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  1. #1
    launburga is offline New Member
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    Couple questions from a noob.

    I'm 26, 5'9" on a good day, and am currently 205. I couldn't tell you bf% to save my life. Would guesstimate pushing 20ish.

    I've hit my natural plateu(sp?) for the second time now. Last time was almost three years ago. Back then I got down to 180 was about 12% and was getting the "what are you on?" all the time. I wouldn't have even considered gear back then. I had the diet down, supps right, multi, sleep, Etc. After 8 months I just couldn't break through the wall no matter what I did, Change workouts, intensity, went from 5 on 2 off to 1 on 2 off(whole body, 1 exercise per body part). I got so discouraged that I quit. I know, I know. P*$$y!

    So, I bought a bowflex(yes to all who haven't used one-this f-in thing blows my mind) and started out again, same thing-Supps, multi, diet, sleep. I'm loosing fat but cant gain to save my life. I don't want to continue cutting especially if I can't gain, so here I am.

    And this is where my Journey to the dark side begins. I'm in the research phase and am coming up with a few considerations. My first consideration would be Sust 250/week broken down eod then to jump to 500 eod half-way through for 10-12 weeks. I'm also considering D-bol for four weeks starting at 20 and jumping progressivly to 35 ed at week four. For pct i'm considering clomid and nolvadex for weeks 10-12. I'll also be taking Isatori ISATEST and 6-oxo. Milk thistle and other liver damage counteraction will also be taken.

    Now for the Questions:
    1: Decent cycle?
    2: Good Gains?(I know its hard with no pics but bear with me)
    3: Is pct good enough?
    4: Is there any better combo for a 1st cycle?
    5: In comparison-Liver Toxisity(sp?) to other possible cycles
    6: What else can be taken to combat liver damage?

    Thanks to Everyone in advance and thanks for the hospitality.
    Last edited by launburga; 02-27-2008 at 08:26 PM.

  2. #2
    launburga is offline New Member
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    Little help guys?


  3. #3
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    first off you dont want to run your clomid weeks 10-12 because you'll still be on the test. wait a week after your last injection then you can start pct. al inso i would start the sust at 500mgs a week and keep it there instead of starting low and raising your dose

  4. #4
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    first off you dont want to run your clomid weeks 10-12 because you'll still be on the test. wait a week after your last injection then you can start pct. al inso i would start the sust at 500mgs a week and keep it there instead of starting low and raising your dose
    with sust pct should be started 16 days after last shot.

    to the poster dont taper you compound keep them at a stedy lavel to avoid side effect.

    weeks 1-12 sust 125mgs every other day

    weeks 1-4 dbol 40 mgs every day

    start pct 16 days after last shot of sust

    nolva 20/20/20/20 clomid 100/100/50/20

    nolva and ai on hand for problems while on cycle

  5. #5
    launburga is offline New Member
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    This if fine for a 1st?

    So I'll run 125 eod for 12 weeks and 40 ed for four weeks. Should I use 6 pin sites or more? Should I bother with satches or just risk getting the vials? Any thing to add to the cycle to help or is this fine. Are good gains to be expected in a perfect world(diet, sleep, so-on)? Any thing other that I can use to reduce liver damage? Sorry for all the questions but I'd rather know it and not need it than to need it and not know it. Thanks again in advance.

  6. #6
    CheddaNips is offline Senior Member
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    6 is fine. just try not to pin the same site more than once a week

  7. #7
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    learn to diet before u play w/ aas

  8. #8
    launburga is offline New Member
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    Please read the first post before you bash

    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    learn to diet before u play w/ aas
    It seems you didn't read the first post. Diet is spot on. We have all seen good diets. Everything I eat is right there with what i have read that you guys have praised-so that's irrelevant. Again, I'M LOOSING FAT, I just don't want to continue cutting if I'm not gaining. So without seeming like an ass, if you could, just advice-not unconstructive critisizm. I know My Bf % is higher than Ideal but I'm not looking to get shreded right now. So could you suggest any thing to this combo or is this worth my time for a 1st cycle?

    Thanks again

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