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  1. #1
    pennguy's Avatar
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    cycling for beginners

    i am very new to all of this steroid talk and I am curious as to what all of you took for your first cycle and what you would suggest for my first cycle. What are the most popular options for growth in mass and strength, with the least amount of body damage and side effects. ive actually paid for laser hair removal and I dont want to start growing hair.


  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    use the search button and type in "beginner cycle"

  3. #3
    pennguy's Avatar
    pennguy is offline New Member
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    thanks. that was great help. im going to do the recommend below. if i can get my hands on some stuff.

    Sample Stack #1

    Weeks 1-10: 500mg Testosterone Enanthate WEEKLY

    Nolvadex on hand in case of gyno.

    Post Cycle Therapy

    Clomid therapy three weeks after last sust350 shot ran
    as follows:

    Day 1 - 300mg
    Day 2-11 - 100mg/day
    Day 12-21 - 50mg/day

  4. #4
    3bd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennguy
    thanks. that was great help. im going to do the recommend below. if i can get my hands on some stuff.

    Sample Stack #1

    Weeks 1-10: 500mg Testosterone Enanthate WEEKLY

    Nolvadex on hand in case of gyno.

    Post Cycle Therapy

    Clomid therapy three weeks after last sust350 shot ran
    as follows:

    Day 1 - 300mg
    Day 2-11 - 100mg/day
    Day 12-21 - 50mg/day
    okay... are you doing test e or sust? i assume test e and the sust is a typo. you might want to consider taking it to 12 weeks since this is a long estered test and takes 2 to 4 weeks to actually start showing effects.

    now go and do more research on when to start pct... yours is wrong and lacking. do some more work here.

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3**
    okay... are you doing test e or sust? i assume test e and the sust is a typo. you might want to consider taking it to 12 weeks since this is a long estered test and takes 2 to 4 weeks to actually start showing effects.

    now go and do more research on when to start pct... yours is wrong and lacking. do some more work here.
    I'm willing to bet he doesn't know the difference between test e and sust, the cycle and pct were cut and pasted into the post.

  6. #6
    3bd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ima******ger
    I'm willing to bet he doesn't know the difference between test e and sust, the cycle and pct were cut and pasted into the post.
    i think you're right.. i was trying to give him the BOD (benefit of the doubt)

  7. #7
    pennguy's Avatar
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    geeze you guys are harsh. i like that you take this so seriously. i guess it is very serious considering your health is at stake. there is no need for ignorance.

    regarding my post. i pasted it from someone's rec and i realize now the sust350 is a mistake, id like to just take the test e followed by the clomid post cycle, directly after the 10-12 week test e cycle.

  8. #8
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    test e would be a good first cycle as posted, research pct a little more, as well as pct start times.

  9. #9
    pennguy's Avatar
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    i also found this cycle and post cycle also. comments were postive, except for the front loading.

    Proposed cycle
    12 weeks of Test Enth. May bump up to 15 weeks depending on how I feel at around the 12 week mark. Considering going 400mg /week. L-dex onhand if needed during cycle.

    Week 1
    1000mg frontload Test Enth
    Week 2-12
    500mg /week Test Enth

    Begins 2 weeks after my last shot. Lasts for 6 weeks.

    Week 1 - 20mgs/ed Nolva + 20mgs/ed L-Dex + 100mg Clomid/ed
    Week 2 - 20mgs/ed Nolva + 20mgs/ed L-Dex + 100mg Clomid/ed
    Week 3 - 20mgs/ed Nolva + 20mgs/ed L-Dex + 50mg Clomid/ed
    Week 4 - 20mgs/ed Nolva + 20mgs/ed L-Dex + 50mg Clomid/ed
    Week 5 - 20mgs/ed Nolva + 20mgs/ed L-Dex + 50mg Clomid/ed
    Week 6 - 20mgs/ed Nolva

  10. #10
    freakon is offline Associate Member
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    another mild steroid is EQUIPOISE .

