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  1. #1
    imakillerr's Avatar
    imakillerr is offline New Member
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    I had to go to the emergency room last night...

    First of all, I'm about to finish my second bottle of Enantat and Trenabol today and tomorrow, then start my cutting cycle with whinny. I've been on them since about December 19th and have had GREAT results and huge gains! I'm 23 also. This should give you some sort of idea of where i'm at... I haven't had any problems with getting angry or anything like that, and for the most part have been feeling pretty good throughout my cycle... Until this week that is.

    On Tuesday I woke up at about 2:30 a.m. (Monday night) with what I thought was a stomach ache, and it kept me up all night and the pain stayed with me all day. I went to work, but skipped the gym. Wed. I woke up feeling great. I thought it was just a 24 hour bug type thing.

    Well last night, it hit me again. I tried all they over the counter stuff (even thought it might have been heart burn and took med for that), and nothing took the pain away. I kind of realized that the pain wasn't in my stomach, but right around my sternum actually. It was late, so my wife took me to the emergency room.

    I told the doc what I was taking, and he ran some tests and thinks I might have developed and ulcer. He said sometimes when people use steroids , this can happen. Anyone had this happen to them? Or does anyone know anything about this?

  2. #2
    testosterona's Avatar
    testosterona is offline Anabolic Member
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    never heard of this, bump

  3. #3
    hobbs9963's Avatar
    hobbs9963 is offline Associate Member
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    Me either.

  4. #4
    getfit28's Avatar
    getfit28 is offline Member
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    Never heard of such thing but what did the doctor say?
    I'm sure he explained it to you, didn't he, what is a uclear & what was the outcome?

  5. #5
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    never heard of that happening either..sounds like doc just trying to blame juice instead of figuring out what the real problem is

  6. #6
    im83931's Avatar
    im83931 is offline Senior Member
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    Of course He said steroids were the culprit. Why try to make an honest assessment when you can scare someone into stopping steroids. Go see your primary care dr. It might be an ulcer but I would still get it checked out by someone else.

  7. #7
    imakillerr's Avatar
    imakillerr is offline New Member
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    I kind of thought he was just blaming the juice too.... Any doctor will tell you not to use steroids , so I assume they'll tell anyone who doesn't know anything about medicine anything they need to hear to get them off it. I can't quite remember exactly what the doc had said... it was about 1 a.m. and they pumped me full of morphine because none of the pain meds they gave me did anything. Needless to say.. i was ****ing stoned.

    I've been doing my own research to see what causes ulcers... I do have a very stressful job, and I think that might have something to do with it... not to mention i just got married and found out I have a kid coming about 3 weeks ago... a little stress... but nowhere i searched said anything about steroids causing ulcers. I thought that because it was intramuscular, it bypassed the stomach and liver and all that... Is that true? that's why I wanted to ask around here... I figured if there was any truth to this, someone here would know.

  8. #8
    im83931's Avatar
    im83931 is offline Senior Member
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    If your not using orals then its not the gear. Do you take aspirin, advil or tylenol alot?

  9. #9
    imakillerr's Avatar
    imakillerr is offline New Member
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    Nope... I believe America is overmedicated... the only thing I put in my body is food and supplements (and gear).

  10. #10
    Z-Ro's Avatar
    Z-Ro is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by imakillerr View Post
    First of all, I'm about to finish my second bottle of Enantat and Trenabol today and tomorrow, then start my cutting cycle with whinny. I've been on them since about December 19th and have had GREAT results and huge gains! I'm 23 also. This should give you some sort of idea of where i'm at... I haven't had any problems with getting angry or anything like that, and for the most part have been feeling pretty good throughout my cycle... Until this week that is.

    On Tuesday I woke up at about 2:30 a.m. (Monday night) with what I thought was a stomach ache, and it kept me up all night and the pain stayed with me all day. I went to work, but skipped the gym. Wed. I woke up feeling great. I thought it was just a 24 hour bug type thing.

    Well last night, it hit me again. I tried all they over the counter stuff (even thought it might have been heart burn and took med for that), and nothing took the pain away. I kind of realized that the pain wasn't in my stomach, but right around my sternum actually. It was late, so my wife took me to the emergency room.

    I told the doc what I was taking, and he ran some tests and thinks I might have developed and ulcer. He said sometimes when people use steroids, this can happen. Anyone had this happen to them? Or does anyone know anything about this?
    I am not saying it is not possible but I have never heard of this. I would continue to check it out and ask around for other opinions. Many things can lead to a stomach ulcer,

    good luck and God Bless!

    Let us know what eles you find out mate. Sounds funny to me though and I agree with the rest, he may have just been telling you that so you would immiedatley hop off the AAS.

  11. #11
    KJSolid is offline Associate Member
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    I went to several doctors until I found one that did not give me a speech about steroid use . I then knew that he would give me a honest assessment of what is ailing me. Hell my doc is pretty big and may be on the sauce also. I would recommend finding an open minded doctor, or at least get a few opinions. Good Luck.

  12. #12
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    Der schmutzig Süd
    if ur MARRIED why in the world r u taking AAS in the 1st place??

    she dont give a shit how u look, UR MARRIED!! haha

    just messin...

  13. #13
    im83931's Avatar
    im83931 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panzerfaust80 View Post
    if ur MARRIED why in the world r u taking AAS in the 1st place??

    she dont give a shit how u look, UR MARRIED!! haha

    just messin...
    Ha! My wife cares how I look. She knows I am on it too. When I am on cycle she is always complimenting me.

