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  1. #1
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Sustaplex 325: Injection Soreness/Redness and Pain

    Hey fellas,

    One of my bros is currently taking sustaplex 325, pretty much the same thing as andropen 275. He's not a member on any forums so I figured I pose this question for him:

    He just started his cycle and from what I understand he is getty very sore from the injects and the injection site gets red and hot to the touch for 3-5 days after the shot however he has not had a fever. Soreness/redness go away after 3-5 days.

    I believe he's only on week two and this is his first cycle. Is there a possibility of infection going on here or is it just b/c he has virgin muscles?

    Has anyone had a similar experience with this compound?

    Feedback is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Stock's Avatar
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    Probably high BA content. I have never experienced this, but I have heard of such symptoms due to this. Good luck.

  3. #3
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anaboxa34
    Hey fellas,

    One of my bros is currently taking sustaplex 325, pretty much the same thing as andropen 275. He's not a member on any forums so I figured I pose this question for him:

    He just started his cycle and from what I understand he is getty very sore from the injects and the injection site gets red and hot to the touch for 3-5 days after the shot however he has not had a fever. Soreness/redness go away after 3-5 days.

    I believe he's only on week two and this is his first cycle. Is there a possibility of infection going on here or is it just b/c he has virgin muscles?

    Has anyone had a similar experience with this compound?

    Feedback is appreciated.
    i know a couple of guys who have had the same thing with suss/test blend just i reaction to the gear i would think.

    tell him to keep an eye on it tho.

  4. #4
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Thx for the input fellas,

    I told him to keep an eye on it and if he comes down with a fever then to see the doc.

    I've also heard andropen causes a great deal of soreness several days after the injection so I'm thinking there's not too much to worry about.

  5. #5
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anaboxa34
    Thx for the input fellas,

    I told him to keep an eye on it and if he comes down with a fever then to see the doc.

    I've also heard andropen causes a great deal of soreness several days after the injection so I'm thinking there's not too much to worry about.
    yep i just started a sust cycle today (paki oragon)had shot this morning and it hurts already 8 hours later .

    i like the pain tho

  6. #6
    elwrestler03 is offline New Member
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    I just started winny and Ihave the same thing it doesnt hurt until the next day though. I dont know what its from but it sucks.

  7. #7
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
    Anaboxa34 is offline Associate Member
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    Do youi have redness and warmth from the site or is it just pain?

  8. #8
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anaboxa34
    Do youi have redness and warmth from the site or is it just pain?
    just pain for me bro,as i said tho i have seen some guys with redness and swelling,cleared up after a few days .

  9. #9
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Thread Follow Up

    First I'd like to say thanks to all those that helped out with this thread and I wanted to let you guys know how things panned out with this problem.

    After I got some feedback from people I went over to see my bro. The injection site on his leg was very very red and very hot to the touch. He also claimed that he was very sore. It had swelled up and the spot on his leg was about the diameter of a small basketball. I thought for sure it was infected and I encouraged him to go to the er. He told me he felt fine and wanted to give it another day or two so I made him take his temperature in front of me and he had no fever.

    We drew a cirlce around the red spot in pen so he could tell if this was getting better or worse.

    The next night I saw him the swelling had gone significantly and it was not as red as the day before, still no fever.

    The following day the redness and swelling was completely gone. And he claimed there was almost no soreness in the site.

    I thought this was very odd and just wanted to let you guys know in case someone encounters a similar situation when dealing with sustaplex 325 or andropen 275 which is essentially the same thing.

    thx again to those that contributed and helped with this problem.


  10. #10
    pumped_33 is offline New Member
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    Im Very Sensitive To The Propinate In The Sustanon And I Get Red And Swollen Injection Sites So That Could Be An Issue Also.

  11. #11
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Yea I suspect it was the shorter esters that were causing this, but the size and redness of the injection site were alarming.

  12. #12
    wayne69 is offline Associate Member
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    i never had any type of pain from andropen 275, Prop on the other was a totally different story...WOW that shit hurts, but its defiantly worth the pain!

  13. #13
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    ^^^ to the top

  14. #14
    lil-SLIM is offline Member
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    I started sustaplex 325 last week and have felt absolutely no pain this is my second cycle last time I used test e and it hurt a lil at first

    how many cycles has he done

    could be a sanitation issue

  15. #15
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Has done 0 cycles in the past.

    The the whole issue only lasted for the first week or two.

    I was told he did proper prep but there's really no way i can know for sure.

  16. #16
    buffgator's Avatar
    buffgator is offline king of mass
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    I have gone through several bottles of sustaplex. Never had any problems. I dont like it though, feel that its underdosed. To bad I still have like 6 bottles of it.

  17. #17
    lil-SLIM is offline Member
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    well the first time you start injecting it hurts and is sore this is called "virgin muscle syndrom" or somthing like that

    when hes injecting he must be sanitary he should follow these steps...

    1) wipe down top of vial with cotton swab dipped in rubbing alchohol
    2) pull out substance with an 1'1/2 inch needle
    3) transfer substance from 1'1/2 needle to 1' inch needle
    4) use cotton swab with rubbing alchohol on the spot your gonna inject
    5) inject slowly=less swore
    6) dip another cotton swab with alchohol and rub injection spot

    you should also be careful not to touch the tip of the needle to anything before injecting and inject in a clean room

  18. #18
    ESSEXY is offline New Member
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    Hey guys, I know this is an old thread but I took my first dose of Sust Monday night and holy shit was I sore. I had all of the same symptoms as Anabox's friend with major swelling, redness, heat, and the sorest leg I have ever experienced. I was concerned at first but then did some research on a couple of forums, like this thread, and see the 3-5 day recovery for some people. I am definitely one of those people lol. tonight will be 4 days since pinning and I am still sore and swelled, but it is getting better.

    I totally understand the "virgin muscle" theory, so it does get less painful? Also, what are your guy's thoughts on splitting the dose between both legs? I am taking 1cc a week so does it make sense to do 1/2cc in one leg and the other half in the other leg? My thought would be it spreads the gear out and is possibly less painful.... Thoughts? Thanks guys!

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