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  1. #41
    10nispro's Avatar
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    Stephan? Are you on any meds now for depression or any other things? Don't have to say what they are, just yes or no.

  2. #42
    10nispro's Avatar
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    how long have you had the present gear you mentioned and what has prompted you to take it?

  3. #43
    Stephan's Avatar
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    I have been concerned with this issue has i told you it happened a couple of years ago because I didnt do proper pct. I convinced my self that if I do the pct proper this time the depression wont be anywhere as bad as it was when i crashed... What has me thinking now is I was watching this show on vh1 the other night called celeberity rehab and the doctor was talking to former wwf star China about how aas are absoloutey addictive drugs that cause Maina and change thinking patterns that will cause addicts to relapse to their drug of choice... That is what really has me freeaked out... But with me addictive personality I have the juice right in front of me I have to use it now thats just how it works with me but i have been clean from alcohol and H***IN for a solid year now and i have been doing ll cool js platinum workout plan for 9 months and i feel and look great and now i want to put on some size with the tren and prop. I am just really concerned like I mentioned about the depression because I have to make sure I continue to stay sober i have to much to lose if I go back to using.. I am currently a student at the university of florida and I know that i will lose everything i have worked so hard for.

  4. #44
    Stephan's Avatar
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    no I am not on any meds for depression... I never have depression unless im using or from my last experience crashing from not doing proper pct.

  5. #45
    10nispro's Avatar
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    I wasn't trying to judge you, so plz don't think that. I was just trying to fill in some blanks. I do applaud you on everything you have succeeded in doing.

    Besides the gear you have now, can you get other stuff? The reason I am asking is, and guys correct me if wrong, but couldn't a cycle of T-bol work and have less of the depressive manor because of no aromitizing? Gains are slow but they are lean gains and pct seems easier with T-bol.

  6. #46
    crawdaddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    Thanks for the advice, but im going to use the aas. I cant not do them I already have them. I do have a very addictive personality but im not going to abuse the aas im just worried about hardcore depression... Hopefully everything will work out for me with this cycle.
    Brother are you serious? Hopefully, thats all you have to say. I'm not trying to bash, but I been around addicts all my life. Everyhting you've stated sounds like your rationalizing. Very simply If you have to ask or you had doubts... you shouldn't do it. Your an adult and no one on this board can make you do anything, but you asked for our experience and it all looks like it points to "NO JUICE". You need to aking dudes in the program on their thoughts, assuming your in the program most recovering addicts are in. Either way I wish you the best of luck, seriously.

  7. #47
    HORSE~'s Avatar
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    Where you under the influnce of said drug when you started this thread???? LOL

    BTW congat's on kicking that shit to the curb....Good luck with what ever choice you choose....

  8. #48
    Stephan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HORSE View Post
    Where you under the influnce of said drug when you started this thread???? LOL

    BTW congat's on kicking that shit to the curb....Good luck with what ever choice you choose....
    Not funny

  9. #49
    Stephan's Avatar
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    oh my bad your talking about the peptide thread... yeah i was trying to avoid aas

  10. #50
    HORSE~'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    oh my bad your talking about the peptide thread... yeah i was trying to avoid aas

    No I was talking about the thread that I posted....You where being an impatiant dick in it thats why I asked if you were under the influnce when you started it....

    Not being a an ass just curious....

    Once again congrats on getting clean and best of luck staying that way....

  11. #51
    dupa95's Avatar
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    I am in recovery have been for over 12 years. I did not do my first cycle untill I was 11 years sober. You must rock solid and spiritualy sound. Also you will want to talk it over with you sponser at length. Personaly I would not advise it untill you were at lest 6 to 8 years sober. Although my drinkin problem is at bay. I have a thinkin problem. I would not do anything to jepardize this precious gift god has given me.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    Hello everyone, My name is Stephan and I am a recovering Please read the board rules. No rec drug posts. I have been clean for a year and a half now. I have been working out solid for 9 months and am seeing great results. I am considering using aas but I am concerned that the steroids might trigger a relapse. I currently have 4 10ml bottles of trenbolone acetate and tes prop, Hcg , clomid and nolva... I think that the only thing from using these steroids that might trigger a relapse is depression. I also think that if I follow pct protocol then the depression will be very mild... can someone that has alot of experience with aas help me understand if aas could cause me to want to use (drugs) to mask side effects in pct... I am really concerned.

    thanks, Stephan

    tough call. addicitve personalities are hard to predict,,, NICE AVATAR!!!