  11. #11
    Ni6tO_'s Avatar
    Ni6tO_ is offline New Member
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    that might help:

    Week 1 to 10: 500mg of test weekly
    wk 13 - 40mg nolva+ 100mg clomid daily
    wk 14 - 30mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
    wk 15 - 20mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily

    So for the first 10 weeks you will inject 500mg a week,
    you could split it into two inections of 250mg if you like.
    After your last injection you need to wait 14 days for the
    test to clear your system then you can start your post cycle
    therapy (PCT) to regain your testicular function and keep your gains.
    The nolvadex and clomid will do this.

    So week 13 will be 40mg of nolvadex(4tabs) and 100mg of clomid(2tabs) daily.
    Week 14 will be 30mg of nolvadex(3tabs) and 50mg of clomid(1tab) daily.
    Week 15 will be 20mg of nolvadex(2tabs) and 50mg of clomid(1tab) daily.

    **Post cycle is serious, you can’t slack off on this or your natural
    test levels will take weeks or months to come back to normal
    and in that time you will lose all the gains you made while on your cycle.

  12. #12
    NOZ's Avatar
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    why are you copying and posting other ppls cycles!?
    Why dont you do sum proper research, then put your OWN cycle togther and post it here for a critique?

  13. #13
    andryc's Avatar
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    my first cycle.18 yers.easy cycle.

    wk 1-400mg deca inject
    wk 2-200mg deca inject+30mg stanabol (stanazalol)
    wk 3-200mg deca inject+30mg st..
    wk 4-200mg deca inject+30mg st...
    wk 5-200mg deca inject+30mg st...+tribulus 3caps/ed
    wk 6-200mg deca inject+30mg st..+tribulus 3caps/ed
    wk 7-200mg deca inject+30mg st..+tribulus 3caps/ed
    wk 8-9 tribulus 3 caps/ed

  14. #14
    Booz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andryc
    my first cycle.18 yers.easy cycle.

    wk 1-400mg deca inject
    wk 2-200mg deca inject+30mg stanabol (stanazalol)
    wk 3-200mg deca inject+30mg st..
    wk 4-200mg deca inject+30mg st...
    wk 5-200mg deca inject+30mg st...+tribulus 3caps/ed
    wk 6-200mg deca inject+30mg st..+tribulus 3caps/ed
    wk 7-200mg deca inject+30mg st..+tribulus 3caps/ed
    wk 8-9 tribulus 3 caps/ed
    not a great choice at all there mate........................

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  15. #15
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Quote Originally Posted by andryc
    my first cycle.18 yers.easy cycle.

    wk 1-400mg deca inject
    wk 2-200mg deca inject+30mg stanabol (stanazalol)
    wk 3-200mg deca inject+30mg st..
    wk 4-200mg deca inject+30mg st...
    wk 5-200mg deca inject+30mg st...+tribulus 3caps/ed
    wk 6-200mg deca inject+30mg st..+tribulus 3caps/ed
    wk 7-200mg deca inject+30mg st..+tribulus 3caps/ed
    wk 8-9 tribulus 3 caps/ed
    ^^^ Stupid cycle...Stay away from this.

  16. #16
    andryc's Avatar
    andryc is offline New Member
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    Why stupid?

  17. #17
    sitries is offline Associate Member
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    that cycle is awefull mate. stop cut and pasting info from other ppls threads and do your own research. you clearly have no knowledge about steroids and therefore shouldnt go near them!

  18. #18
    pennguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ni6tO_
    that might help:

    Week 1 to 10: 500mg of test weekly
    wk 13 - 40mg nolva+ 100mg clomid daily
    wk 14 - 30mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
    wk 15 - 20mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily

    So for the first 10 weeks you will inject 500mg a week,
    you could split it into two inections of 250mg if you like.
    After your last injection you need to wait 14 days for the
    test to clear your system then you can start your post cycle
    therapy (PCT) to regain your testicular function and keep your gains.
    The nolvadex and clomid will do this.

    So week 13 will be 40mg of nolvadex(4tabs) and 100mg of clomid(2tabs) daily.
    Week 14 will be 30mg of nolvadex(3tabs) and 50mg of clomid(1tab) daily.
    Week 15 will be 20mg of nolvadex(2tabs) and 50mg of clomid(1tab) daily.

