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  1. #1
    NSHOOTER320 is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2002

    clomid 2 weeks after deca?

    I know that all the sites are telling me to use clomid 3 weeks after deca , however my last deca shot was half a cc (150mg) and i can already see myself losing strength in the weight room. i was wondering if i should wait another week to start my clomid cycle or if i can start after 2 weeks. My clomid cycle if anyone was wondering is gonna be 100mg first week, 50mg second week, and 25mg the last week. Feel free to suggest any other clomid cycle, i have plenty of it. thanx

  2. #2
    kizer_soce's Avatar
    kizer_soce is offline Retired Moderator
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    Oct 2001
    After running deca you are gonna want to run a lot longer than 3 weeks on the clomid and certainly more than 25mg/d. I usually run 300mg the first day, then 100mg/d for the next 10 days then 50mg/d for the last 10. I doubt that will be long enough for you though as Deca wreaks havoc on your may want to consider running it for 5-6 weeks instead of 3.

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