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  1. #1
    maxumboater's Avatar
    maxumboater is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2008

    test cyp cycle only

    I had recently ran a 6 week cycle of test prop. I shot 100mg eod. Everything went fine except I had some mild acne towards the end. for my second cycle I wanna run test cyp for 10 weeks. I know you should run it for either 400mg/week or 500mg/week. I was wondering if I could get away with 300mg/week to keep the acne down, but still see good gains?

  2. #2
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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    Apr 2005
    On, CANADA
    a huge reason you broke out with acne last time was im guessing you didnt have a PCT ?

    whats you PCT for this cycle?


  3. #3
    maxumboater's Avatar
    maxumboater is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Im actually running nolvadex right now and all acne is prety much clear. My pct for this cycle will be nolvadex 10mg ed and l dex .25mg ed for about 12 weeks. im 21 170lbs 5' 10" 13% bf and been lifting natural for around 4 years.

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