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Thread: new to steroids

  1. #1
    dysfun0507 is offline New Member
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    new to steroids

    well hello, pretty overwhelmed at the moment with the amount of information on this site.

    if you could point me in the direction to help me out about cycles and post cycles. i want to start taking my first cycle here in the next month or so and i am trying to learn everything i can.

    i am mainly looking for something to help me bulk up and cut a lil fat. i am in pretty good shape, but dont weight much at all (150lbs). i am in the military and i need to get bigger for what i would like to go into for my career.

    i was looking at the gorwth hormone extreme stack from 'the roid store'. any help is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    basshead69 is offline Associate Member
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    Wow lol the stuff from the roid store is pro-steroids there not real and imo you just need to get on a good bulking diet you are not ready for steroids at your weight read up on a good bulking diet in the diet forum and train hard thats all you need atm

  3. #3
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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    eat and train simple as that .. thats all u need .

    your in the military that itself should get you fit.
    u dont need anobolics, why would you want to be "bigger" :S

    do it natural bro

  4. #4
    SidewayZ's Avatar
    SidewayZ is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jAcKeD!!!! View Post
    eat and train simple as that .. thats all u need .

    your in the military that itself should get you fit.
    u dont need anobolics, why would you want to be "bigger" :S

    do it natural bro

    Weird...another post with a military reference and a join date of today??????????

  5. #5
    IM MACHO's Avatar
    IM MACHO is offline Associate Member
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    u might as well throw your money in the fire if u are considering roid store!

  6. #6
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    start off reading the educational forums and do some researching/learning.

    the roid store sells supplements, not steroids .

    at your weight, you are far off your genetic potential and you need to focus on diet/training. take a look in the diet section and learn how to eat properly to gain weight.

  7. #7
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dysfun0507 View Post
    well hello, pretty overwhelmed at the moment with the amount of information on this site.

    if you could point me in the direction to help me out about cycles and post cycles. i want to start taking my first cycle here in the next month or so and i am trying to learn everything i can.

    i am mainly looking for something to help me bulk up and cut a lil fat. i am in pretty good shape, but dont weight much at all (150lbs). i am in the military and i need to get bigger for what i would like to go into for my career.

    i was looking at the gorwth hormone extreme stack from 'the roid store'. any help is greatly appreciated.
    whats your training experience right now? Are you currenty training?

  8. #8
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    you need to learn how to eat to grow..if you cant gain naturally, then you wont gain from steroids either..head to the diet section and read the How to Bulk sticky..start eating like that and the weight will come

  9. #9
    dysfun0507 is offline New Member
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    Last edited by dysfun0507; 01-02-2008 at 10:49 PM.

  10. #10
    MilitaryRecruit is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by g_style View Post

    Weird...another post with a military reference and a join date of today??????????
    lol, just so you know, both are not me.

    to the OP. I dont know too much about steroids either bro and i am 6 foot 220 (not all muscle lol) and people are telling me the same about staying away from roids for now. I would deffinetly taking their advice as i am. I have always worked out naturally with no suppliments of any kind. I was 175 for a good while and wouldnt gain any mass no matter what i had tried. I took a break from working out and gain a few pounds. I have found from observation of people that i work out with, that you will gain mass alot better if you pack on a few and work out rather than a constant low BF% and working out all the time. Muscles will tone but if mass is what you are looking for i would suggest the same as the others, a good diet while working out. Hopefully your transistion to roids will be awsome as i am hopeing mine will be but for now i am going to take the advise of the others and stay away until the right time.

    also, what field would require a larger mass to be a part of it? i am guessing something that has to do with jumping from planes maybe?

  11. #11
    dysfun0507 is offline New Member
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    special forces assesment and selection

    11B -> airborne school -> SOPC -> SFAS

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