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  1. #1
    Act of God's Avatar
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    Can doing a cycle lead to low test?

    I haven't been the same since my last cycle (500mg Enanthate /400mg Dec). I was at about 205-208 after I was done (last June) and I quickly lost 20-25lbs 3 weeks after the cycle was over due to a breakup.

    I'm totally over the breakup and with an amazing girl now, but I haven't been able to get my weight back up to even 190 (I was 190-195 pre-cycle). Plus, I have like NO sex drive.

    Is it possible to give yourself a low test condition? I ran clomid properly after the cycle, but nothing else. Currently, I'm running trib/ZMA.

    Any information on this?

  2. #2
    PT's Avatar
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    maybe you had fake clomid. what dose did you use and how long did you run it? personally i use hcg all the time and clomid plus nolva and i never had a single problem even after doses higher then a gram run for 6 months

  3. #3
    No One Knows's Avatar
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    Deca can really **** your sex drive up. I ran deca from aug to oct and I still don't feel fully recovered...

  4. #4
    PT's Avatar
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    i ran deca my last cycle at 800mgs a week for 18 weeks and i never lost my sex drive whatsoever and was fine after pct. i know deca can mess up some peoples sex drive but thank god im not one of them

  5. #5
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    can you get some bloodwork done?

    maybe run a full pct of hcg , nolva and either clomid or an AI and see if that helps..

  6. #6
    CheddaNips is offline Senior Member
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    your PCT had to have been fake. There is no reason that you lost that much body mass that quickly unless your natty test was too supressed from that cycle to be able to recover. I think it is testicular hypotrophy (sp?). But that has only really been seen on long real long cycles.

    Go to your doc and be honest. I know a powerlifter that ran a real long cycle in HS in order to compete with the best and his Dr said that his test will never recover. He most likely will not be able to get an erection again without some kind of drug such as viagra or cialis.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by CheddaNips View Post
    your PCT had to have been fake. There is no reason that you lost that much body mass that quickly unless your natty test was too supressed from that cycle to be able to recover. I think it is testicular hypotrophy (sp?). But that has only really been seen on long real long cycles.

    Go to your doc and be honest. I know a powerlifter that ran a real long cycle in HS in order to compete with the best and his Dr said that his test will never recover. He most likely will not be able to get an erection again without some kind of drug such as viagra or cialis.
    I'd rather grow double Ds then have them cut off than deal with that side. Gotta treat roids with respect....

  8. #8
    CheddaNips is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RapaciousShark View Post
    I'd rather grow double Ds then have them cut off than deal with that side. Gotta treat roids with respect....
    I just had to write a med paper on the effects or Adding hormones to our bodies. (aas, slin, estrogens) Some of the shit that you can do to yourself is amazing.

  9. #9
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Act of God View Post
    I haven't been the same since my last cycle (500mg Enanthate /400mg Dec). I was at about 205-208 after I was done (last June) and I quickly lost 20-25lbs 3 weeks after the cycle was over due to a breakup.

    I'm totally over the breakup and with an amazing girl now, but I haven't been able to get my weight back up to even 190 (I was 190-195 pre-cycle). Plus, I have like NO sex drive.

    Is it possible to give yourself a low test condition? I ran clomid properly after the cycle, but nothing else. Currently, I'm running trib/ZMA.

    Any information on this?
    HPTA can be effected. get levels tested

  10. #10
    legobricks's Avatar
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    Your PCT was not near sufficient for the cycle that you had just finished. Nolva/clomid should have been used as well as some HCG for optimal recovering. I would probably run another PCT to try and bounce back. Possibly some aromasin /nolva combo. Check out hte PCT forum for different ways to run it. Deca is very harsh and now you know this.

  11. #11
    logen32 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CheddaNips View Post
    I just had to write a med paper on the effects or Adding hormones to our bodies. (aas, slin, estrogens) Some of the shit that you can do to yourself is amazing.

    Hey would you be willing to send your paper over, i would love to give a read. If you dont mind that is.

  12. #12
    Act of God's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CheddaNips View Post
    your PCT had to have been fake. There is no reason that you lost that much body mass that quickly unless your natty test was too supressed from that cycle to be able to recover. I think it is testicular hypotrophy (sp?). But that has only really been seen on long real long cycles.

    Go to your doc and be honest. I know a powerlifter that ran a real long cycle in HS in order to compete with the best and his Dr said that his test will never recover. He most likely will not be able to get an erection again without some kind of drug such as viagra or cialis.
    it was ar-r clomi, thats legit as far as i know...right? I only ran 10 weeks of the cycle too. Plus, i got VERY emotional on it.

  13. #13
    legobricks's Avatar
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    Was this your first cycle? Have you researched a proper PCT? Have you looked at how Deca affects your body vs test and why they differ? I think those are some things you should have looked into while doing this cycle. Were you lactating at all? ARe you sure your test was real?

