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  1. #1
    Need2bBigger is offline Junior Member
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    CRITIQUE!!! Prop/Tren A/Masteron

    Goals: 10-15 lbs of lean mass (or more would be great) while leaning up a bit (I want good abs for summer ).

    Stats: 5'11", 204 lbs, 11% bf, 22 yrs old

    Experience: Test E, Sustanon , Deca , Tren A

    I have 3 options I'd like to run so let me know what you think. The first one is what I'd really like to run but I have no experience with prop other than what I've gotten in sust and my friend seems to think I won't be able to handle the pure prop injections and I won't gain as much size as I'm looking for.

    Option 1:

    Week 1-12: Test Propionate 100mg EOD
    Week 1-10: Tren Acetate 75mg EOD
    Week 1-10: Masteron 100mg EOD

    Option 2:

    Week 1-12: Sustanon 250mg EOD
    Week 1-6: Test Propionate 50mg EOD
    Week 1-10: Tren Acetate 75mg EOD
    Week 6-12: Masteron 100mg EOD

    Option 3:

    Week 1-12: Test Enanthate 500mg EW
    Week 1-12: Test Propionate 50mg EOD
    Week 1-10: Tren Acetate 75mg EOD
    Week 6-12: Masteron 100mg EOD

    Let me know what you guys think would be best to get some mass but stay on the leaner side... I really wanna try prop and masteron in this cycle... and I'm kind of counting on the prop, tren, and masteron to keep me fairly lean. Possibly thinking of adding 30-50mg DBOL ED for weeks 1-4 if I run Masteron as well at the begging of one of these cycles to keep the water down from the DBOL.... just using it for a little extra size. Open to any criticism... Thanks guys!

    O yeah I'm good with PCT already. Clomid and Nolva I know how to run it. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Under your bed.....
    im currently running option one and loving every day of it i have a log in the memebers cycle experience. Option 2 and 3 both have prop runnig 12 wks no need for that another thing i would bump the tren to 100mg eod hmm lets see what else oh your friend doesnt know what hes talking about when he said you cant get big off prop its all in the diet how much you eat only thing is that it wont give you bloat or very lil if any compared to test c or e which at least imo i wouldnt want water muscle i would like my muscle lean pls lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Under your bed.....
    also nolva and clomid are not enough for this cycle take a look at anthony Robert's protocol or ther pct protocols

  4. #4
    Need2bBigger is offline Junior Member
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    Week 1-12 Prop 100 mg EOD
    Week 1-10 Tren A 100mg EOD
    Week 1-10 Masteron 100mg EOD

    You think with that and a shit ton of food I can put on 15 lbs or so and stay on the leaner side?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Under your bed.....
    lol idk how fast you put on weight but with me its fast first 2 wks gained 5 or 6lbs and i only hear from ppl that i look leaner and a lil bigger so im gussing in 3 more wks or so i should be looking a whole lot better and up atleast another 5 or 6 lbs weight gain has slowed down a lil now just eat lean train intense and you should be more than happy at the end if not you did something wrong

  6. #6
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Need2bBigger View Post

    Week 1-12 Prop 100 mg EOD
    Week 1-10 Tren A 100mg EOD
    Week 1-10 Masteron 100mg EOD

    You think with that and a shit ton of food I can put on 15 lbs or so and stay on the leaner side?
    I'd say more like 10 lbs if youre lucky and you want to stay lean. Thats my favorite cycle and its pretty much the only thing I run anymore. I usually on put on a couple lbs, but I dont eat to bulk. Im pretty sure most of the weight is lean muscle. It will do amazing transformations to your body though

  7. #7
    Need2bBigger is offline Junior Member
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    Alright thanks man.... Anyone else feel free to comment. Or if anyone thinks any other compounds such as Anavar or Dbol would be a good addition let me know.

  8. #8
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    no need for other compounds, youve got your test, 19-nor, and DHT all in one cycle..great synergy among the well and train your ass off and youll be amazed

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Same cycle I'm running...should b efun

  10. #10
    ineedauser is offline Associate Member
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    Any result threads? Interested to hear sides and complete supplement cycle as well to see what suppresses the most vicious sides in tren . Test, Tren, and Mast? Results in 10 weeks should be outstanding.

  11. #11
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    R.I.P My friends
    5 year old thread... if you want cycle experiences, go to the members cycles section of the forum

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