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Thread: pure mass cycle

  1. #1
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    pure mass cycle

    what you guys think about this mass cycle

    weeks 1-14 test e @ 500mgs ew frontload with 1000mgs first week

    weeks 1-12 deca @ 600mgs ew frontload with 1000mgs first week

    week 1-6 anadrol 100mgs ed

    4000-5000 clean cals evry day

    nolva-clomid pct

    i know people say run test higher than deca but as long as you keep your test up i see no props with it imo.

    a guy i know at the gy has ask my to try and build a solid mass cycle for him,and yes he is ready for juice


    age 34

    weight 235lbs

    body fat around 12-13(catapillers)

    lifting for 9 years and this will be his 3rd cycle first one for 3 years

  2. #2
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Cycle looks fine. The theory that test needs to be ran at a higher dose is bull shiat.

    PCT looks a little weak. Id add an AI at the least

  3. #3
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    yes i agree pct needs some work ,he is also asking me about winny but imo i think winstrol has no place in a cycle like this..........i told him to bulk do pct get bloods done after 4-5 months after pct and then run a solid cutter with prop,tren ,winny what you guys think about my advise and any tweeking or advise on this would be great ,,,,,thanks

  4. #4
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    i would get some aromasin for your A.I. it goes well with nolva....

  5. #5
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    and throw in hcg during the last few weeks of cycle and during pct, it will help you recover faster.

  6. #6
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i would run 500 IUs of HCG once a week during your will help your recovery especially with deca and I would use some aromasin along with nolva/clomid during PCT

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