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  1. #1
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    Shot gone bad???

    Okay, here's what happened. I did a shot Tuesday (yesterday) morning before work into my right quad, and it went smooth (no real pain, nothing out of the ordinary, this is my second week by the way), it was Test E. @ 250mg/1cc.

    Later that day, I went to the gym and worked legs, nice pump going, nothing out of the ordinary, and NO weird pain during workout, or post workout either.

    TODAY, I woke up in the morning with severe pain around the shot area, it's stiff, and it hurts to the touch. I can't flex the quad, and I can't even bend it more than half way. There is NO discoloring, it looks just like regular skin color, HOWEVER, it IS PUFFY! It's swelled up to about 1-2 cm BIGGER than my left quad. And you can even tell around the knee, so it's like the whole upper right leg puffed up, and even the KNEE is a little sore.

    SO WHAT WENT WRONG? Can this be an infection? I'm freaking out a little. Can't be the juice, since it's my third shot, with no previous problems. Could I have somehow hit a nerve (even though there was no pain during the shot?)

    PLEASE HELP! I REALLY REALLY do NOT want to have to go to the doctor and explain what happened!!!


  2. #2
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    You might have just irritated the site. I would watch for signs of infection just to be sure. You could have moved the pin inside the muscle and irritated it, or hit a nerve, or shot too quickly. How many times have you shot that certain spot?

    I would think you will be okay, judging from what you said you dont have any obvious infection like symptoms. I would watch it carefully though, and if problems arise, see a doc, your health is more important than being worried about a doctor scolding you.

  3. #3
    BOBBY D's Avatar
    BOBBY D is offline Member
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    interesting? I seriously dont think it had anything to do w/ the shot. I think it was from lifting heavy or excessively on top of the injection site.

    for example this happened to me when i wasn't on a cycle. i went back to the gym to do legs for the first time in 4 months & i worked them like i would normally do for gaining size (heavy squats while drop setting) & i didn't stretch afterwards.

    The next morning i wake up from bed & i couldn't bend my left leg. It took me 3 hours to gain full flexability after putting a series of heating pad treatments every 20 mins on/off.. it was the weirdest & scariest thing, But i think you will be ok.

    I would personally apply heat to it & put some Icy Hot cream to help sooth for the next 4 days or so.


    -bobby d.

  4. #4
    johnny juice is offline Junior Member
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    You probibaly hit a nerve but working a heavy legs the next day probibaly didnt help

  5. #5
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOBBY D
    interesting? I seriously dont think it had anything to do w/ the shot. I think it was from lifting heavy or excessively on top of the injection site.
    ^^^That's what I think too. I always avoid working out the muscle group I use to inject for at least 24 hrs.

  6. #6
    3bd's Avatar
    3bd is offline Anabolic Member
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    Is this your first cycle? Sometimes it takes a while for a virgin muscle to react to the ester before it decides to tell you it doesn't like you anymore! I know I have been that sore several times from test-e, sust, and t500 - flu like fever and symptons included! Keep an eye on it, try not to stress, and you should start to feel some relief in 3 to 4 days, just in time for your next injection! lol! Guess what, it will probably hurt again. But remember, only you can be your own judge in the end, if it gets really bad you need to go see the doc.

  7. #7
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    Thanks for all the help/suggestions guys.

    I'm guess it was just the combination of the juice and working legs really hard the same day. Still no discolouring, and the pain has subsided a little, I still have trouble/pain bending it all the way. The swelling has also decreased quite a bit, starting to look normal again, so thank God no infection.

    I'll keep an eye on it just in case, and keep icing it like I have been doing for the past 2 days, seems to help.

    Thanks again,

  8. #8
    godkilla's Avatar
    godkilla is offline Senior Member
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    first quad injection?

  9. #9
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    Quote Originally Posted by godkilla
    first quad injection?
    No, this was the second injection into my right quad this cycle (one week apart), and I have done cycles in the past years...I'm also wondering if it's possibly built up scar tissue or whatever that also caused a problem, seems fine now, just some minor pains left.

  10. #10
    godkilla's Avatar
    godkilla is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terinox
    No, this was the second injection into my right quad this cycle (one week apart), and I have done cycles in the past years...I'm also wondering if it's possibly built up scar tissue or whatever that also caused a problem, seems fine now, just some minor pains left.
    i was gonna say virgin muscle, but thats out.

  11. #11
    justtrnd40's Avatar
    justtrnd40 is offline Associate Member
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    With all the injection sites you can use I personally wouldn't inject quads the morning that I was going to do legs. Thats just me. Quads seem to be the worst for soreness after injects especially early in a cycle even without working them the same day.

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