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  1. #1
    Homerz is offline New Member
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    Second Cycle, Testprop/masteron Advice

    Hey all.
    I just wanted to thank you for a great forum, you rock!
    I started a new account today becouse my hushmail was deactivated becouse I hasnt used it in quite a while. I have spent over a year, everyday to get knowledge from you guys. Now I need help with my new cycle, things that I cant find using the "search button".
    Training for 5 years
    Age: 24 year
    Bf: 9-10 %
    Weight: 87 kg
    182 cm tall

    Eating about 250 grams of protein ED, and about 3500-6000 calories, depends if Im bulking och cutting

    Done one cycle before
    Test cyp 250 mg/twice a week in 13 weeks
    Pct: Nolva and Clomid for about 1,5 month, plus 3g tribilus and 3g tongkat ED

    I noticed some things thru the cycle how my body reacts on test. And want to improve the bad parts this time. First of all, long esters wasnt ideal for my body, it took about 9 weeks to kick in, and that was long without kickstart . btw.The gear was good

    Second: I`m really gynoprone, got pain after 3 weeks, and had to use Nolva at high dosage thru the cycle (and I still got some permanent very minor gyno)

    Here I want some help. Im looking for a cutting cycle, that I can pack some muscles too on.

    I have a supplier that sells Mastotest 200 in 10cl vials, every ml is Test prop 100 mg, and Masteron 100 mg. This seems great for me.

    I was thinking about taking this in 7-10 weeks, depending on results, EOD, with a nice long PCT after "Nolva/clomid/tongkat and also add some Aromasin .

    Here is my questions:
    1. Is 100 mg Masteron going to prevent the gyno from 100mg test prop?
    2. If not, is L-dex 0,5 ml ED/EOD an idea?
    3. Do you think 100 mg is to small dose for good gains? Here everybody say different things. Some say 100 is enough EOD for great gains, some say 125, and some 150 mg EOD. Here I must plan so the dose is not too high, becouse my previous gynoprone adventures. But Im still want to make good gains
    A idea is to buy a testprop 10 ml vial, 100mg/ml. And split it into the Masteron/test prop syringe EOD if 100 mg is to little

    Just hit me with ideas and knowledge. Thats the great part of this forum, you learn something new every day


  2. #2
    godkilla's Avatar
    godkilla is offline Senior Member
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    1)no, but it may help.
    2)yes. this is exactly what i am doing right now. also got letro on hand just in case gyno flares up.
    3)your dosage range seems moderate enough.

    all and all looks like youve done your research and are planning a good cycle. i like the moderate dosing alot also and have had good success with it myself.

  3. #3
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by godkilla
    1)no, but it may help.
    2)yes. this is exactly what i am doing right now. also got letro on hand just in case gyno flares up.
    3)your dosage range seems moderate enough.

    all and all looks like youve done your research and are planning a good cycle. i like the moderate dosing alot also and have had good success with it myself.
    And once again I am going to agree with Godkilla ..


  4. #4
    godkilla's Avatar
    godkilla is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merc.
    And once again I am going to agree with Godkilla ..

    i just happened to type it first

  5. #5
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by godkilla
    i just happened to type it first


  6. #6
    Homerz is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by godkilla
    1)no, but it may help.
    2)yes. this is exactly what i am doing right now. also got letro on hand just in case gyno flares up.
    3)your dosage range seems moderate enough.

    all and all looks like youve done your research and are planning a good cycle. i like the moderate dosing alot also and have had good success with it myself.
    Thanks bro! Just so I understand everything right.
    1. 100 mg of Masteron /Test prop EOD is enough for good gains?
    2. L-dex 0.5 mg/ED thru cycle, can you bump up the dosage if gyno flare up? Or do you have to use Letro or Nolva for this? (havent tried L-dex before)

    Cheers m8

  7. #7
    godkilla's Avatar
    godkilla is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Homerz
    Thanks bro! Just so I understand everything right.
    1. 100 mg of Masteron /Test prop EOD is enough for good gains?
    2. L-dex 0.5 mg/ED thru cycle, can you bump up the dosage if gyno flare up? Or do you have to use Letro or Nolva for this? (havent tried L-dex before)

    Cheers m8
    when you say 100mgs you mean 100mgs of each eod right? i am running 60mgs of each ed now and getting good gains if that halps answer your question. the ldex i would start at .25mgs and and see what happs. you can always adjust the dose later. letro would be ideal for gyno, but you could get away with ldex.

