Test E - 7 weeks.
500mg p.w
--> Lowered to 250mg p.w
Trenbolone Acetate - Just started (3rd shot, end of week one = Monday)
300mg p.w (I think? It's 100mg bottle, and I shoot 1cc every 2 days) 3x p.w
--> Test @ 250mg to level out Libido (deca-dick)

I'm hoping that a clean diet, lowered calories, and rigorous workouts with Tren and Test.. will lean me out.
Or help in that battle. As trenbolone Acetate is reknown for it's fat-burning capabilities.

I was thinking of running some winny with it.
Ideas? Opinions? Experiences?


205 pds
13% bf

Training 5 years
3 cycles history