  14. #14
    Ncogneato's Avatar
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    I'm still way too skiddish to admit AAS use to my physician. I don't care about the lecturing but I do care about him documenting my usage in my medical record. Someday down the road I may have a serious ailment. The last thing I would want is the insurance company dropping my policy because of AAS use. I don't know many people who could afford proper medical care without insurance here in the U.S.

  15. #15
    im83931's Avatar
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    Its illegal for the insurance company to do that. My aunt was an H addict who died from hiv she got using a dirty needle. Insurance still covered her stuff.

  16. #16
    largerthannormal's Avatar
    largerthannormal is offline Productive Member
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    actually there has been studies to relate chronic steroid use to cetain types of ulcers!

  17. #17
    im83931's Avatar
    im83931 is offline Senior Member
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    Interesting, but i thought those were orals and cortico's.

  18. #18
    largerthannormal's Avatar
    largerthannormal is offline Productive Member
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    could be im not certian...just remember seeing them...(google..steroid use and ulcers)

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by imakillerr View Post
    I kind of thought he was just blaming the juice too.... Any doctor will tell you not to use steroids , so I assume they'll tell anyone who doesn't know anything about medicine anything they need to hear to get them off it. I can't quite remember exactly what the doc had said... it was about 1 a.m. and they pumped me full of morphine because none of the pain meds they gave me did anything. Needless to say.. i was ****ing stoned.

    I've been doing my own research to see what causes ulcers... I do have a very stressful job, and I think that might have something to do with it... not to mention i just got married and found out I have a kid coming about 3 weeks ago... a little stress... but nowhere i searched said anything about steroids causing ulcers. I thought that because it was intramuscular, it bypassed the stomach and liver and all that... Is that true? that's why I wanted to ask around here... I figured if there was any truth to this, someone here would know.
    your stress is most likely your problem.See your primary and chill out

  20. #20
    annihil8tion's Avatar
    annihil8tion is offline Junior Member
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    I cant speak to the steroids causing this - but this is clearly an ulcer.

    I have had these in the past all too many times - even before gear.

    Definitely stress dude. I had em when I was in prison, finishing school, divorcing wife... etc

    Your pain description is exactly like mine was... fuk THAT - id rather get my ass beat unconscious....

    Do like dude said and google anabolic steroids and gastric ulcers....

    just my 2 cents

  21. #21
    imakillerr's Avatar
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    Well, I'm pretty much convinced that it is an ulcer, NOT from the gear, and it def. sucks! I think the worst part is having to skip the gym cause I feel like shit. Part of me wants to tough it out, but I would hate to make it worse... Can mor physical activity make a ulcer worse?

  22. #22
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    Der schmutzig Süd
    Sorry off topic but is that a real tat on ur arm in ur avy bro?

    I guess its pretty wicked, but then again im not nto tats much..
    and u look too young to be married bro. Why did u sign ur death sentence so early?? LOL Shifty's gonna be right there with ya n a few months... put down the weights boys and get used to curling BABIES and BOTTLES and DIAPERS! haha

  23. #23
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    was traveling back from overseas....thought i was having a heart attack on the plane but did not want the plane landing anywhere except the US so i just hung went from bad to worse once we landed and i started puking blood.....ANTI INFLAMMATORY....the NSAIDs i was taking for arthirtis were the culprit.....and you are so right the pain does not go is brutal....anyway....if you are taking any of the Anti-inflammatory's you may be one of the unlucky ones.....
    Last edited by whiteowl; 02-08-2008 at 04:12 PM.

  24. #24
    imakillerr's Avatar
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    yeah it's real... I've got a ton of them. I've been around the world twice, to two different combat zones... Marraige doesn't scare me much. Babies and diapers are on the way too... But I'm dedicated. I'll never leave my precious weights!

  25. #25
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    Der schmutzig Süd
    Quote Originally Posted by imakillerr View Post
    yeah it's real... I've got a ton of them. I've been around the world twice, to two different combat zones... Marraige doesn't scare me much. Babies and diapers are on the way too... But I'm dedicated. I'll never leave my precious weights!
    For US armed forces?

    dont worry Im not a bleeding heart bastard I <3 our troops and give em alot of credit. i know u guys get flammed alot but fuk all the bloody liberals, right?? i admire your dedication as well!! with ur wife and all..

  26. #26
    logen32 is offline Associate Member
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    from my experience, its a doc not trying to look further into the matter. My bro had a gal bladder stone, and he told the doc that he supplements simple whey protien and multi vitamins. Well he quickly came to the desicsion that 2 protien shakes a day caused the gall bladder stones.

  27. #27
    imakillerr's Avatar
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    I went with the Indiana Army National Guard to Afghanistan, and with a private security company to Iraq.

  28. #28
    awntzu's Avatar
    awntzu is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by imakillerr View Post
    I went with the Indiana Army National Guard to Afghanistan, and with a private security company to Iraq.
    Ur proof people can still have children on aas. BTW a private security company? I remember those guys when in was in Iraq lol. they always had ak 47's and never m16 or nato weapons. hope u feel better

  29. #29
    tadpoleboyy is offline Member
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    ask your doc to explain to you exactly how and why AAS caused the ulcer in scientific terms... he wont be able to. Unless he makes some shit up

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