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  1. #1
    master_gee is offline New Member
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    Mar 2008

    Three years and I'm back! Looking for info on d-bol/winny cycle

    Hey what’s up everyone..

    I was on here about 3 years ago and was considering doing steroids , until I got a rude awaking by many “professional users” on this forum. I was 21, 130lbs, didn’t eat much and had just started seriously and consistently working out. I was looking for the “quick fix” and wanted to have a huge ripped body immediately. I was advised by numerous members of this forum that if I started consuming roids, that I was a complete idiot. I was advised to start eating like a horse, work out four to five times a week, get a trainer, start taking protein and to come back to this website in three years and then I’ll get some advice. So that’s exactly what I’ve done!!

    First off, I’d like to thank everyone who gave me the advise in the past, bc it was the best advice possible at that time. Now, I am going to do a cycle and would really appreciate any advice I can get.

    I’m 5’9 and weigh 148 – 150lbs. I have an extremely fast metabolism and I’m very lean and I’ve been finding it nearly impossible for the last six months to put on any weight. I’ve tried supplements after supplements and nothing seems to be helping. I was told three years ago that at some point I may hit a plateau, and I believe I have.

    I’m doing a body cleanse for the next two weeks and then I’m going to start a cycle. I would really appreciate any advice I can get in regards to doing a cycle. One thing I am really concerned about is the effect a cycle may have on my liver.

    I already have the products that I will be using. I have 150 pills of d-bol and 100 pills of winstrol . I’ve been told that I should take 1 d-bol a day for the first week and then start taking 2 the second week. I’ve also been told that I should start taking the winstrol half way through the d-bol cycle and to do each cycle for 6 weeks, so in total I’d be on the products for 9 weeks. I’m looking to gain 15 – 20lbs and stay really defined.

    Please advise! Any advice provided will be much appreciated!


  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Welcome back. Personally I would find a dbol /winny cycle a complete waste of time. There are many good beginner cycles listed, I think whoever recommended that one to you is lacking a bit of information.
    I think you should further tweak your diet, sounds like you have made some nice gains, but you are far from your natural potential.

  3. #3
    master_gee is offline New Member
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    Mar 2008
    Thanks for the feedback.. Do you know any good websites where I can get good/reliable information regarding weight gain diets? I find everything these days on the internet is contridicting...

  4. #4
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    here is an example of a good bulking diet

    lots of good info in the diet forum on here

  5. #5
    master_gee is offline New Member
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    Mar 2008
    Here is a diet that I found on the internet.. what is your opinion of it...?

    Example diet

    Pint of semi skimmed milk + 2 scoops of protein powder
    Bowl of cereal with milk

    Mid morning
    Pint of milk
    2 bananas
    2 yoghurts

    Pint of milk
    2 sandwiches
    2 bananas
    2 yoghurts

    Mid afternoon

    Pint of milk
    2 apples

    Greek Yoghurt
    Fruit juice

    Pint of Seri skimmed milk + 2 scoops of protein powder

    Protein 225 g
    Calories 4700

  6. #6
    Njord's Avatar
    Njord is offline Senior Member
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    That looks like the diet of someone that want's to weigh around 148 lbs. Go to the diet forum or click on the link longhorn gave you.

  7. #7
    master_gee is offline New Member
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    Mar 2008

    I just reviewed that diet, thanks a lot.. I'm going to try both diets out.. Do you think within two weeks of strictly sticking to these diets i'll see gains?

  8. #8
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    nothing comes fast or easy in bodybuilding bro. just stick with it and you will see results, i gurentee it. if you want to run a cycle then try a 500mgs cycle of test enth for 10-12 weeks but make sure your diet is in check

  9. #9
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Remember that as you grow you need to KEEP increasing your caloric input. Remember that calories come from protein, fat, carbs which are the ones youll want to be consuming. Also remember that while consuming somthing like you just mentioned, 4700 calories....most of it will be from fat and carbs and little from protein.

    For instance I am naturally bulking at the moment and it seems that the weight could not come on an slower and im at 4500 cals and 300-350g protein. Now i know where a lot of the cals are coming from and im adjusting where the cals come from according to how much BF% im gaining. You need to constantly tweak your diet in order to gain. Trust me, you have not hit your plateau in your body but a plateau in your diet in which you need to adjust. Trust me bro, its all there, just need to get it to fit your body's needs.

  10. #10
    master_gee is offline New Member
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    Mar 2008
    I jsut spoke with one of my buddies who is trainer.. he's setting me up on a diet, and new plan.. and told me to start my cycle in two weeks and he'll help me through it. Thanks for the info guys!

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