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  1. #1
    Fixr is offline Associate Member
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    first 2 days on clen

    wow, this shit is potent. and that is with me starting at 20mcg on day one and going to 40 today. for anyone who is considering trying it for the first time, heed the good advice of our more experienced friends on the board. It has the potential to be very unsettling if you take too much. it does seem to fade after 2-3 hours, but it is 10 hours since I took it and I can still clearly feel its effects. Only another 7 weeks and 5 days to go.

  2. #2
    celticd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixr View Post
    wow, this shit is potent. and that is with me starting at 20mcg on day one and going to 40 today. for anyone who is considering trying it for the first time, heed the good advice of our more experienced friends on the board. It has the potential to be very unsettling if you take too much. it does seem to fade after 2-3 hours, but it is 10 hours since I took it and I can still clearly feel its effects. Only another 7 weeks and 5 days to go.
    are you intending on cycling the clen for 8wks straight?
    clen is a beta antagonist so you need to cycle 2wks on 2wks off to achieve the best results from it
    im sure peoples opinion may differ slightly but the theory remains unchanged

  3. #3
    Fixr is offline Associate Member
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    I am going to take 50mg of benedryl ED in weeks 3 and 6 to combat that issue.

  4. #4
    Renesis's Avatar
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    He is going for 8weeks with the benadryl this will lead to its anti-catabolic and anabolic effects being stronger at that point. Fun stuff isn't it fixr?

  5. #5
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixr View Post
    wow, this shit is potent. and that is with me starting at 20mcg on day one and going to 40 today. for anyone who is considering trying it for the first time, heed the good advice of our more experienced friends on the board. It has the potential to be very unsettling if you take too much. it does seem to fade after 2-3 hours, but it is 10 hours since I took it and I can still clearly feel its effects. Only another 7 weeks and 5 days to go.
    CLENBUTEROL is very potent and effective and should be treated so.
    Start small dose and go from there.

  6. #6
    samcam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixr View Post
    I am going to take 50mg of benedryl ED in weeks 3 and 6 to combat that issue.
    Personally I would cycle 2 weeks clen , 2 weeks EC stack, but that's me.

  7. #7
    Fixr is offline Associate Member
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    to my knowledge (which is limited to research on the board) taking an ECA stack hits the same receptors as the CLEN does, so cycling the two is not a good idea. I will see if I can find the sticky that talks about it.

  8. #8
    Fixr is offline Associate Member
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    Here is the link.

    This is a quote from it.
    Since we’re speaking about beta-receptors and upregulation, here, let me address the claim that you can use ephedrine (or the ECA stack), alternating with clen , in order to avoid receptor downgrade. I’m not sure where this rumor came from, but it is totally incorrect.

    To dispel this myth, lets examine ephedrine for a second. Remember when I said that using clenbuterol to stimulate the beta-2 receptors is like hitting a tack with a hammer? Well, Ephedrine is like a sledge-hammer, it hits the beta-2's and everything around them. Thats because it's not selective, but rather it stimulates other receptors to a great degree as well.

    Anyway, one of those receptors that ephedrine hits is the Beta-2 (yeah...the same one as Clen). As you can see from the graph below(ephedrine is represented by the the solid circles), it reduced Beta-2-AndrenergicReceptor (what we call, in laymens terms, the "Beta-2 receptor") levels to 32% of the control level after 24 hours. Read this again:
    Granted, it's not perfect, it's not in vivo, etc...but there's no denying that ephedrine will downregulate beta-2 receptors....ergo you will not be able to use it on the weeks inbetween your clen to upgrade your receptors.

    Here is another link to Beasts Clen facts.

  9. #9
    No.Neck's Avatar
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    I am waiting on some clen to come myself. Hey Fixr is it causing any sleep problems?

  10. #10
    passthetest's Avatar
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    take it early in th morning and you wont have to worry about that...the sweating and shaking makes live hard but the results are insane

  11. #11
    bigt10 is offline Member
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    Let us know how the fat loss or how your experince on clen goes.

    Passthetest so you find if you like to take all your dose in the morning that it causes less problems, but how are the sides in the first half of the day like that?

  12. #12
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    I dont understand why you wont run it 2 weeks on and then 2 weeks off or more. Whats the big rush? You will be much more healthy if you approach it this way.

  13. #13
    Kratos's Avatar
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    benadryl does nothing to maintain efficency of clen in my experience. I like taking time off although I can apprecate that it may work for some people.

  14. #14
    Fixr is offline Associate Member
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    no sleep problems at all. However, I will add 2 things to that comment: 1. I sleep like the dead to begin with. 2. I do not take any after 12pm so it leaves me plenty of time to wind down.

    Take this chemical seriously, it is potent. Do what is recommended, IE: Taurine, plenty of water.

    Quote Originally Posted by No.Neck View Post
    I am waiting on some clen to come myself. Hey Fixr is it causing any sleep problems?

  15. #15
    Fixr is offline Associate Member
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    Its not that I wont. It is my first run on Clen and the research that I did led me to believe that adding Benadryl would help extent my run. Did you read the threads that I posted links to? I am more than happy to listen to other opinions, just support yourself so I will at least understand why I am doing what I am doing. Otherwise its just another opinion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Maldorf View Post
    I dont understand why you wont run it 2 weeks on and then 2 weeks off or more. Whats the big rush? You will be much more healthy if you approach it this way.