  13. #53
    BIGDOGIRISH's Avatar
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    If you do go for it then look into 5-HTP. It "might" help with depression a little post cycle

  14. #54
    hobbs9963's Avatar
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    Congrats on the sobriety but you're not ready.

  15. #55
    ZaneFan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dupa95 View Post
    I am in recovery have been for over 12 years. I did not do my first cycle untill I was 11 years sober. You must rock solid and spiritualy sound. Also you will want to talk it over with you sponser at length. Personaly I would not advise it untill you were at lest 6 to 8 years sober. Although my drinkin problem is at bay. I have a thinkin problem. I would not do anything to jepardize this precious gift god has given me.
    Take the above recommendation - seriously.

  16. #56
    BG's Avatar
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    Yes there is tremendous addiction problems with AAS, if you've had rec issues, stay away from gear.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  17. #57
    MindBomb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by meathead320 View Post
    Unless you are on TRT, a post cycle crash is always possible.

    IMHO, don't risk it.

    Those crashes can make guys do weird things, and that would likely trigger a relapse.

    The other thing to look out for is that you have an addictive personality.

    AAS itself is not pharmacologically addictive, however the results mentally addictive, and losing even some of the results of a physique has kept many of gym lifter on cycle MUCH longer at MUCH higher doses than anyone should stay on for.

    There are guys who have used 2g+ of test, or other AAS combined EW, for years because they just did not want to come off, or lower the dose, because losing 5 pounds of muscle would “ruin their life”.

    Having a great physique is nice, however for those with addictive personalities, I would suggest just trying to stay fit. At least if that becomes addictive, then you are just a “health nut”. That is ok too, you can live a long time as a health nut. 80 years easily.

    AAS use at massive doses until you have a heart the size of a basketball, as to what could happen with AAS abuse. Addictive personality and AAS, well that is risky.

    Yes, I think AAS CAN be abused. Not that I agree with it being illegal, but to think they are 100% benign is also delusional. These are powerful hormones, with powerful effects, and that is a reason to respect them.
    Very well stated. Pct makes many very emotional. Hormonal imbalance can be tricky to deal with. And previous failure you went through should be some sort of sign. Being clean is more important than looking jacked.

  18. #58
    THE HESSIAN's Avatar
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    That was a good thread to read, Does being on anti-depressants help Pct????

  19. #59
    sirbuster's Avatar
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    Bro I've been clean for 7 yrs, it didn't bother me to do aas. The feelings with the needles are completly differnt and did not affect me,but, i couldn't do it in the bathroom I had to be in a differnt room (I guess there will always be some remenant feelings from this kind of use, it is how you deal with them that will make you sucesful) . I agree with a post above that stated if depression makes you relaps then I wouldn't chance it. When that issue is resolved then give it a shot.
    Last edited by sirbuster; 02-09-2008 at 03:01 PM. Reason: spelling

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by dupa95 View Post
    I am in recovery have been for over 12 years. I did not do my first cycle untill I was 11 years sober. You must rock solid and spiritualy sound. Also you will want to talk it over with you sponser at length. Personaly I would not advise it untill you were at lest 6 to 8 years sober. Although my drinkin problem is at bay. I have a thinkin problem. I would not do anything to jepardize this precious gift god has given me.

    amen bro

  21. #61
    fdrx7man's Avatar
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    good read..

    i am a firm believer that as there are some true addictions out there, I think more than half are just peoples willpower not being strong enough.. meaning its more mental than anything.. just my opnion tho..

  22. #62
    wilson9d's Avatar
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    Nine moths is way too soon to move into aas. It will take several years for your body and mind to recover from you addiction. If you do it is very likely you will trade one addiction for another or worse relapse.

  23. #63
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    In recovery also. 4+ yrs. Needles were never my thing in that world, so inj test will not trigger me. I'd bet it'd be real tough for an H user to do AAS though.

  24. #64
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    I have been around more than a few addicts and to be completley honest I am sick of em. I know they are good people inside but their addiction is always their excuse when they screw up. I just had a dude call me from AZ about a hour ago that use to live up here. He always tells me that he is now clean, he's working out, he's never felt better, blah, blah... But this is always in between or right after a "relapse". I am so sick of hearing grown men and women beg for approval for just being clean for a certain amount of time. Why should somebody be commended for something they should be doing anyway? Now I am not talking about true recovered addicts that actually reform their lives and don't use again. I'm talking about adult children that are always looking for an excuse to use again then want you to feel sorry for them when they screw up. Then when they are recovering you suppose to be sensative to their addiction and not trigger them into relapse.

