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Thread: Help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Exclamation Help!

    Test E = 7 Weeks at 500mg p/w
    On the 8th week, I hopped on Tren Acetate, & dropped my TEST to 250p/w
    Tren Ace = 2nd week @ 300mg p/w
    So where I Stand now is:
    Tren Ace - 300mg pw
    Test E - 250mg pw

    Here is the problem, my hair is falling out... considerably.
    Can I just STOP the cycle? And begin my PCT?
    Is there any down side, aside from turning off my gains?

    I really do not want to accelerate any hair loss, as I'm spending a truck load already on preventative methods.
    Help guys!

  2. #2
    magicstick2003's Avatar
    magicstick2003 is offline Anabolic Member
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    well i'd stop however the test ester will be in your system for a few weeks. Also if you're on propecia or anything such as that tren i believe has actually been shown to accelerate hairloss in combination with that. Also how come you're running tren higher then the E now? whats your cycle experience?
    You still need to wait two weeks after your last E shot before you can begin PCT as it takes this long for the ester to clear the system, def drop the tren though that will be out in a few days.

  3. #3
    im83931's Avatar
    im83931 is offline Senior Member
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    Houston, TX
    go see the lion. He has stuff for hair loss.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I kept 250mg of test, to stop my libido from crashing, but I didn't want what it was giving me, as I was slowly starting to puff up. Whereas Trenbolone Acetate helps in the other sense, with it's "Trenbolone is extraordinarily good as a fat loss agent." ...with a solid diet and training regime of course.

    So... I stop everything now... wait 3 days for Acetate to be gone, and 2 weeks for Test E to be gone? And then start my Nolva & maybe Letro?! (PCT)

  5. #5
    magicstick2003's Avatar
    magicstick2003 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oct 2003
    thats wat i would do if u were really worried about the hairloss. i noticed when i was on i would lose a little more then normal but it always stopped after cycle. as far as pct i always went nolva, clomid, a-dex but i noticed the trend to go more nolva and aromasin which isn;t deactivated as much as a-dex or letro.
    Like i said if ur on propoceia or anything tren actually can cause hairloss in conjunction with that from what i have read. hopefully everything will be back to normal for you once you're done and recovered.
    good luck

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