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  1. #1
    rickybobby24 is offline New Member
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    Mass Bulk - 16 Weeker - Tren E / Test E - Questions

    heres some history

    age: 24
    220 lbs
    14% bf
    training 4 good years

    1st cycle
    - test e 400mg/wk with pct (solid)

    2nd cycle
    - test e 750mg/wk with pct (too much test imo)

    This will be my first time taking tren . Please don't comment on taking tren A first due to sides leaving quicker etc. I've done dnp from THE source and was more than ok with the sides.

    This will be my 3rd cycle:
    Week 1 test e 1000mg/wk
    Week 1 tren e 800mg/wk
    Week 2-16 test e 500 mg/wk,
    Week 2-15 tren e 400mg/wk
    Week 18-22 nolva 40/40/20/20
    Week 18-22 clomid 50/50/25/25
    week ??? hcg ???

    goal - get yuuuge

    supps = protein shake/multi/milk thistle/b6/tons of good food
    train = 5-6x week (legs/chest/back/triceps/biceps/shoulders+forearms)/row daily/heavy bag daily

    I have some questions:

    1) i want to do hcg POST CYCLE. i know the protocol for it during cycle but i think it ruins gains. can someone explain the best way to incorporate it during pct or towards the very end of cycle?

    2) am i doing the right thing by stopping tren 1 week before test ends? why do we do this agian lol?

    Please comment on anything that looks GOOD or OUT OF PLACE.

    Thanks bros,
    Last edited by rickybobby24; 02-29-2008 at 05:11 PM. Reason: forgot supps/training

  2. #2
    james21's Avatar
    james21 is offline Anabolic Member
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    people tell you to use tren a for YOUR benefit not theirs... they are quoteing experiences ... and dnp is completely different than a steroid not made for humans.

  3. #3
    rickybobby24 is offline New Member
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    valid point.

    realize that i've asked a lot of experienced bros who clearly think dnps sides are worse when taken correctly.

    i'm sure others with experience will agree.

  4. #4
    rickybobby24 is offline New Member
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    keep all input coming bros

  5. #5
    realmafia's Avatar
    realmafia is offline Junior Member
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    Tren first time at 800mgs will hit you hard and most run tren 8 weeks. Better have bromo.

  6. #6
    Coop77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rickybobby24 View Post
    1) i want to do hcg POST CYCLE. i know the protocol for it during cycle but i think it ruins gains. can someone explain the best way to incorporate it during pct or towards the very end of cycle?
    Why would hcg ruin gains? If anything, keeping your balls producing natural test will help your gains.

  7. #7
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Well you can run tren if you like but there is a few things you need to know.

    1. is that its not a great bulker. Yes it will work but no as well as deca . It burns to meany kcal and also kills apatite.

    2. is first time with tren i you do not need to frt load it. you also need to look out for sides . Tren -e is a long ester and if the sides are to harsh it takes 2 weeks to clear out.

    3. 5-6 times a week is over kill if your tring to bulk.

    4. run 500 to 1000iu of hcg right up to pct. start with 500 and if you need to up the dose go right a head.

    5. your supps suck and you should look into what you really need. milk thistle why you dont have any 17aa in the cycle.

    6. your looking to run b-6. You should get and injectable b-15 complex with b-6 in it. B-12 will help with hunger and b-6 with gyno.

    7. if you can add eq i would do so. It will increase your rbc and help with tren sides. you wont be as winded when working out of doing cardio.

    8. you dont need to run the test past tren there the same ester.

  8. #8
    rickybobby24 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by realmafia View Post
    Tren first time at 800mgs will hit you hard and most run tren 8 weeks. Better have bromo.

    good idea. yea im def not gonna front load the tren .

  9. #9
    rickybobby24 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr View Post
    Well you can run tren if you like but there is a few things you need to know.

    1. is that its not a great bulker. Yes it will work but no as well as deca . It burns to meany kcal and also kills apatite.

    2. is first time with tren i you do not need to frt load it. you also need to look out for sides . Tren -e is a long ester and if the sides are to harsh it takes 2 weeks to clear out.

    3. 5-6 times a week is over kill if your tring to bulk.

    4. run 500 to 1000iu of hcg right up to pct. start with 500 and if you need to up the dose go right a head.

    5. your supps suck and you should look into what you really need. milk thistle why you dont have any 17aa in the cycle.

    6. your looking to run b-6. You should get and injectable b-15 complex with b-6 in it. B-12 will help with hunger and b-6 with gyno.

    7. if you can add eq i would do so. It will increase your rbc and help with tren sides. you wont be as winded when working out of doing cardio.

    8. you dont need to run the test past tren there the same ester.

    1. already purchased everything =(

    2. agreed. i'll be watching for sides, but it comes with the territory.

    3. i should change the title cause i guess i want to just put solid weight on not mass bulk. so hopefully 5 times a week is ok.

    4. decided to run hcg last 5 weeks of cycle at 1000 iu per week (2 shots)

    5. why do the supps suck? I love keeping it simple with just the occasional shake, everyday multi. will drop milk thistle. not a big fan of supps.

