banned
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    You wont lift for a few day for the same reason you wont be using a straw for a week. If you clamp down and push thus increaseing pressure in your mouth you could "possibly" blow out you stiches. youl be able to drink plenty of shakes.

  4. #4
    bowonly's Avatar
    bowonly is offline Associate Member
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    What's the reaction... if any... to the pain meds he will be on while on his cycle?

  5. #5
    cycleme is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2006
    thanks for your input guys, anyone else out there with any opinions?
    thanks again. all input appreciated.

  6. #6
    Maldorf's Avatar
    Maldorf is offline Senior Member
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    I had all 4 of mine out when I was 17 yrs old, and it didnt give me much trouble at all. Mine were impacted too, under the gum, so he had to dig them out. I was under what they call twilight sedation, used an IV and everything. Dont plan on lifting the day of surgery, but I was back lifting the next day no problems. i dont remember having to change my diet much either. Think I kept eating as normal, but its been a long long time since I had this done. Only thing I had trouble with is I blew my nose hard and blew a blood vessel in one of my eyes. THe entire white of that eye was red for a week or so. This was connected to the surgery somehow.

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