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  1. #1
    amature225 is offline Associate Member
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    Dose it up VS. Settle Down

    More is not always better.. I seem to hear there everywhere. Given that, can I please get some input on the info below?

    185lb 6'2'' almost 30 yrs old, 3 cycles under belt (10wk or 12wk short cycles), (started at 156 4 years ago. Now I can maintain my weight at 185 but can not increase it from this point) Lost 10 pounds earlier this year that I was never able to get back due to an illness. Worked on Diet for a while and now that it has been in check for 6 months I want to get going again (ready to start TODAY actually) (this post in not in Diet forum, so I would rather keep this post about gear.. not diet)

    This 16 week cycle was RECOMMENDED to me, but looks like overkill for a guy my size:
    wk 1-16 800mg Test Cyp
    wk 1-14 600mg EQ
    wk 1-10 500mg Tren E
    wk 1-6 40mg Dbol ED

    I was thinking this might be more suitable (Bold indicates changes):
    wk 1-16 600mg Test Cyp
    wk 1-14 500mg EQ
    wk 1-10 450mg Tren E
    wk 1-4 40mg Dbol ED

    .5mg L-dex EOD (no gyno problems in the past)
    and follow Anthony Robers PCT

    Cycle history:
    1) 500mg Test E + 300mg Deca (ok gains, but a lot of bloat)
    2) 600mg Test C + 350mg Tren A (very little gains, but good quality).

    I am adding EQ this time because some people do experience good appetite increase (but I know.. not everybody).

  2. #2
    amature225 is offline Associate Member
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  3. #3
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    well, either will work, it's a heavy cycle no matter what..

    you could drop the dbol to 4 weeks, or all together..

    when taking tren you will need to watch out for prolactin levels

    but since you already have 3 cycles worth of experience, only you can say what works for you..

    I respond well to test var.. very well, many don't..

    what would be your expected gains from a cycle??
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  4. #4
    amature225 is offline Associate Member
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    Expected gains would be about 12-18 pounds Lean muscle, with hopefully minimum bloat. I try very hard not to loose my gains obviously.

    What are the pro's / con's of taking the Dbol ?

  5. #5
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    then no.. dbol will make you bloat, it's suppose to be used in the beginning of a cycle so that you are "feeling" something before the test sets in..

    I would just do the


    have you used tren before?? i have not but we have different goals..
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    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
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  6. #6
    graeme87 is offline Member
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    Taking the tren from 500mg to 450mg isn't going to make a difference other than it will be more difficult to measure so I’d leave it at 500mg.

    Since being lean is a concern maybe you should coincided running the tren weeks 5-14 to take advantage of its fat burning effects, that way you can allow yourself to bloat up a little on the first 4 weeks on the dbol and still finish your cycle looking dry.

    As far as the pros and cons of taking dbol go it comes down to:
    pros you will get strength and size gains fast at the start of the cycle before the other compounds kick in. also a general good feeling of wellbeing
    cons: water bloat (it’s not as bad as many make it out to be, some people have even use dbol in a cutter although I don’t recommend it. if you have a decent anti estrogen which I recommend on this cycle) it should keep water bloat to a minimum.

    Personally I love dbol and would keep it in there. If you decide to take it out you could always front load the test so it kicks in sooner. Front loading takes away the need for a “kick start” like dbol.

    If you are only using EQ for appetite stimulation you could even drop it to 400mg or replace it with some B12.
    However I think EQ is a nice addition to that cycle so I would keep it in there at either 500mg or 600mg

    I think the main one you should drop is the test. 800mg is on the high side so 600mg is good or even 500mg will do.

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