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  1. #1
    Terinox's Avatar
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    Follow-Up On Knee Injury Pre Cycle (EXP. PLZ Read)

    Alright, a while ago I mentioned I was having knee pains in my right knee when I put pressure on it. You guys suggested I see a doctor before doing my cycle.

    I went and saw my family doctor, and he took about 4 x-rays of my knee. He checked them out and told me that my knee looks fine. He said his "opinion" is that it's an inflamation of the knee. He prescribed me a drug called "Naprosyn E 500mg" From what the pharmacist told me, it's BOTH a pain killer AND an anti-inflamation drug.

    Now I don't know too much about medicine and all. First of all, how did this inflammation happen in the first place? The doctor told me it's from the lifting of the weights (most likely). However, I never workout my legs that hard to begin with. Second of all, what is this drug he has prescribed me, have any of you been on it before???

    He ONLY gave me 20 caps, it says "TAKE 1 TABLET(S) TWICE DAILY WITH FOOD" I will be starting these pills TONIGHT.

    Now the MAIN thing is THIS...The doctor told me I CAN STILL continue to workout like normal, but, he didn't say anything else, and i DID NOT ask him anything about taking steroids . Now what I need to know, is it okay to take steroids (Test Enanthate ) while i'm taking these painkillers/anti-flam pills??? I really don't want to risk it. And these pills I only have to take for 10 days, and then the doctor said my knee should be all better.

    Should I postbone my cycle once again, by another week and see what happens???

    Sorry for the length of the post, but I really need some help on this one, especially some input from TNT and fellow vets/mods would be appreciated.

    Thnx a lot

  2. #2
    Aragorn's Avatar
    Aragorn is offline Senior Member
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    You shouldn't have a problem with taking Naprosyn while you're on your cycle. If you are at all worried about it then don't. It's only 10 days you have to wait so it's all up to you bro. Good luck with you upcoming cycle and keep that knee healthy for the squat rack.


  3. #3
    inertia's Avatar
    inertia is offline Associate Member
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    doesnt naporsyn=aleve? not naposim,plz correct me if im wrong.

  4. #4
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    Originally posted by inertia
    doesnt naporsyn=aleve? not naposim,plz correct me if im wrong.
    I don't know if Naprosyn = Aleve. Naprosyn is another name I believe for Naproxen. It's a painkiller slash anti-inflammation pill. No, def. NOT Naposim, i'm not talking about the steroid .

  5. #5
    Terinox's Avatar
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  6. #6
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    Red triangel?

  7. #7
    tichel's Avatar
    tichel is offline Female Member
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    Naprosyn (naproxen) is an NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug). It relieves pain, reduces fever and reduces swelling. It's like a really strong Aleve. The most common side effects are dizziness, drowsiness, constipation, nausea and stomach irritation, so I would not suggest working out after taking it. The half life is 10-20 hr, (amount of time it takes for half the drug to be excreted from the body). You should also drink a full glass of water or take it with food, because it can cause stomach irritation. Partial arthritic relief is usually seen in 2 weeks, that's probably why you doctor ordered it for 10 days.
    As far as your cycle, it should not interefere with it, however, if you prefer to wait that's fine too. Oh yeah and the "E" means delayed-release, so it works throughout the day.

  8. #8
    McBain is offline Member
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    I would hold off on the cycle bro. Old injuries I had were more noticable when I started my cycle just because strength of muscles goes up but the tendons and ligaments can't keep takes them longer to catch up. So any weak points you have _may_ be more apparent. I would really recommend holding off. That and the fact that the drug you are taking will mask the pain. If you are working out you WANT to know what is going on with your body otherwise you risk injuring yourself big time without any warning because the "warning pain" your body normally gives you is masked. At least this is my take. I'd get an MRI if I was you. x-rays are crap, that just means that the bones in your knees are fine. Push for an MRI! Exaggerate the pain if you have to bro! They are expensive so you HAVE to advocate for yourself. It's your health though bro and you are only given two knees. Knees are not the most fun things to blow as I'm sure you can imagine.

    I'd hold off the cycle until you figure out exactly what is going on. The doc you dealt with seems like he was just shrugging you off. Go back at him. Tell him you tried the drugs and they didn't help much. Tell him you want an MRI. If he refuses go see another doctor until you get satisfaction. You have to fight hard for your health bro, because if you don't show the doctors that you care a lot about your health they won' me.

  9. #9
    Terinox's Avatar
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    Originally posted by palme
    Red triangel?
    I don't get it. What does this mean???

  10. #10
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    Thnx for the response, tichel and McBain.

    In terms of NOT working out while i'm on the drug, the doctor said I can, and it should be okay. I'm just not gonna workout legs (calfs maybe).

    An MRI? Up here in Canada health care is free, but i'm not sure about MRI, all I know is that i've heard there are LONG waiting lists for this stuff!!! Plus, how do I know if the drug will not work? I'm only on the second day! If it DOES NOT work, then I will go back to the doctor. The doctor HIMSELF said come back in 10 days if the pain is still there. He might even suggest an MRI then!

    I'm hoping that the pills will make it all better, i'm only 20 years old, and I have done NOTHING major that I can remembe to INJURE my knee so badly. I think it is just a bruise/swelling.

    We will find out, thnx for the feedback, I will update you all in 9 days or so.

    I will continue to workout, but I will postpone my cycle by about a week.

  11. #11
    McBain is offline Member
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    One thing I might recommend is DMSO around the knee area just make sure you knee is very clean prior to application and don't allow anything to touch the area after you have applied the DMSO until it is completely dry. That helped a lot with my wrist. Don't apply too much though otherwise you'll get itchy and your skin will get red. Also alternate ice and heat on it. That's the most powerful thing you can do. This will increase bloodflow to the area, help reduce inflammation and by increasing bloodflow to the area you allow for a quicker recovery period.

    I again would advise you against working out while on those drugs. You will be at a higher risk for injury because you won't have the warning signs like I already said. If you must workout at least keep the intensity moderately low. I mean 10 days isn't going to kill you to take it a little easy, and in those 10 days all it takes is one set to go wrong and boom you could be sidelined for a year. I never take any pain meds (even OTC) prior to workouts because of this reason.

    Also Flexall is really good, get it in liquid form, it's like icy hot only better.

  12. #12
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    Originally posted by McBain
    One thing I might recommend is DMSO around the knee area just make sure you knee is very clean prior to application and don't allow anything to touch the area after you have applied the DMSO until it is completely dry. That helped a lot with my wrist. Don't apply too much though otherwise you'll get itchy and your skin will get red. Also alternate ice and heat on it. That's the most powerful thing you can do. This will increase bloodflow to the area, help reduce inflammation and by increasing bloodflow to the area you allow for a quicker recovery period.

    I again would advise you against working out while on those drugs. You will be at a higher risk for injury because you won't have the warning signs like I already said. If you must workout at least keep the intensity moderately low. I mean 10 days isn't going to kill you to take it a little easy, and in those 10 days all it takes is one set to go wrong and boom you could be sidelined for a year. I never take any pain meds (even OTC) prior to workouts because of this reason.

    Also Flexall is really good, get it in liquid form, it's like icy hot only better.
    Thnx again for the help and advice bro.

    I will follow your suggestion on the ice/heat thing. It sounds like a good idea, getting the blood flow and all.

    In terms of my workout, I will take it slow, nice and light. I was away from the gym for about two weeks recenetly and i've just gotten back onto track, so it would be a shame to have to take another break. But like you said, I will be extra cautious, and will not overdo my training.

    Thnx again, the help is MUCH appreciated.

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