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  1. #1
    iron fist is offline New Member
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    Aug 2005

    Smile deca and water retention

    need your help. if one is to go on a cycle of 600mg deca , 600mg propionate for 16 weeks. what would be best to take with it in order to avoid the bloaty look.

    arimidex is not an option coz its very expensive from all my supplyers. ive tried nolvadex which did reduce the bloat but not as much as i would have liked. also after doing more research i've learned not to take nolvadex with deca as it increases the chances of geno. so thats not an option this time either.

    letrozol is what im thinking next but after doing my research i've learned only to take it for short cycles or only if needed if signs of geno come to surface.

    so what am i ment to take??? something that what be very effective in combating water retention. is safe to use for 16 weeks. is suitable to take along with deca and does not cost 300 dollars for 28 tablets, as arimidex costs around here.

    thanks for all replys in advance. very much appreciated.

  2. #2
    slvrwrx is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2006
    honestly arimidex would be your best bet you could alway get liquidex and try that

  3. #3
    inkslinger's Avatar
    inkslinger is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2004
    how bad does it get man ? get some letro from ar/r- that drys ya out big time .... you can take it long if needed but you most likely wont need to cause its strong...
    drink a lot of water ...
    watch your salt/sodium intake ...
    there was something else too, i forget the name, some diuretic

  4. #4
    lex57's Avatar
    lex57 is offline Senior Member
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    Apr 2005
    yeah i would say you could try a low dose of letro like i have heard some people do .25 eod of letro. you could try that and if it doesnt work i would go ed but i would probably not go above that due to estrogen block and hindering gains. hope it helps.

  5. #5
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    May 2007
    ldex from ar-r is arimidex and its within your budget.

  6. #6
    iron fist is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    sorry cant find no product named idex on that site.

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