  14. #14
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    i think we all need to see that paper

  15. #15
    Act of God's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by legobricks View Post
    Was this your first cycle? Have you researched a proper PCT? Have you looked at how Deca affects your body vs test and why they differ? I think those are some things you should have looked into while doing this cycle. Were you lactating at all? ARe you sure your test was real?
    My first cycle was in 2004 and it was Sust and Winny. Since then and before this I did 2 var cycles (no sides, nothing). This past cycle was the last thing I touched. I got the usual bacne, but nothing with the nipples at all. No lactating, no puffiness, itchiness or anything. The only sides I saw were bloating and bacne (towards the end and for like 4 months after).

    I ran clomid like all the FAQ's say to. I read up on everything and I made sure I ran more test than deca and stopped the deca before the test. The test was definitely real because I had the same sides as when I took sust (which was 100% real).

    I never had any issues like this before. I thought at first I was just depressed because of the breakup but that is ancient history and I'm loving life now (except havin the peep on the fritz).

    So should I go get bloodwork done before anything, or just jump into another PCT? I was going to start var in a few weeks....ugh (vegas trip coming in june).

  16. #16
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    I just turned 32 and the problem seems to be getting worse. I was able to shag some randoms this summer in the wake of the breakup. Also though, now I'm constantly thinking about it and fretting over it.

  17. #17
    Act of God's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CheddaNips View Post
    your PCT had to have been fake. There is no reason that you lost that much body mass that quickly unless your natty test was too supressed from that cycle to be able to recover. I think it is testicular hypotrophy (sp?). But that has only really been seen on long real long cycles.

    Go to your doc and be honest. I know a powerlifter that ran a real long cycle in HS in order to compete with the best and his Dr said that his test will never recover. He most likely will not be able to get an erection again without some kind of drug such as viagra or cialis.
    I lost 20+ pounds in 3 weeks because of the breakup. I didn't eat anything for like 5 days straight and I didn't sleep more than 15-20 minutes at a time. On the bright side, I was RIPPED more than I ever was.

    I've been training hard as ever now and eating like a horse. I'm still looking good, but something's off.

  18. #18
    legobricks's Avatar
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    Get some bloodwork done 1st. Your doc may ask about AAS and that will be up to you to tell him that. You may be a candidate for HRT....

  19. #19
    sweetz is offline Junior Member
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    chedda what do u mean by long cycle???? Time wise......

  20. #20
    Act of God's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by legobricks View Post
    Get some bloodwork done 1st. Your doc may ask about AAS and that will be up to you to tell him that. You may be a candidate for HRT....
    I'm calling the local bodybuilder doctor tomorrow and hopefully getting in for bloodwork. He treats just about every guy at my gym and all the local places, allegedly very knowledgeable and they don't write down anything you say about AAS.

  21. #21
    shifty_git's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Act of God View Post
    I'm calling the local bodybuilder doctor tomorrow and hopefully getting in for bloodwork. He treats just about every guy at my gym and all the local places, allegedly very knowledgeable and they don't write down anything you say about AAS.
    Good job fella.

    Either result can be beneficial...
    If things are normal you know its just stress.. Which can be sorted with time...

    If test levels are low, having a prescrip for HRT can work in ya favour.

  22. #22
    Act of God's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shifty_git View Post
    Good job fella.

    Either result can be beneficial...
    If things are normal you know its just stress.. Which can be sorted with time...

    If test levels are low, having a prescrip for HRT can work in ya favour.
    Then the gf can't get mad at me for bein on gear

    Hopefully getting in friend thinks he'll give me nolva and tell me to get hcg . I will update.

  23. #23
    CheddaNips is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RapaciousShark View Post
    i think we all need to see that paper
    Definatly. I am home on my spring break till next tues. Ill get it up there whenever i get it back

  24. #24
    CheddaNips is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweetz View Post
    chedda what do u mean by long cycle???? Time wise......
    upwards of 6 months

  25. #25
    CapnZ's Avatar
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    aromisan / nolva / hcg is a very effective combo for pct. Do a search on Antnony Roberts pct protocol.

  26. #26
    Act of God's Avatar
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    Blood work was done last week:

    Test: 289 (260-1000 normal)
    Free Test: 1.3% (1.0-2.7 normal)
    Free Test: 38.2 (50-210 normal)
    LH: 1.9 (1.5-9.3 normal)
    FSH: 2.8 (1.6-8.0 normal)
    Prolactin: 6 (2-18 normal)
    Estradiol: 11 (10-50 normal)
    Sex Hormone Binding: 21 (8-48 normal)
    IGF-I: 150 (106-255 normal)

    They put me on Testim 1% for 4 months (visit every month for blood work),then told me to run an extended PCT. Hoping that natural levels will rise to normal range afterwards.

    Any opinions?

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