    6. ill look into getting that. i hope they sell it where i live cause my sources doesnt. Can i just get the b12 and b6 pills?

    7. can't afford for a few months.

    8. ok i think i might cut tren to 12 weeks anyways. y'all scaring me.

  10. #10
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rickybobby24 View Post
    1. already purchased everything =( Ok get more.

    2. agreed. i'll be watching for sides, but it comes with the territory. True but sometime the sides really suck. If you cant eat or sleep you will not gain.

    3. i should change the title cause i guess i want to just put solid weight on not mass bulk. so hopefully 5 times a week is ok. As long as your not over training you will be ok. A lot of people tent to do that when on cycle. Your not going to want to do thing like cardio 5 days a week.

    4. decided to run hcg last 5 weeks of cycle at 1000 iu per week (2 shots) OK run that the last 5 week right to pct

    5. why do the supps suck? I love keeping it simple with just the occasional shake, everyday multi. will drop milk thistle. not a big fan of supps. Supps work for just that supps. but your looking to add true muscle and recover as fast as possible. Hit up the supp form so you can find what it is you should have. You can decide on what a good pre and pwo shake will work best.

    6. ill look into getting that. i hope they sell it where i live cause my sources doesnt. Can i just get the b12 and b6 pills? You can order it online from a vet suppler.

    7. can't afford for a few months. I would hold off the cycle till you can get it. That is if you can get it. EQ help a lot with tren. It sucks when your moving something up steps and you cant even breath. But if you cant you will just need to deal.

    8. ok i think i might cut tren to 12 weeks anyways. y'all scaring me. Haha just letting you know. The sied get worse and the cycle goes on. But there not that bad when you learn to deal with them.

    This is a list of sides i get every time i run tren.

    Decrease in apatite.
    Night sweets bad
    Hair shedding
    Decrease in cardio and shortness of breath.
    Sometimes numbness in limbs. haha this one is cool
    Dark urine. Make sure you drink a lot of water.

    Nice hard mass.
    Strong as shit
    Vascular as hell.
    Oh wow look at that the sides are more the the pros.
    But i love tren none the less.

  11. #11
    thunderin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rickybobby24 View Post
    heres some history

    This will be my first time taking tren. Please don't comment on taking tren A first due to sides leaving quicker etc. I've done dnp from THE source and was more than ok with the sides.

    This will be my 3rd cycle:
    Week 1 test e 1000mg/wk
    Week 1 tren e 800mg/wk
    Week 2-16 test e 500 mg/wk,
    Week 2-15 tren e 400mg/wk
    Week 18-22 nolva 40/40/20/20
    Week 18-22 clomid 50/50/25/25
    week ??? hcg ???

    Thanks bros,
    You're frontloading tren e which has a half life of ten days, and you will be injection it every 7 days, I assume. It will be over a month before you drop below 800mg of tren in your body. Moreover, you state that it is the first time you have ever run tren.

    Unless you have an extreme amount of control over the explosive temper and heavy aggression that you surely will experience, I would suggest not frontloading it just to see how it treats you for this first time. You have the rest of your life to run tren.

    A word of caution.

    Tren enanthate remaining in body:

    Week 1: 800mg, day 10 400mg, day 20 200mg, day 30 100mg
    Week 2: 400mg, day 10 200mg, day 20 100mg
    Week 3: 400mg, day 10 200mg, day 20 100mg
    Week 4: 400mg, day 10 200mg, day 20 100mg

    "Bodybuilding is like running a marathon not a 50 meter sprint."

  12. #12
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr View Post
    5. your supps suck and you should look into what you really need. milk thistle why you dont have any 17aa in the cycle.
    why drop the milk thistle? i'm just askin, that is supposed to save ur liver...

  13. #13
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    why drop the milk thistle? i'm just askin, that is supposed to save ur liver...
    yes it is a liver support. If you want to run it ok. but not needed.

  14. #14
    rickybobby24 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr View Post
    This is a list of sides i get every time i run tren .

    Decrease in apatite.
    Night sweets bad
    Hair shedding
    Decrease in cardio and shortness of breath.
    Sometimes numbness in limbs. haha this one is cool
    Dark urine. Make sure you drink a lot of water.

    Nice hard mass.
    Strong as shit
    Vascular as hell.
    Oh wow look at that the sides are more the the pros.
    But i love tren none the less.

    Heh, hopefully i can manage!
    thnx Gsxxr, gonna make all those changes except adding the eq. I'm really hoping my forearms explode on this cycle. For some reason they don't respond to anything.

  15. #15
    mad04007 is offline Junior Member
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    hey, ya my forearms it looks terrible compared to my upper arms.

    but i started working them out every single day, since being on cycle i can really see a differnce in the size of them. i am running test cyp/ tren e. and i am doing half of what ur doing...its going great

  16. #16
    Discipline_1's Avatar
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    keep us updated on progress rickybobby, i am very interested to see how this cycle goes for you

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