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  1. #1
    branch's Avatar
    branch is offline Junior Member
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    Question experienced user stretching it out?

    im 23 im 5'7 215 about 10 percent bf ive done 2 decent cycles and one big cycle

    1- 500mgs sus/ mas 8 weeks
    2- test eth 500ms 10 weeks
    3- deca 300mg/ test e 500 11 weeks
    (on my most recent cycle i had learned to make my own ass so i jumped my test up to a g a week sometimes and deca around 600mg also threw in winny at the end)

    i dont need much to grow and get sides such as acne the most from aas.

    so its been 1 and a half yrs since last cycle just orderd 1000 dbol deca and teste thinking about going on for a while at low dosage running

    -dbol first 6 weeks at 25 mg
    - test e 300/400mgs?
    - deca 200/300mgs?

    maybe do it for 12-16 weeks. i have a competition i want to get ready for in june but i dont think i will have enough time so i want to do one in july, and have never bridged before so ive read a few posts on it but nothing that good. my contest prep cycle is prob gonna be

    -win 100 mgs eod
    -anavar ?
    -test prop ?
    - clen
    - maybe dnp

    and i have my pct all set?

    ne ideas?

  2. #2
    branch's Avatar
    branch is offline Junior Member
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    i guess in a nutshell im askin has anyone ran deca and test e for a long period of time on low dose and still seen results. i blow up as it is so im trying to do a lean bulk and i know this isnt the perfrct lean bulk but bear with me.

    and then how to bridge?


  3. #3
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    I'll be honest with you...everything you just mentioned you want to do I'm against...I do my cycles Hard,quick and OFF...Bridging to me is a no no...your body needs time to recover and the longer you're on the longer it will take for it to recover.your body will responmg to compounds for abut of time then they you either have to change them or raise dose...or get OFF.

  4. #4
    branch's Avatar
    branch is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax View Post
    I'll be honest with you...everything you just mentioned you want to do I'm against...I do my cycles Hard,quick and OFF...Bridging to me is a no no...your body needs time to recover and the longer you're on the longer it will take for it to recover.your body will responmg to compounds for abut of time then they you either have to change them or raise dose...or get OFF.
    yea ive always been against it also but ive read a few articles with little info on it and wasnt sure. but was curious if anyone had any experience with it and if the results were positive?

  5. #5
    rampage12 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by timmy69 View Post
    i like to suck on gets me big.
    someone ban this f uck so he will quit posting this shit

  6. #6
    rampage12 is offline Member
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    y is he not ban?

  7. #7
    Sir Lifts-a-lot's Avatar
    Sir Lifts-a-lot is offline Senior Member
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    long term cycles arn't the best. I did that with test and was not happy with the end result at all. If you want to use the gear you haev now for a descent cycle I would say go with test @ 500-750mg a week, deca 600 mg and 50mg dbol for front load of 4 weeks. I am foggy on the rule of running deca or test longer by a few weeks over the other so i will let another bro answer that part.

  8. #8
    rampage12 is offline Member
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    run deca 2 weeks longer cause of longer half life

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