    People that do this are losers in my book and there is no excuse for not being a responsible, stand up person. If you continue to relapse then that means that you really don't care about anybody else but yourself. It's a selfish act that causes problems for the real people that try to work and get ahead in life. So I try to disassociate myself with these people now. They are adult children that are looking for self satisfaction no matter what or who they screw over to get it. Losers.

    Of course this is my opinion from my own experience with addicts in my life.

  25. #65
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    Clomid gave me bad depression, however I was fine with a clomid free PCT, aka Anthony Robert's pct.

  26. #66
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    I had to learn the hard way when it came to that addiction lifestyle. It took many many years of going around in circles before I got out of it. It just had to run it's course and there was nothing anybody could do about it. Thank God I'm free now!!!

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk View Post
    I have been around more than a few addicts and to be completley honest I am sick of em. I know they are good people inside but their addiction is always their excuse when they screw up. I just had a dude call me from AZ about a hour ago that use to live up here. He always tells me that he is now clean, he's working out, he's never felt better, blah, blah... But this is always in between or right after a "relapse". I am so sick of hearing grown men and women beg for approval for just being clean for a certain amount of time. Why should somebody be commended for something they should be doing anyway? Now I am not talking about true recovered addicts that actually reform their lives and don't use again. I'm talking about adult children that are always looking for an excuse to use again then want you to feel sorry for them when they screw up. Then when they are recovering you suppose to be sensative to their addiction and not trigger them into relapse.

    People that do this are losers in my book and there is no excuse for not being a responsible, stand up person. If you continue to relapse then that means that you really don't care about anybody else but yourself. It's a selfish act that causes problems for the real people that try to work and get ahead in life. So I try to disassociate myself with these people now. They are adult children that are looking for self satisfaction no matter what or who they screw over to get it. Losers.

    Of course this is my opinion from my own experience with addicts in my life.
    Shows how much you know about the disease of addiction.

  28. #68
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    Part of the problem, I am noticing, is the OCD that seems to have manifested in some of your posts. OCD is nothing to play around with and needs to be treated. It could solve alot of your questions. You are doing a good job at the moment with even talking about these things. If you don't think you can heed our advise and stay away from gear for a little while, just throw it away. It sounds like you have not kicked this thing in the Arse hard enough to control it. Taking the smaller steps will allow you to make those giant leaps.

  29. #69
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    you asked for opinions and you are getting them. You need to stay far away from any thing and everything for several years and discover who you are without anything in your life like that. Once you realize that you don't need anything in your life and become free, you will know what kind of decision to make and you won't come around and ask anyone to justify your actions or steer you in the right direction. The very fact that you are questioning your ability and uncertain of how you can control yourself is enough to back the heck away. you need way more stregnth. it's not clomid, it's not depression, it is you and your choice.

    good luck. throw your shit away and you will become stronger and one step closer.

  30. #70
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    Just an update on this post... I did the cycle with proper pct I did not experience
    any depression... I have been clean for 26 months now.. Thanks to everyone for their help

  31. #71
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    Good to hear Stephan, proud of you man..

  32. #72
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    well hell...Gratz..lolz!

  33. #73
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    Just saw this thread and was patient enough to read to the end before I posted. Let's just say I'm surprised how it ended. You really seamed like you were headed for a relapse. Not because of aas, just your attitude in some of the posts. seemed like you had a reservation and you were using aas as an excuse to relapse. I'm glad I was wrong. Keep up the good work!

    I've been clean for 5 years and my best friend who had about a year more than me is just coming out of an 8 month relapse. Don't let your guard down. This disease will be with you your whole life no matter how far from it you think you are.

  34. #74
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    Congrats man!! I remember seeing this thread and thinking that it wasn't a good idea, but you proved me wronge!

    It's a lot of hard work to stay clean, do you think the lifting and dieting helps you stay clean? A couple years ago I was drinking and doing a lot of drugs in college and i turned things around when i started lifting and eating right...i really think its the reason i turned my life around.

    but once again nice work and congrats bro!

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