I'm not sure this the right place is talk about my situation, I know there is a gyno forum. But I think my problem is rather specific and believe it will educate others who may have be in a similar situation. I apologize in advance if I did not post in the right place.

First of all I have been working out 3 years, I am around 14% body fat, and I have not done a steroid cycle yet. I am concerned about what is clearly gynecomastia , and i have consulted cosmetic surgeon about it to confirm it. They have told me it is 3500 for the surgery. I feel slight discomfort in my nipples bordering on pain, and I really want to get rid of this gyno as I have become quite self conscious about it. But I also want to take 1 Oral cycle with stanozolol and dianabol . My question is if after the surgery I where to take the cycle, would my predisposition towards gyno possibly cause it to return?? Should I abandon steroid use all together? Or would taking the cycle and using proper pct guarantee that I would be gyno free for life? My assumption is that I shouldnt take the cycle before surgery as it could exacerbate my current condition and possibly make it worse. Can any offer any advice, i'm sure there are others in a similar situation that would benefit from my inquiry. Thank you in advance.