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  1. #1
    JtGlock is offline New Member
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    am I using the right steroids???

    Hi I was wondering if you guys could help me with my first pre contest cycle. Contest is about 3 months away, current stats: 5'8 180 lbs
    13% bf. this is what i had in mind but since is my first pre contest cycle i'm not to sure about this, hope you can give me some pointers and if i need to make some changes thanks.

    Cycle looks like this.

    Week 1-7 Winstrol 50mg EOD
    Week 1-10 Boldenone undecylenate 300mg/week
    Week 6-11 Parabolan 75mg EOD
    Week 7-12 Anavar 40mg ED

  2. #2
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    have you ever used gear before because thats a harsh cycle. personally i would add a small amount of prop and shoot the parabolon and winny ed plus bump the eq up to 400mgs. im telling you what i would do so this isnt advice for you until i find out if you ever used gear before

  3. #3
    CheddaNips is offline Senior Member
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    If this is your first cycle ever i would say no. If it is not then i would say check your diet cuz your stats could be better with diet

  4. #4
    JtGlock is offline New Member
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    actually this is like my 5th cycle , but its the first pre contest one...

  5. #5
    JtGlock is offline New Member
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    any suggestions?

  6. #6
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    my suggestion is go for it. if your experianced then this is a really good pre contest stack. the only thing i would do different is raise the eq to 400mgs, shoot the parabolon and winny ed and throw in a little prop. actually what kind of parabolon do you have?

  7. #7
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    womb raider
    test p 100mgs ed weeks 1-10

    winny 75 mgs ed weeks 4-10

    would be alot better

  8. #8
    J431S is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by JtGlock View Post
    actually this is like my 5th cycle , but its the first pre contest one...
    this is your 5th cycle...and u said u weigh 185 pounds only at 13%bf in thread #1? u better be lying to your ownself.

  9. #9
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JtGlock View Post
    Hi I was wondering if you guys could help me with my first pre contest cycle. Contest is about 3 months away, current stats: 5'8 180 lbs
    13% bf. this is what i had in mind but since is my first pre contest cycle i'm not to sure about this, hope you can give me some pointers and if i need to make some changes thanks.

    Cycle looks like this.

    Week 1-7 Winstrol 50mg EOD
    Week 1-10 Boldenone undecylenate 300mg/week
    Week 6-11 Parabolan 75mg EOD
    Week 7-12 Anavar 40mg ED
    where's the test? are you aware that winstrol does not burn fat. eq will not help you achive your goal. here is what I would do:
    weeks 1-8
    test enan at 750mg/week
    parabolan 75mg/ed
    anavar 80mg/ed

  10. #10
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    i understand your reasoning for not using test and i had friends that wanted to do that before comps as well but you will be better off with a low dose of it bro. just take .25mgs of armidex to keep the water down

  11. #11
    JtGlock is offline New Member
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    well i dont like to use test because it holds to much water in my body but if i should use it i will , thanks every body

  12. #12
    Charger527's Avatar
    Charger527 is offline Senior Member
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    why not go prop i understand it has a very low water retention?

  13. #13
    JtGlock is offline New Member
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    Originally Posted by JtGlock
    Hi I was wondering if you guys could help me with my first pre contest cycle. Contest is about 3 months away, current stats: 5'8 180 lbs
    13% bf. this is what i had in mind but since is my first pre contest cycle i'm not to sure about this, hope you can give me some pointers and if i need to make some changes thanks.

    Cycle looks like this.

    Week 1-7 Winstrol 50mg EOD
    Week 1-10 Boldenone undecylenate 300mg/week
    Week 6-11 Parabolan 75mg EOD
    Week 7-12 Anavar 40mg ED

    where's the test? are you aware that winstrol does not burn fat. eq will not help you achive your goal. here is what I would do:
    weeks 1-8
    test enan at 750mg/week
    parabolan 75mg/ed
    anavar 80mg/ed

    Considering what you are saying about boldenone , should i drop it and use test better??
    any suggestion???

  14. #14
    JtGlock is offline New Member
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    why not go prop i understand it has a very low water retention?

    thats what i heard i think i will give it a try and see what happens

  15. #15
    JtGlock is offline New Member
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    anyway vascularity is the only property of boldenone ? or its gonna give me that tight look?

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