View Poll Results: For those that have tried Letro to rid your gyno, has it worked?

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  • yes

    5 55.56%
  • no

    4 44.44%
Results 1 to 8 of 8
  1. #1
    MrTAME's Avatar
    MrTAME is offline Associate Member
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    For all that have gyno...

    I am seriously thinking about using Letro to combat gyno using C-bino's method.

    How many of you have used Letro to combat the lump type gyno under the nip with good results?

    Also how many of you have tried it with no results?

    I am reading a lot of conflicting info here on lets hear what people have to say, people that have givien it a shot, lets hear your voice.

  2. #2
    MrTAME's Avatar
    MrTAME is offline Associate Member
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    wow, no one has tried the gyno reversal?

  3. #3
    duramaxedge's Avatar
    duramaxedge is offline Senior Member
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    it works MrTAME.. I have had HUGE lumps (hard lumps) under my nips.. and some Letro later its gone..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    i did it for 7 weeks, didnt help at all, and now I have to counter a killer estrogen rebound.

    The letro camp will tell you it takes two months to even begin working, so maybe I'm just a screw up.

  5. #5
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Yes I have used it and it cleared up after 8 weeks of use. I thought that was a long time but apprenly it wasnt. Most users taking it stop after a short period of time saying it doesn work but it can take serveral months for it to work. Just keep at it and give it time.

  6. #6
    coot589 is offline Junior Member
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    I used letro for two weeks then swicthed to nova and got one nip completely healed and the other still has small bump but it does not hurt anymore going to give it some time because my doctor said it should subside after a few months when I got a blood test a few weeks ago my estro levels were 150 and should be 120 and my test was normal so pct worked but letro caused a rebound of estro should have run nova longer

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    good luck
    Last edited by RapaciousShark; 03-11-2008 at 07:40 PM.

  8. #8
    ggoyal is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2008
    So letro should be taken only if I get signs of gyno during my cycle? If i see no signs, then I continue with nolvadex on my 1st cycle( test e 400mg/week and dbol 1-4weeks, 20g ED). Along Nolv, do i need to take L-dex?

    How bad could gyno get, would it really come out like girl tits?

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