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  1. #1
    projectsherv is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2002

    help!winny hurts

    I stabbed some winny for my first time in my right bicep yesterday and it hurt pretty bad so i massaged it for like a few seconds and it got better. Today now it hurts like HELL. Feels swolen and bruised and i can barely move my bicep without feeling lots of pain. Did i do something wrong? i do not want to do site injections again if its going to be this painful every time, i could never try to work out better yet pick up something 25 pounds with my right arm at this point. I want to keep doing the site injections but this pain is not worth it at all.

  2. #2
    Aragorn's Avatar
    Aragorn is offline Senior Member
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    What kind of winny is it?


  3. #3
    projectsherv is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2002
    stanol V ttokkyo, i think i realized what i did wrong, first of all i did not take out the bubbles at all, heh, and second i injected it like really fast.

  4. #4
    husun's Avatar
    husun is offline Junior Member
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    I'v recently been reading alot about how site injections can not possibly improve on the site. all they do is maybe stretch the fascia of the muscle and making it swell. imho this isn't worth any pain at all.

  5. #5
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    You feel exactly the way you should. Ain't site injections great. When you see your biceps swell up you will be doing it again.

  6. #6
    ECFATCAT's Avatar
    ECFATCAT is offline Associate Member
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    just drink it that's my .02.......


  7. #7
    djsir007's Avatar
    djsir007 is offline Associate Member
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    I never tried drinking it, but that may be a very good option. I used the TT winny before and when I shot my glutes I could barely walk for 2-3 days. That stuff really really hurt me. I tried halfing the dose and that worked alot, but it still hurt. So try drinking it and let us know your results. Maybe you could do half shot, half drink or drink every other shot. Any way I dont think you did anything wrong. Good Luck

  8. #8
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nov 2001

    much like a dirty slut w/ an oral fixation.....

    suck it up buddy!!! seriuously, much like muscular adaptation, i honestly believe in pain adaptation. in time what feels painful will increase your pain threshold.stab away and you'll be fine.maybe lose to site injects into the bi's.hit shoulders or legs

  9. #9
    projectsherv is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2002
    thanks for the input guys. the swelling is very crucial and i got like at least 1 inch gain on non-flex from it, my bis look huge, haha, but i couldnt lift if my life depended on it. anyways i will try switching between drinking and injecting.

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