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  1. #1
    snoogans is offline Banned
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    What cycle for mma/boxing??

    I might get back into the mma/boxing but i never used any supps or cycled while doing it.... I am gonna do a cycle of Test E and Winny soon but i plan to start after that so i can concentrate on putting on some muscle while on cycle.... So basically i wanna know what cycle would be good for mma/boxing, for good speed, power, agility?? Thanks in advance guys...

  2. #2
    passthetest's Avatar
    passthetest is offline Member
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    it all depends on weight class bro...whats your current weight/bf and what are you guna fight at?

  3. #3
    snoogans is offline Banned
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    My current weight is 150lbs 7%bf.... Im gonna do a cycle in about a month so i can put on some size and muscle, hoping to be around 170lbs by the time i get back into it....

  4. #4
    SkinnY&HungrY150 is offline Junior Member
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    how tall r u?

    I wouldn't take winstrol .

    Test only should get you 170lbs easily unless your under 4ft tall....

  5. #5
    snoogans is offline Banned
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    Im 5'7"... The reason im throwing Winstrol in there is to get the firm, defined look...

  6. #6
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    Why do you want to increase in weight class, most fighters like to keep weight, i.e. put on hard muscles w/o increasing weight classes. Anavar , winny, halotestin , masteron are real good for that. You will increase strength and intensity w/o jumping up in class.

  7. #7
    snoogans is offline Banned
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    I wanna go up in weight bcuz the more weight you have the more power you throw into your hits, but i don't wanna be bulky i wanna be a good 165-170 of lean muscle, but i want something that will help with the things you need for mma and boxing....Kfrost: Thanks on the choices, but from those i would choose winny or anavar , can you give me a cycle for each?? Do i stack them with anything?? Sorry about all the questions, i tried to research but didnt really get it (as in what to stack them with, etc) Thanks again guys.....

  8. #8
    IMBIGRU is offline Banned
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    when I competed I did very little.... it messed up my wind It did help my joints so I ran stuff
    I would do HGH and small amounts of test and armidex maybe some EQ
    I was always about 100 times stronger than anyone I fought I would just run out of wind in the late rounds. One time I did a boxing tournamate and I fought super heavy weight class I weighted 215 and everyone I fought was 260 or more and I knocked all 5 guys i fought out..... so being strong does help expecailly in MMA at times I realy on muscle to much and try and muscle everyone I fight.... it cause me to get gassed

  9. #9
    snoogans is offline Banned
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    ^ Sounds like something i wanna do lol... I can only hope to be that much stronger than the people i fight... But im not sure how or what to run the Winstrol with after the above cycle of Test E and Winstrol.. Keep in mind im doing the Test and Winstrol cycle above to gain some size, muscle, and strength.... but after that i wanna do something for my MMA wich i start after the cycle... Since i hear lots of good things from Winstrol i thought i would do this:

    Winstrol for 6 weeks 50mg ED......

    My only question is: what PCT would i need for a winstrol only cycle??

    For the Test E and Winny im doing Nolva only 40/30/20 or 40/40/20/20, 3 0r 4 weeks depending on how many tabs i get..... Any input would be great, still in need of help....

  10. #10
    godkilla's Avatar
    godkilla is offline Senior Member
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    never ran a cycle for boxing before, but i used to box and i have done cycles, so.....if i was i would prolly just run low dose test to help with recovery which in turn would help with training frequency.

    on a side note i dont think cycling before you start training would be a great idea. after a cycle keeping your gains is gonna be difficult and training boxing (if your really training) is gonna make it harder, so you might just end up losing alot of your gains anyways. my advice would be to start training boxing now, because cycling steroids aint gonna make you a better boxer. if you feel you must, then run low dose test to help with recovery and if you wanna gain some weight just eat more food. at 150lbs you really dont need anything besides food to put on some extra lbs.

  11. #11
    snoogans is offline Banned
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    ^ I get what your saying but lets say i wanna fight at 170lbs, there's a difference between being natural and fighting at 170lbs and on juice... The strength, speed, power, EVERYTHING is just unbelievably different, you feel me? And besides if i ever have to defend myself out on the street not only would it be good to know how to fight but to be able to just plain and simply rip some1 a new asshole lol

  12. #12
    godkilla's Avatar
    godkilla is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by snoogans View Post
    there's a difference between being natural and fighting at 170lbs and on juice... The strength, speed, power, EVERYTHING is just unbelievably different
    i gotta disagree. i dont think steroids are gonna make you signifigantly faster or stronger, but they will make a difference in your recovery. and if you really wanna fight at 170lbs wouldnt you actually wanna be more like 180-190 and then cut down before the fight to make 170lbs?

    i just couldnt imagine training boxing or kickboxing at my old gym while on one of the bulking cycles i have done, lol.

  13. #13
    snoogans is offline Banned
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    Im doing a bulk cycle before i start again to focus on gaining size... then im training at however much i weigh after my cycle, and since time on = time off, i train for about 14 weeks at that weight then im doing another cycle of winny for only about 6 weeks (im still gonna lift while mma/boxing training)......... As for the cutting down i weight bro, i refuse lol i remember i had to cut down from 150 of my hard earned lbs to 132lbs and it SUCKED, fuk that if i get to 170-175lbs and i train etc etc that's what im fighting at lol.

  14. #14
    fdrx7man's Avatar
    fdrx7man is offline Member
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    not turning into Mayweather are you?? :-) jk man!!

  15. #15
    fdrx7man's Avatar
    fdrx7man is offline Member
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    yeah dude normally if you want to do boxing, you want to be at your set weight and try and drop down to the nearest weight.. unless your stuck on wanting to add mass!

    so in those words i agree with everyone above.. a low dose of test, or winny, or anavar would do the best imo! prime possibly also

  16. #16
    passthetest's Avatar
    passthetest is offline Member
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    i have experience in weight class fighting mainly boxing but trained in mma fora while and moving up 20 lbs is almost unheard of..if your a serious fighter than you should know the difference in fighting some one even 10 lbs above your class, def need to consider the risk your taking

  17. #17
    sdstacker is offline New Member
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    Its a bad idea to use gear to go up in weight classes. If you are putting on such a significant amount of muscle that you see a 10-15 lbs (especially if you start at 150) difference at weigh-ins, then you are going to lose a lot of wind. If you weigh 150 now and want an advantage then use epo, equi, and haloteston and fight at 155. If you are shooting for 170 then you will be slow and get tired fast because you will be cutting from 178-185. You can't maintain cardio and add 25 lbs to your current weight in a short amount of time- its not possible.

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