  8. #8
    Homerz is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by godkilla
    when you say 100mgs you mean 100mgs of each eod right? i am running 60mgs of each ed now and getting good gains if that halps answer your question. the ldex i would start at .25mgs and and see what happs. you can always adjust the dose later. letro would be ideal for gyno, but you could get away with ldex.
    Yes ofcourse . 100 mg each (Every ml is 100mg/prop,100mg/masteron )

    The only thing that i doesnt like with letro is the rebound effect, and some other sideeffects. have tryed it before at 2,5 mg ED,to shrink minor gyno. It got little better, and when I tapered down with Nolva about 3 weeks, the gyno was like it was before = It isnt growing, but it hurts inside

  9. #9
    godkilla's Avatar
    godkilla is offline Senior Member
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    snds like your not to hot about letro either. this is exactly why i run ldex during cycle and use letro only when i have to.

  10. #10
    2fast4u is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by godkilla
    snds like your not to hot about letro either. this is exactly why i run ldex during cycle and use letro only when i have to.
    Exactly. I think L-dex would do me better in this cycle.
    Godkilla, Im really courius hows it going for your cycle, have you done any gains yet, and how much do you want to put on this cycle. If I remember right, youre taking 120 mg Test prop, and 120 mg Masteron EOD(60/60 ED) How does the Masteron feels like, and how long did it take until you felt the prop/masteron,any sides? If you have time, you are free to write down little own experiance of your cycle, it would be nice to read before I start mine.

    I cant figure out how much test Im going to take EOD. Im sure that 100 mg is ok, but its only about 300-350 grams test EW(and Im scared of taking to less and dont make any good gains, and that would be hard when you are hitting the needle so often. Maybe I should go on 125, or 150 instead EOD, hmmm..

    Its really a balance of gains vs sides. And everybody is different

  11. #11
    godkilla's Avatar
    godkilla is offline Senior Member
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    well my current cycle is 60mgs of prop, mast and tren ed. i just dropped the tren after 6 weeks and am up 20lbs so far. now keep in mind i came into this cycle alot smaller than i would have liked due to injuries at the begining of this year/end of my last cycle. i didnt notice a whole lot the first two weeks, seemed to get a little leaner, but my weight didnt go up more than a few lbs. lbs really started packing on after that and strength also start to go up. keep in mind i ramp my cals up during the cycle to compensate for the weight gain. had slight pain in my nipples about week 4 and thats when i decided to switch the ldex for some letro instead of upping the ldex dose. currently running letro at .625mgs ed and have had no more pain. o yeah, i dieted for 8 weeks before i started this cycle.

  12. #12
    2fast4u is offline New Member
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    Nice bro! I hope youre happy with your gains, Im impressed!
    Sounds like you are gynoprone as me, you hear from many forums that 120 mg testprop is a small chance of gyno. Maybe it was the tren that caused it?

    Have a nice weekend!


  13. #13
    2fast4u is offline New Member
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    Btw! I guess you have tryed test cyp/enth about 500mg/week in some of your first cycles. How is test prop/masteron compared with this? If you look at the total test /week it should look like this

    Testprop 100 EOD= 350 mg/wk
    Testprop 120 EOD= 420 mg/wk
    Testprop 150 EOD= 525 mg/wk

    Why is test prop suggested to run lower dose then the long esters?
    If you follow all the newbie cycle guideline, it says that 500mg test/wk is the best dosage, not under. I know prop have some more pure test/ml. Cant really understand this. Have any ideas/suggestions?


    I found this on a forum after reading all night
    "Another added benefit of propionate is that since the ester is smaller, you actually get more raw hormone (testosterone ) per mg of injection. That means 350mg of prop is roughly equal to 500mg of enanthate ."

    Maybe this is a answer to my own question if its correct
    Last edited by 2fast4u; 09-01-2007 at 05:29 AM.

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