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  1. #1
    bzsokim is offline New Member
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    First Cycle Test. Prop/Winny Orals

    I am 29 6'2" 193lbs approx. 15% BF been working out for aboout 2 yrs., looking for a cycle to produce lean gains. Only looking for about 7-10lbs. and want to cut up. Been doing research for about 6 months now and it seems that Test. Prop and Winny Orals would be a good combo for this. The test 100 - 200 ew will help out the libido and muscle gains and the orals 15-25 ed for cutting. Any advice for me would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you
    First timer.

  2. #2
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    not the best cycle you could go with.

    try cutting bf down to around 12% natty before running you cycle,lots of cadio and a super clean diet wont take too long.

    and @ 6,2 198lbs i think you could gain more natty

  3. #3
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Dose is too low even for a first cycle, I doubt you'll see much. Also, I wouldnt expect to gain and get cut at the same time. Its like looking 2 ways at once. Gaining 7-10 pounds of lbm and cutting fat would be a dream for anyone.

    Id do this:
    1-12: Test E @ 500 mg/ew
    10-14: winny @ 50 mg/ed

    What about your pct? Do you have one?

  4. #4
    bzsokim is offline New Member
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    I was going to take the Winny solo, but then I read alot of guys stating the sex drive was gone and that the test would help that. As for PCT, I was thinking clomid for 2 weeks. I am open for all and any advice. I also do 30 minutes a week of running, along with interval sprints twice a week. I have tried to switch up diet and routines throught the last 6 months, and still seems that I have reached a plateau.Thanks for the help

  5. #5
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Quote Originally Posted by bzsokim
    I was going to take the Winny solo, but then I read alot of guys stating the sex drive was gone and that the test would help that. As for PCT, I was thinking clomid for 2 weeks. I am open for all and any advice. I also do 30 minutes a week of running, along with interval sprints twice a week. I have tried to switch up diet and routines throught the last 6 months, and still seems that I have reached a plateau.Thanks for the help
    You have not reached a plateau, you just dont have the tools.

    Please list your daily diet w/ macros (protein, calorie totals, fats, carbs).

    Your cardio could most likely increase if you want to cut up.

    Last, your pct is weak for an injectable cycle, you could really stand to stick around here and read up on everything you can.

  6. #6
    bzsokim is offline New Member
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    Cool that's why I am here to get the tools.
    Typical Daily diet:
    meal 1: 4-8 egg whites with whole wheat organic toast 2 slices
    meal 2: optimum whey protien shake 1 scoop with an apple
    meal 3: 8-10oz chkn breast with 1 cup whole grain rice
    meal 4: double scoop whey protien w/banana
    meal 5: Either 12-14oz strip steak with yams
    meal 6: couple slices of toast and peanut butter

    I substitute turkey and pasta in also to keep it tastey so to speak.
    Thanks for advice.

  7. #7
    bzsokim is offline New Member
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    In regards to the cardio I read a lot of info that too much may burn away any and all gains so I tried to not go for too much.

  8. #8
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Quote Originally Posted by bzsokim
    Cool that's why I am here to get the tools.
    Typical Daily diet:
    meal 1: 4-8 egg whites with whole wheat organic toast 2 slices
    meal 2: optimum whey protien shake 1 scoop with an apple
    meal 3: 8-10oz chkn breast with 1 cup whole grain rice
    meal 4: double scoop whey protien w/banana
    meal 5: Either 12-14oz strip steak with yams
    meal 6: couple slices of toast and peanut butter

    I substitute turkey and pasta in also to keep it tastey so to speak.
    Thanks for advice.
    ^^^The diet is where your problems are. Check out the diet forums and read all the stickies. After you've "fixed" your diet, post it up and we'll take another look.

  9. #9
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
    ^^^The diet is where your problems are. Check out the diet forums and read all the stickies. After you've "fixed" your diet, post it up and we'll take another look.
    Agreed... serious problems with the diet. Bread before bed? Serious no-no. Among other problems.

    There is a point at which diet becomes relatively ineffective to losing bodyfat... you need to include cardio as well.

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