11-13% body fat(guess)
back squat:375/320x5
front squat:365/295x5
dead lift:405x5
clean and jerk:310
I want to do a cycle of Deca , test-enenthate and primobolan . I was wondering how i should cycle these and when to use clomid and hcg . Also,afterwards i wanted to bridge the cycle with clenbuterol and then start taking some equipoise and winny. How should i do this and would i need clomid and hcg???? It's been a dream of mine to be a body builder. I have Arnold's encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding and read it every day.He's my idol. I base my work out around his. I want to look just like his body did. Big shest, huge arms, moderate legs and best of all a small waist.I work out like an animal and eat like a dietritian. But Ive come to the point where I'm begining to slow down in progress. So, Ive been studdying and researching about AS and I think ive come up with some good choices. My goal is to eventually be 250lbs of lean muscle naturall. i will continue to use anabolics untill this goal is achieved!!! All Im asking is for a little guidence and support about something that i will eventually become an expert at...hopefully.
