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  1. #1
    scrillaman is offline New Member
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    Angry Gyno, Overweight and Depressed **pics included

    Hello everybody ive been fishing aound the forums for a while now and new year new start......
    a little about my problem, ive had perky chest since i was in my teens, im 22 now and even last year...actually 2006, before my injury. i was cut but still had a "perky" puffy nipples. and could wear Tshirts without a vest underneath.
    thanks to steroid .com forum i know its gyno. plus its very sensitive.

    I feel F*CKED!!! i finally get back into training after a year or so out and i get hit with this.........

    i dunno is anything can reverse this or what, and i know my insurance wont pay for it, PLUS the Nation Heath Service (NHS) wont either. And my parent are no longer with us. I had added responisbilities. baby sister etc...

    isnt their tablets i can take or anything theres no way in hell i can find £4000/$8000 to fix this ISHT....

    PLEASE some help....
    im not looking to have boobs the rest if my life, its just not cool, i havent been on a holiday in 10years coz of it.... whats the point of me even working out? with these ****IN JUGS?

    Last edited by scrillaman; 01-13-2008 at 10:37 PM.

  2. #2
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    First thing to hit is the diet forum....

    Whats ya diet like? list it.

    Then whats ya training like? list ya days and workouts.

  3. #3
    bpm1's Avatar
    bpm1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    read up on letro, it may help

  4. #4
    mmmmma is offline Junior Member
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    if you lose the fat around your chest, and built muscle..your nips won't look like boobs. Diet, cardio, and'll be fine.

  5. #5
    Fat Guy's Avatar
    Fat Guy is offline Senior Member
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    Is this from doing juice? If not don’t worry about it. Start looking into a good diet, solid weight loss exercise program and that baby fat will be gone before you know it. I bet if you lost 30lbs / 14 kilos you would look great… Good luck

  6. #6
    hugovsilva's Avatar
    hugovsilva is offline Anabolic Member
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    Read up on CBino gyno reversal thread and don't forget to work on your diet and workout plan.

  7. #7
    soon2bfreak is offline Junior Member
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    just looks to me like you are overweight bro, nothing to worry to much about, work a lot of upper chest, that will even it out and the more muscle you have in that area the more body fat your will burn off of it. i don't really mean to sound like a dick, but it doesn't look like you were ever cut, you don't really have stretch marks so it doesn't look like you put the wieght on all at once, and your arms arn't that big. if you did run a cycle i think you did it wronge, one thing that i can honestly say can help you would be masteron . i had an issue, took care of it right away. stay in the gym, keep your head up and don't worry about it, cardio, cardio, cardio.

  8. #8
    scrillaman is offline New Member
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    OK, first and fore most, i used to PLAY ball until i tore my MCL and ACL. i WAS CUT, but know my knee is better i think i may aswell fix the shit, BUT even when i was slim i at these points out my shirt, ive had it for YEARS, BUT know man i was enjoying my food or the past year..., BUT whats the point me working out if im going to have this shit pointing in my shirt??

    My new diet is..... starting this week..... and what do i do... if sh*t dont go this time around? coz im not spending another year with breasts,

  9. #9
    dupa95's Avatar
    dupa95 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrillaman View Post
    OK, first and fore most, i used to PLAY ball until i tore my MCL and ACL. i WAS CUT, but know my knee is better i think i may aswell fix the shit, BUT even when i was slim i at these points out my shirt, ive had it for YEARS, BUT know man i was enjoying my food or the past year..., BUT whats the point me working out if im going to have this shit pointing in my shirt??

    My new diet is..... starting this week..... and what do i do... if sh*t dont go this time around? coz im not spending another year with breasts,
    Met A guy in the gym the other day. Tore is achilles tend playin basketball. He was on cruches, and kickin some upper body a$$. I went over to talk with him and said good for you getin in here blahblah. The POINT here is that he never ONCE talked obout what he could not do ONLY what he COULD do.So suck it up butter cup if you want it go get it. If not stay home and have some nachoes and feel soory for your self.

  10. #10
    scrillaman is offline New Member
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    oh last thing, ive been doing cardio BUT im not gonna lie its never been my thing, only when i was in the team i could do it, BUT on own WOW, SUCKS WOOD, im not eating carbs after 8 and not too much during the day splinting meals up into 5, trust its on point. How many times a week do i have to do cardio? is there a limit? im thinking more like 3? cant i do anymore? i'd preffer to do more if thats cool?
    and its sensitive as h*ll, ANYONE wanna give me a routine? mine was more like...

    lift a little weights 30mins or more... and then run for 45mins

    anything else? some REAL detailed workout plans?

  11. #11
    dupa95's Avatar
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    Yea go to the work out threads and read

  12. #12
    soon2bfreak is offline Junior Member
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    Ha ha ha

    dude are you serious? Do you even go to a gym or do you just have like a bowflex or something? I hit cardio up to three times a day when I try and cut weight and dont say you dont have time because you have time to be posting on here you could be running your butt around the block. Like I said masteron will take care of your tits if that's what it is but won't do jack if its just fat, why? Because what must nintendo athletes dont realize is AS dont burn fat. Other wise there would be no need for deit and cardio

  13. #13
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    post ya diet,
    n list the protein g and cals, carb g and cals, and fat g and cals.

  14. #14
    RAILroad's Avatar
    RAILroad is offline Junior Member
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    sounds like a major ***** thats needs to get some balls and hit the gym

  15. #15
    rampage12 is offline Member
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    its not the typical gyno its called lipomastia its just fat deposits, i had same thing went to doc did blood work he told me give a nother year and it should just go away if not he would refer me too have this new lipo they do for men ,anyways it went away in about 9 months, if ull clean your diet up

  16. #16
    kick6 is offline Banned
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    I'd bet my ass that 90% of the people here would say that cardio isn't there "thing", but we all suffer through it.

    Depending on your age, that could be pubescent gyno or it could just be fat. If the lumpy part is hard and/or sensitive to the touch it might be gyno. If you're still a teenager its likely that it'll go away as you age. If you're in your 20's a cycle of letrozole might clear it up.

  17. #17
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    cardio and dieting eff'in SUCK but its part of the game and u best learn to play it as its the only hand that will win it for ya

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