  16. #16
    Fixr is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Renesis View Post
    He is going for 8weeks with the benadryl this will lead to its anti-catabolic and anabolic effects being stronger at that point. Fun stuff isn't it fixr?
    Here is a supportive opinion. Who knows better?

  17. #17
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixr View Post
    Its not that I wont. It is my first run on Clen and the research that I did led me to believe that adding Benadryl would help extent my run. Did you read the threads that I posted links to? I am more than happy to listen to other opinions, just support yourself so I will at least understand why I am doing what I am doing. Otherwise its just another opinion.
    Ive run clen for years and the benadryl did absolutely nothing to maintain the effects of the clen. In less than 2 weeks I can already see the effects of fat loss declining. For me, running it for 2 weeks on and the 2 weeks off works great. Another thing you may not be considering is, that the side effets of clen get old and after 2 weeks you will be ready for a break.

  18. #18
    Renesis's Avatar
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    Well here you go
    Read in bold. (this is from the steroids profile section)
    "I think those charts should clearly illustrate the repartitioning effects of Clen , even though it is known that it’s effects on animals are typically much more dramatic than in humans….There’s still no doubt about it, in my mind…Clen will help you lose fat and gain muscle.
    So Let’s re-examine that first point I made: Clen vs. clen+excercise produce roughly the same results for the first 2 weeks! This tells me that the 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off schedule for clen dosing is far from optimal, and if you want the quasi-anabolic effect from the clen, it’ll take more than 2weeks on (6 weeks apparently). In addition, since clen alone is similar to clen+excercise for those first 2 weeks...why would you ever use a 2on/2off protocol? Keep in mind that animal responses to beta-agonist/antagonists differ a bit from ours…but I’m sure that you get the idea that 2on/2off is not a great dosing protocol. If I were using clen, I’d be using it for 6-12 weeks at a time, if I expected to get maximum results from it, but certainly, the most dramatic effects on fat loss appear to be in weeks 1-2. The reasons for the further increase in FFM around week 6 despite no changes in %fat or fat mass is not easily explained….. It might be that clenbuterol can increases FFM through another nonreceptor-mediated pathway, which would be very good for us, since the anabolic effects would also be applicable in humans, despite the fact that animals often respond more dramatically to beta-agonist/antagonists, due to receptor properties.. However, clenbuterol is highly lipophylic and can also enter muscle tissue (12), so that could indicate a possible mechanism of work. Maybe that would explain the significant increase in FFM of 13 kg in at 8 wks in the study? Certainly, muscle protein synthesis (MPS) must be a part of it, since clen will increase MPS in your body (17)…But it has even been speculated that the growth-promoting effect of clenbuterol may be specific to muscle and that the drug may act in a not-yet-understood manner which circumvents (!) the physiological mechanisms responsible for the control of muscle growth (13). This may mean that clenbuterol can help blast you past “sticking points” in your training by circumventing the usual mechanisms by which anabolism is experienced! It is of note that both muscle composition and fibre size has been shown to increase with administration of clen (14).

    What is said there is that although the maximum results for fat loss are found in 2weeks. That going further than this will also help increase muscle through Clens anabolic effects.
    Last edited by Renesis; 01-07-2008 at 08:07 AM.

  19. #19
    darkseed's Avatar
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    Damn Renesis!! that was a good a$$ drop. ill be getting my Clen thursday afternoon. ill start my cycle friday morning. However!!!! i like gettin up early to do my cardio. do you recommend i take it before or after i hit the treadmill??

  20. #20
    sponger is offline New Member
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    im taking clen as well right now. im at 140 mcgs. im feeling a little bit of sides but not like i would of thought. im on day 12 of it. also got it from a link off a BODYBUILDING dot com. ill prob go with lions stuff next.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkseed View Post
    Damn Renesis!! that was a good a$$ drop. ill be getting my Clen thursday afternoon. ill start my cycle friday morning. However!!!! i like gettin up early to do my cardio. do you recommend i take it before or after i hit the treadmill??
    Take it after and take it with some food imo

  22. #22
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    Yeah I wouldn't want to mess with that stuff on an empty stomach. I have done it before Clen will hit you HARD if taken on an empty stomach. For me the sides came to fast to strong like that.

  23. #23
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    cool!!! well eat before i take that shyt..... done deal!!! ill try to take some pics at the beginning of every week to help my self see the progress. for some damn reason, you wont see any results by looking at yourself in the mirror everyday.

  24. #24
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    On 100 mcg's now and still not feeling anysides....odd.

  25. #25
    Fixr is offline Associate Member
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    No sides? wow, you have a high tolerance or I have a low one. I took 20 my first day and felt like a crackhead all day, now I am up to 80 and each time I move up to a higher dose I get the same first day feeling. It mellows with each successive day and then bump it up again. I actually like the feeling now, except for the first hour that it hits.

  26. #26
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    feeling like a dopr firnd huh?? LMAO!!! i cant laugh becuase ill be feeling that shyt starting friday!!

  27. #27
    bigpapabuff's Avatar
    bigpapabuff is offline Senior Member
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    great thread, love clen . the taurine really helped me with the sides. And drink a lot of water for the cramps.

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