    **Post cycle is serious, you can’t slack off on this or your natural
    test levels will take weeks or months to come back to normal
    and in that time you will lose all the gains you made while on your cycle.

    thanks for the suggestions. ive attached a pic of my body so you can see what shape im in now.

    26 yo
    14% bf
    currently bench 165lbs x 10
    squat 165lbs x 10 (bad lower back)
    curl 50lbs x 10

  19. #19
    Kratos's Avatar
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    wrong thread, I'm an idiot

  20. #20
    pennguy's Avatar
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    im not a sprinter, unless that means something besides the track sport. i have been working out for about 8 years now and have recently started taking it more seriously due to lack of change in both my body and strength. When I started working out I could barely lift 95lbs on bench. Im still not lifting alot, but ive taken big steps to get where I am. I don't have muscle building genetics on my side.

  21. #21
    Atomini's Avatar
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    I think this is a very bad decision.

    That is all.

  22. #22
    Kratos's Avatar
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    the sad truth is you just don't need steroids , you need to eat some food and hit the gym. But if you are going to do it anyway what nitro posted is fine.

  23. #23
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos
    the sad truth is you just don't need steroids, you need to eat some food and hit the gym. But if you are going to do it anyway what nitro posted is fine.

    You really should wait to run anabolics, bro. Get to know protein a little more and spend time eating a lot of it everyday.

  24. #24
    pennguy's Avatar
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    why is this a bad decision?

    I know I still need to do some more research, but I think with my motivation and body type a cycle would work well.

    I currently go to the gym 5-6 times a week. Im lifting atleast 3xs a week, and I know I should be doing that more, but I teach spinning and bootcamp classes and when I do those workouts its hard for me to lift. I know, it should be no excuse. I need to be lifting 6xs a week. I started arnold's phase one plan, doing 3 workouts twice a week, but ive basically only been able to do each workout once.

    regarding my diet. i eat 2 eggs, 1/3 lbs of turkey, two slices of bread and milk for breakfast, 1/2 lb turkey sandwich and cottage cheese with milk for lunch, protein shake and almonds for snack, 3/4 lbs of chicken 2 med yams, milk, and small green salad for dinner. I think the total protein count is 260 grams, maybe more like 300 grams.

  25. #25
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennguy
    why is this a bad decision?

    I know I still need to do some more research, but I think with my motivation and body type a cycle would work well.

    I currently go to the gym 5-6 times a week. Im lifting atleast 3xs a week, and I know I should be doing that more, but I teach spinning and bootcamp classes and when I do those workouts its hard for me to lift. I know, it should be no excuse. I need to be lifting 6xs a week. I started arnold's phase one plan, doing 3 workouts twice a week, but ive basically only been able to do each workout once.

    regarding my diet. i eat 2 eggs, 1/3 lbs of turkey, two slices of bread and milk for breakfast, 1/2 lb turkey sandwich and cottage cheese with milk for lunch, protein shake and almonds for snack, 3/4 lbs of chicken 2 med yams, milk, and small green salad for dinner. I think the total protein count is 260 grams, maybe more like 300 grams.
    Bro, not to flame, but you could add 40lbs of muscle natty to your frame. You need to eat a hell of a lot more and you're all wrong about training. You dont grow in the gym. Training 3-4 days per week is more than enough to add mass. I think you could stand to do some real research here.

  26. #26
    Atomini's Avatar
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    If anyone is in the gym 5 or 6 times per week doing weight training, they don't know what they are doing and are not ready for AAS. I train 4 times a week in the gym, and I spend only 30 minutes each session, and I was 200 lbs. at 14% bodyfat before using steroids . Time spent in the gym does not equate the results you get in return.

    One must really learn this before turning to steroids.

  27. #27
    IXISiDiuSIXI's Avatar
    IXISiDiuSIXI is offline Associate Member
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    Ok from what I see here you are probably going to get scammed. Probably already have people offering you fake gear. So goodluck with even getting legit gear. I say hold off awhile, learn more, try some different things in the gym as far as gaining weight. Try some other things than "spinning classes." Go for mass. Lay off the cardio for a bit. Just do light cardio and try that.

