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  1. #1
    lankyone13 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2007

    Newbie needin some advice! PLZ READ!

    Ok... I posted a thread earlier about my Deca and apparently i dont know wat i'm doin so please help.. I'm 6'1" 185 pounds and i'll be 20 soon.. Gaining muscle is very hard for me, I got so down about it I went to my doc and he said I was an ectomorph or something like that and i'd never be much bigger than i am.. I should let it be known that my goal isn't to look like a Defensive End but more cut like a Safety (sorry I'm an athlete and thats all I can think of to compare) MY PROBLEM IS THIS.. All I have is 10ml Nandrolone Decanoate 300 mg/mL.. I also have a half vial (10 mL) of NandroTest 450 which in my earlier thread was told was not enough to mess with.. Also the deca di** never effected me in my first cycle and i've had no problems in the bedroom.. I am a hard worker and I lift hard, I weighed 170 before i started my first deca cycle so it must work at least a little.. but my gains were mostly back, chest, and shoulder.. I have EXTREMELY long arms and thin forearms which is my curse.. I'm bout to start my second cycle this month and I have no sources to talk to so you guys are my only hope.. PLZ HELP!!!

  2. #2
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    eat, eat, and eat..I guarantee youre not eating enough

    Read this and start eating like it

    UNoffical "How to Bulk" thread and sample diet...

    If you cant gain naturally without steroids , you wont get anything keepable from them either and you'll just be wasting time and is everything

  3. #3
    sphincter is offline Member
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    Sep 2007
    +1 bro. You got to eat so much more than you think you can or should and then you'll start gaining weight. once you get that part down, you'll make great gains with the work ethic you say you have. just keep at it, eat all day (every 1.5-2.5 hours) and IFyou just can't gain weight, add in more carbs and protein, make them a little more simple and even up your fat.. hell, eat a candy bar. SOMETHING has to make you gain with enough calories.

  4. #4
    basshead69 is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2007
    Hey bro dont get on here and fish for sources were not drug dealers you just need to diet right and lift hard until you can get some test

  5. #5
    NATE0406's Avatar
    NATE0406 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i dont think he is fishing for sources.. read the post.. he is just asking for help with gaining weight.. he already has some gear...

  6. #6
    lankyone13 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2007
    thnks Nate.. i'm not fishin dude i gots mine.. jus wantin some advice becuz everybody's tellin me deca by itself is horrible w/o test but the only reasons they give me is becuz of deca di**.. and I guess my youth and bein naturally horny a lot keeps me able to perform so thats not a problem.. i've heard deca will retain water makin you more of a bulk than a lean cut individual..

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