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  1. #1
    Rando911 is offline Associate Member
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    How many newbie's got blood work done?

    This thred's purpose is to find out how many people actualy got blood work done before their first cycle? And of those people who did, how many were not a good candidate for AAS?

    Secondly, when I do go get blood work done, what are typical test levels?

  2. #2
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    i think the lack of response to this thread is actually a little disturbing!

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I think it's important to remember that low test levels would only be one reason to take gear. In my opinion if someone works and trains and diets properly until their natural genetic potential is reached, then even though their test levels may be considered "normal" the levels would not be adequate for further growth. Unfortunately I imagine the sad truth is that most start using gear without bloodwork, without having low test levels, and without reaching their genetic potential.

  4. #4
    Rando911 is offline Associate Member
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    I got the feeling that most didnt. I just wanted to know for sure.

    Could someone at least give me an idea what a regular test level would be? And, couldnt someone comming off a cycle (showing low test levels) go to a doc and get perscribed something to help raise the levels... Just a thought.

  5. #5
    feanixco is offline Banned
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    I am getting my blood taken on Thursday. I am planning to inject the following Tuesday pending my results.
    165 lbs
    500 mg Test C
    Anthony Roberts PCT

    I will post my results when I get them.
    Last edited by feanixco; 02-03-2008 at 04:13 PM.

  6. #6
    fdrx7man's Avatar
    fdrx7man is offline Member
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    I guarentee 95% dont get bloodwork done..

    to be honest when i did my first cycle many moons ago.. i didnt do bloodwork also.. but now I get it done..

  7. #7
    djcj2002's Avatar
    djcj2002 is offline Associate Member
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    I had mine tested, as i have always gone through clinics. Don't remember what my 1st ones were off hand, though. That was like 4 yrs ago.

  8. #8
    Kennedy's Avatar
    Kennedy is offline Associate Member
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    Probably not many.

    When I plan my first cycle bloodwork is the first thing that will be done.

    Hell I want to do it now just to see what my levels look like.

  9. #9
    Dangercat00 is offline Junior Member
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    I'm on my first cycle now and didn't get tested beforehand. Should I wait until the end of the cycle to do so? Also, are there places where you can just pay to get blood work, or does it have to be through insurance?

  10. #10
    DannyNyce's Avatar
    DannyNyce is offline Junior Member
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    i made the mistake not to have it done prior. will def do it prior to my next run depending on results. thanks for the concern though

  11. #11
    hobbs9963's Avatar
    hobbs9963 is offline Associate Member
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    I went to see the doc in 02. It was about 3 months after doing a cycle and was tired all the time, sleeping like sh## and so on. Anyway, he gave me a physical with bloodwork, took x-rays(can't remember why he did that), and said that i was the healthiest 34 year old he'd ever seen. So everything came back ok and i was still feeling like sh## . Haven't been to a doctor since. But to answer your question, no, i never went before my first, second or third cycle. Sorry bout the rant, don't like doc's.

  12. #12
    Tbucket's Avatar
    Tbucket is offline Junior Member
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    I actually went to the doc for just a routine phys......I had taken a few supple's and I guess one flagged my liver enzymes really high (thinking it was NO SHOTGUN) anyway, had to go back for further testing and I had low normal (between 280-300 I think)...anyway, the doc started asking all the typical low test questions and found myself in an opportunity...lucky I yes, I guess I did have work done, but wasnt really "planning" on running anything and damn sure wasnt planning on Aetna picking up the tab.

  13. #13
    Nstart is offline Associate Member
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    I'll be honest here about the points brought up in this thread.

    I did get blood work done before my current (first) cycle. I had normal test levels and I did not reach my genetic limits. My blood pressure, heart rate, cholesterol, etc... was fantastic due to my recent weightloss and lifestyle change. I recently lost a lot of weight and wanted to fill in some of the extra skin surgery could not take care of. Previously, I had been training hard for a couple of years and my diet is nearly flawless (once I figured out what was what, I lost almost 200lbs without any surgery or drugs in a year).

    In all honesty I would give myself the following rating:

    Nutrition/diet - A-

    I am not perfect but I do know what is what and I follow what I have learned. I do slip up occasionally however.

    Weight Training - B

    As I lifted more, I read more about weight lifting, I asked a lot of people questions on the subject and I was making respectable gains before using anything.

    Genetic Limits - C-

    I probably could have put on a fairly significant and noticeable amount of muscle over the next 2 years. However, being told that I will be getting a promotion (and working harder and longer hours) this summer this was honestly the ideal time for me to do a cycle, get as large as I could and hopefully maintain as much of the results as I could. I only plan on doing a single bulking cycle and then a single cutting cycle, accept whatever losses will happen once I stop completely and just lift to maintain what I have and life a healthy life to the best of my ability.

    Testosterone is the only illegal drug I have ever used, let alone try. Heck I've never even smoked a cigarette in my life and I am in my mid twenties.
    Last edited by Nstart; 02-05-2008 at 12:00 AM.

  14. #14
    JSola's Avatar
    JSola is offline Associate Member
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    I had my blood work done 3 months prior to starting my 1st cycle and I'm half way through.

  15. #15
    JSola's Avatar
    JSola is offline Associate Member
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    male total testosterone levels below 300 to 400 ng/dl are generally considered low

  16. #16
    MATTMAN01 is offline Banned
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    I had my bloods done prior to cycle and 2 wks after last inj before pct

  17. #17
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    first cycle at 18 did little research didnt know anyting bout blood work

    2nd cycle at 20 had prior work done, mid cycle, and after completion of pct tested mid cycle to see how the orals effected me

    3rd ran dbol /test/winni ran dbol at 50 and winni at 100mg ed got blood work done during both runs with the orals to see how i responded to different dosages

    did an anavar cycle ran var as high as 200mg with blood work (by the way var is weak didnt effect shit not even my cholesterol after 8 weeks) and dont say it was fake some of the best you can get

    test/tren /winni cycle for 16 weeks did blood work i think 3 times throughout the cycle

    but the reason for so much blood work is to tell me how it all effects me at different lengths/dosages so i wont have to have as much work done in the future, but its cheap and easy to do

    SO DO IT!

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