Cycle was:
400mg EQ/wk - 9 weeks
500mg Test/wk - 10 weeks

15 days after last Test shot PCT was:
20mg Nolva Day 1-25
25mg Aromasin Day 1-25

3 weeks later wasn't feeling 100% so:
20mg Nolva Day 1-10
25mg Aromasin Day 1-5

Was feeling like I was still not up to par and thought I'd just give it more time. Then I started accutane. It feels like it is setting me back to square 1 as far as recovery.

I know accutane is a retinoid, which while not directly a hormone it does affect hormones to some extent.

Anyone have this problem with accutane? Or do I need to do another PCT? Or just give it more time. First PCT was over about 2.5 months ago.