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Thread: Hi everyone

  1. #1
    jimtropin69 is offline New Member
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    Hi everyone

    Hi, I just register to the forum cause I want to be able to ask you guys a few question if I have :P

    cause I read alot on this board and let me tell you that we can find anything we wanna know here , I love this forum it help me alot.

    let introduce myself, Im a french canadian from montreal ( so maybe my english isnt so good )

    I start training 2 years ago and I found a new passion, I love it. Im always at the gym , 6 days a week. 1 muscle a day. before I use to do 4 days , but since im at 6 days I see result faster. Its insane.

    Im a small guy , 5'7'' with 175 pounds and 12%bf ( before I start training a was a fatty lol around 180 pound of just fat lol)

    at the beginning 2 years ago , just by doing alot of cardio I went from 180 pound of fat to 150 pound , all that in about 5 month , and I did it naturally.

    last summer I did a bulking cycle, of sustanon only, 500 mg a week split in two injection , the result was really good for me , gain around 25 in a 8 week cycle, good high calories diet and a lot of hours to the gym. during the cycle I had only a few side effect , like headache sometimes. But nothing bad. no gyno at all. My strengh was amazing. And I didnt lost alot of gaim maybe 5 pounds at the end. My pct was Clomid only , big dose first day 300mg, then 100mg for the 1st week and 50mg for the 2nd week. after 2 week I was completely back to the normal . Sperm back let spray them all!! lolll

    I have waited 2 months after the first cycle, Im now on the second week of my second cycle wich consist to 500 mg of sustanon and 400 mg of deca

    deca kicks in last weekend , I feel really good and I can lift now weight I couldnt just tink to lift before lol. I did my tricep yesterday , and before I as able maybe just to lift 80 pounds on the pulley, last weekend I did 180 pounds lol without to feel nothing , maximum on this machine is 210 , I was able to do more but people was starting to look at me too much lol . I will go slowly on this one lol. Use my head.

    I will do clomid only pct but longer , clomid gaves me achnea last time but I found a good trick on this forum wich consist to wash myself with nizoral shampoo , it really works no more acnea.

    I have already my 3rd cycle here . It will be Andropen wich is sustanon + 5 esters. (many here prefer 1 ester like test E ) it probably be my fourth loll. I will add to andropen , deca 400mg, and I have dianabol , but I dont really know wich is the best dose for this one, the only thing I know is to dont go over 4 weeks of it. liver toxic. 30 mg a day will be ok?

    and wich pct should I do for that one?

    Thank alot
    Ps: my goal is to be around 185 pounds after the cutting program , I dont do cycle during cutting.

    Last edited by jimtropin69; 10-08-2007 at 04:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Shawn16 is offline Junior Member
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  3. #3
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    you read a lot? you joined today. all the same guy again.

  4. #4
    jimtropin69 is offline New Member
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    ya I just register, but i was able to read it before to register , I ve almost read the whole forum , When | go on internet this is the first place I come to see if theres anything new. I wanna know all tips and advise from experimented guy.

  5. #5
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    your getting over your head making a cycle too complicated. from the sounds of it you need to simplify

    run just a test e cycle 500mg/w for 12 weeks
    with dbol 40mg/ed w 1-4

    arimidex at .5mg ed to control estrogen and a proper pct. i think you need to do some reading still

  6. #6
    jimtropin69 is offline New Member
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    thnk you amorphic for your anwser,

    the cycle im doing now is

    sus 500mg/wk
    deca 400mg/week

    why it is too complicated..

    If you are talking about my next cycle wich will be , sustanon + 500mg/wk + deca400mg/week +dbol 30mg/day week1-4

    then I will consider your advised

    thank you

  7. #7
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimtropin69
    thnk you amorphic for your anwser,

    the cycle im doing now is

    sus 500mg/wk
    deca 400mg/week

    why it is too complicated..

    If you are talking about my next cycle wich will be , sustanon + 500mg/wk + deca400mg/week +dbol 30mg/day week1-4

    then I will consider your advised

    thank you
    sorry, your present cycle looks fine, what ancillaries do you have on hand to combat estrogen or progesterone sides, and what do you have planned for pct?

  8. #8
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    for your next cycle, up the dbol to 40mg/ed. you might also want to swap the sust for something with a more stable ester, test e would allow you to shoot every 3.5d opposed to eod with the sust.

  9. #9
    jimtropin69 is offline New Member
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    ok good

    I have novaldex in case

    and for my pct , I think I will do clomid only again , but longer like 4 weeks.

    for the first cycle It works real good.

    the only difference in this cycle is the deca

    so I think I will do 300mg first day of clomid + 100 mg the rest of the week

    100mg /day second week
    50mg/day week 3-4

    plus I have tribulus stack , should I use it too?

  10. #10
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    do not use nolvadex with a 19nor such as deca . nolva can increase pgr and allow more metabolites to bind to the pgr receptors, this will actually make gyno worse. you are better off running arimidex at .5mg ed and keeping letro on hand in case. clomid only again is a weak pct for a 19nor compound. i would suggest nolva/hcg /aromasin

    tribulus works for some and not others, i think of it more as a placebo, you could run it if you want though

  11. #11
    jimtropin69 is offline New Member
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    thank you , I will get arimidex as soon as I can , and for the pct I still have time but I have to read more about this , I apreciete your suggest wich is probably a good one, I have to read more about aromasin , I dont know this product.

    what will be the dosage If I choose these three?

    lol thanks alot , it a lot of question and awnser

    youre a nice guy , thanks for the time

  12. #12
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    16,146 this will give you an overview of how aromasin /nolva/hcg works for pct as well as the doseages. you shoud find it very helpful. good luck

  13. #13
    jimtropin69 is offline New Member
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    very interesting!!

    I wanna know something, I went on the Ar-r site and they sell aromasin , but the botlle looks like a spray bottle .. is it for intramuscular injection?

    and what about the

    Vitamin E Complex (Natural Mixed Tocopherols) 1000 I.U. 100 Soft

    is it a good product? it will do the job combined with the hcg ?

    btw its the pct I will do

    Week Nolvadex HCG Aromasin Vitamin E
    1 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
    2 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
    3 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
    4 20mgs/day 20-25mgs/day
    5 20mgs/day 20-25mgs/day
    6 20mgs/day

    and holly**** I didnt know arimidex was that expensive ..

  14. #14
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    the research chems are oral. you spray them in your mouth. hcg is injectable.

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