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Thread: sust and prop?

  1. #1
    juiceaholic is offline New Member
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    Question sust and prop?

    ok im 23 5'8 and 175lb ive been lifting for 4yrs now im working on my 3rd cycle a bulking cycle.
    ive got sust and winny and all my pct ready to go but i just came across a good deal for some prop.i have never used prop before would it be wise to throw it in?

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    "throw it in" is a little too general, post your proposed cycle and we will help you tweak it.

  3. #3
    juiceaholic is offline New Member
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    weeks 1-10 sust eod at 300mg per ml
    weeks 7-10 winny ed at 50mg
    and also running Tamox at 20 mg ed
    diet will be 4500 cals a day

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juiceaholic
    weeks 1-10 sust eod at 300mg per ml
    weeks 7-10 winny ed at 50mg
    and also running Tamox at 20 mg ed
    diet will be 4500 cals a day
    how much sust eod, or how much total per week? Whatever dose of sust you are running, you could make the last 2 weeks of your cycle prop instead of sust, I like to shoot prop every day, and then jump straight into pct since you wouldn't have to wait for the test to clear your system.

  5. #5
    juiceaholic is offline New Member
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    300mg of sust eod

    would i get better gains making it the last 2 weeks or running it weeks 1-10??

  6. #6
    Kratos's Avatar
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    That's over a gram of test per week. Too much for a first cycle imo. Run an AI like arimidex cycle long in place of the tamox.

  7. #7
    PEWN's Avatar
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    this thread confuses me...

  8. #8
    juiceaholic is offline New Member
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    would the arimidex affect the gains any more than the tamox

  9. #9
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos
    That's over a gram of test per week. Too much for a first cycle imo. Run an AI like arimidex cycle long in place of the tamox.

  10. #10
    juiceaholic is offline New Member
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    i would understand but this isnt my first cycle im trying to put together my 3rd cycle

  11. #11
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juiceaholic
    i would understand but this isnt my first cycle im trying to put together my 3rd cycle
    I'm on somewhere around my 12th cycle, I lost count, anyway I don't do anywhere near that much test. It's just not needed.

  12. #12
    Kratos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juiceaholic
    i would understand but this isnt my first cycle im trying to put together my 3rd cycle
    Sorry, I didn't read that right, I saw 175 lbs and my brain thought first cycle. I read and type fast and usually doing something else at the same time.

    I still don't see the need for a gram of test, my philosophy is more about genetic potential rather than cycle #. If you do PCT and time off, you shouldn't need to ramp up your doses too much.

    If you want to make this cycle stronger I would look into another compound rather than getting all your gains from the test. You are going to be dissapointed and mabe sick if you keep upping your test dosage every cycle. I would look into mabe some deca .

  13. #13
    juiceaholic is offline New Member
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    i shouldnt have to worrie about deca dick cause of the test?
    how should i rearange this cycle with the deca?

    the only thing that kills me is that deca dick
    i already lost my last wife lol cant afford to loose this one

  14. #14
    juiceaholic is offline New Member
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    or should i just stick with the sust and winny?

  15. #15
    Kratos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juiceaholic
    i shouldnt have to worrie about deca dick cause of the test?
    how should i rearange this cycle with the deca?

    the only thing that kills me is that deca dick
    i already lost my last wife lol cant afford to loose this one
    Well I think doing cycles very heavy in test will be more damaging to your sex drive long term than modest deca. You could use NPP as you are shooting eod for the sust. It will get out of your system quicker for a quicker post cycle recovery. In fact I think you will gain better on NPP as it peaks quicker.

    Get some cabergoline or bromo for use durring cycle and pct. Prolactin is a big factor in deca dick. Get some cialis, makes your dick so hard it hurts.

  16. #16
    juiceaholic is offline New Member
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    i already have the cabergoline

    what do u think about just sticking to the sust and winny

  17. #17
    Kratos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juiceaholic
    i already have the cabergoline

    what do u think about just sticking to the sust and winny
    Sure, I would just lower the test, so you are below 750mg per week

  18. #18
    lanky's Avatar
    lanky is offline Associate Member
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    i dont wanna sound like a dick and im not trying to flame, but does anybody else see anything wrong with this situation?

    ----3rd cycle
    ----a gram of test a week

    maybe you should consider spending the money for the juice on chicken and rice?

  19. #19
    goalseeker's Avatar
    goalseeker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Canada me2,eh..
    ya I agree.. a gram is too much for the third... JMO

  20. #20
    Ir0n's Avatar
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    or a juiced chicken

  21. #21
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lanky
    i dont wanna sound like a dick and im not trying to flame, but does anybody else see anything wrong with this situation?

    ----3rd cycle
    ----a gram of test a week

    maybe you should consider spending the money for the juice on chicken and rice?

    yeah I agree with that!! 3rd cycle, 23 years old,and you only weigh 175 lbs and you want to take over a gram of test/week...sounds like you dont know how to eat!!

  22. #22
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    yeah you need to eat bro.. not to flame you. Id go down to 500mg a week of sust, since you have it. shoot it ed or eod whatever the math is.
    I agree, use an ai instead of tamox, especially if you are going with a ton of test, which you sholdnt

    Decca would add gains, alot more that a sh it ton of test.

    Diet is the most im[portant thing you can do. Its at least 60% of your over all gains imo.

    decca dick is from guys who use decca by itself. it shuts down your natural test and therefore , no libido. I had no problems in that dept stacking decca and test.

  23. #23
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    Upping the test doesnt really lead to more gains bro. Something else is off, most probably diet. I speak from experience as Ive run close to 3g test per week.

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