    Edit on the above comment....I have to agree,...6 times a week is way too much. 4 days a week..maybe 5 depending on how you split your workouts up, 30-45 minutes. Goodluck

  28. #28
    pennguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini
    If anyone is in the gym 5 or 6 times per week doing weight training, they don't know what they are doing and are not ready for AAS. I train 4 times a week in the gym, and I spend only 30 minutes each session, and I was 200 lbs. at 14% bodyfat before using steroids . Time spent in the gym does not equate the results you get in return.

    One must really learn this before turning to steroids.
    I think it would help if you were more suggestive as opposed to just critical. everyone has to start somewhere and has to learn somehow. I think there is plenty I am doing wrong with my workouts, but I am trying to get better and I am doing my research. I also dont think i have the ability to put on muscle like some others.

  29. #29
    pennguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IXISiDiuSIXI
    Ok from what I see here you are probably going to get scammed. Probably already have people offering you fake gear. So goodluck with even getting legit gear. I say hold off awhile, learn more, try some different things in the gym as far as gaining weight. Try some other things than "spinning classes." Go for mass. Lay off the cardio for a bit. Just do light cardio and try that.
    I teach spin classes to supplement my income and i only do it twice a week. still, i understand its probably too much cardio. no scams yet. everyone has been quite legit and ive got some good feedback.

  30. #30
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennguy
    I think it would help if you were more suggestive as opposed to just critical. everyone has to start somewhere and has to learn somehow. I think there is plenty I am doing wrong with my workouts, but I am trying to get better and I am doing my research. I also dont think i have the ability to put on muscle like some others.
    It all starts with food, bro. I dont buy the "hardgainer" bit. Hardgainer = not enough food.

  31. #31
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennguy
    I think it would help if you were more suggestive as opposed to just critical. everyone has to start somewhere and has to learn somehow. I think there is plenty I am doing wrong with my workouts, but I am trying to get better and I am doing my research. I also dont think i have the ability to put on muscle like some others.
    What you typed up right there is the answer to your own question.

    That is why you need to stay away from AAS for at LEAST another 25 lbs. Steroids are only icing on the cake, and if you have no cake then you will lose everything. If you can't make and keep gains naturally, then you most definitely will not make and keep them with steroids. If you DO make any gains while on cycle, you will just lose them when you come off due to any of the following or a combination of all: poor training, poor diet, poor rest, poor supplementation.

    If you aren't doing anything right or are currently making mistakes that you can improve, of course you are going to think you don't have the ability to put on muscle, because you haven't even seen your potential yet! When I started training at 15 years old, I didn't know wtf I was doing and I gave up after a few months of training because I wasn't seeing any results and I told myself "FVCK THIS, I DONT HAVE THE GENETICS!". Then I came back to the weights once again about a year later and FINALLY did everything properly, and you know what? I discovered I have quite above average genetics! You never know and will never see what your potential is until you open the door! And you can't open the door without first using the key to unlock it! The key is doing everything properly.

    Take this time to fix up any mistakes you may have in your training and diet before even thinking about steroids. Steroids are NOT shortcuts and will not work as such if you treat them in such ways.

    If you can't master the basics, you won't do any good with steroids. So post a full list of your diet in complete detail with macro ratios and everything as well as detailed info about your training and we can critique for you to fix things.

  32. #32
    pennguy's Avatar
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    ehh. i listed my diet above. apparently i should eat more. im going to eat right now.

    i think the hardgainer bit is very much a reality for some people. everyone's body developes differently.

  33. #33
    IXISiDiuSIXI's Avatar
    IXISiDiuSIXI is offline Associate Member
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    I am a hard gainer. Check out one of my old threads dude. It may help you and motivate you. I see myself when I see this thread. All the talk above about gaining weight and losing it all unless you get to your genetic potential first is not true. For some it is EXTREMELY hard to gain weight naturally. All these people that say it isn't. They don't have the same metabolism. Anyone that wants to argue with me about that be my guest. You can read the thread below too. If your certain you want to do gear then do it, it sounds like you already have your mind set. Just make sure you keep up with the same work routine when you get off the gear.
    Last edited by IXISiDiuSIXI; 10-20-2007 at 04:36 PM.

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