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Thread: Future of Juice

  1. #1
    Stormrider's Avatar
    Stormrider is offline Junior Member
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    Future of Juice

    I've been wondering lately about the future of juice? Like lets say with in 5-8 years. Will it be harder to get with more and more restrictions and more expensive or stay like it is? Just wondering because I might consider a cycle in those years in the future.

  2. #2
    samoth's Avatar
    samoth is offline Member
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    I don't forsee anything drastically effecting the supply of anabolic steroids in the near future... they have a wide medical use, so they going out of production isn't a question...

  3. #3
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I foresee Gama Rays comming in 300mg amps with only one side effect...


  4. #4
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    As benefits continue in the anti-aging arena I think availability by legal means will increase. That should in turn make availability on the black market increase as well.

  5. #5
    latman49's Avatar
    latman49 is offline Member
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    As long as Mexico isn't blown off the map by a stray nuke, there will be plenty of attainable gear.

  6. #6
    Full Intensity's Avatar
    Full Intensity is offline Anabolic Member
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    The only thing i can see is gear becomning more readily (sp) available or even legalized. It isn't killing us, shit more people die from alcohol per year then juice. And people would debate that b/c it is legal more people would do it. NO! most are too afraid to inject themselves. PUSSIES lol

  7. #7
    Ryanhallmark's Avatar
    Ryanhallmark is offline Senior Member
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    Originally posted by Full Intensity
    The only thing i can see is gear becomning more readily (sp) available or even legalized. It isn't killing us, shit more people die from alcohol per year then juice. And people would debate that b/c it is legal more people would do it. NO! most are too afraid to inject themselves. PUSSIES lol

    Yeah that is exaclty what I think man, isnt crazy how many people die due to Rec. Drug OD's?? Has there ever been a reported case of some one dieing from AS..BEside DNP and Slin?

  8. #8
    Buddha_Red's Avatar
    Buddha_Red is offline Senior Member
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    the way i see it you can kill yourself off of multi vitamins if your stupid enough.

    We get punished for the masses that care nothing about research or discussion before they start juice

    it will always be an underground thing, but no way is it going away.
    As long as there are this many people into it, someone somewhere will make it!

  9. #9
    Stormrider's Avatar
    Stormrider is offline Junior Member
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    Haha well that all good to hear!

  10. #10
    Freakymuscle4u's Avatar
    Freakymuscle4u is offline Junior Member
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    In 10 years they will probably be more powerful eh.....

  11. #11
    jamotech's Avatar
    jamotech is offline Member
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    Originally posted by Full Intensity
    It isn't killing us, shit more people die from alcohol per year then juice. And people would debate that b/c it is legal more people would do it.
    This is a very good point FI, I did my senior essay on the legalization of marijuana and the above mentioned apply to marijuana as well. My arguments where that no one has ever died strictly from marijuana use , but look at how many have died from the legal drug alcohol. That shows that the governments reasoning behind the laws has nothing to do with whether or not people are dying from them. Dosent seem right to us, but does anyone fully agreee with the government.

    My point here is that while things like marijuana are illegal and alcohol is legal, AS wont be legal, IMHO.

  12. #12
    hammerhead's Avatar
    hammerhead is offline Member
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    The same people that make you wear your seatbelt - the same people that want to get rid of tobacco - those people will fight anabolics or anything else that drives up the cost of healthcare. Remember - everything in this country is about money. Not right and wrong - it's about money.

    The illegal supply will always be there.

    The medical usage of anabolics in hormone replacement therapy is controversial. That future is uncertain. But there will also be medical uses for anabolics. Regardless, an illegal supply will always exist.

    The media has the power to drive political winds against us. That all it takes for the politicians to promise to crack down on that dangerous stuff that's killing so many people.

    An inexpensive test for anabolics could spell disaster too. If steroid testing becomes as cheap and easy and unreliable as the standard pot/coke/speed/smack/dust tests you get every time you apply for a job we're in trouble.

    Of all the many uncertainties in this world there's one thing that is for sure: things don't stay the same for long.

  13. #13
    jamotech's Avatar
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    Originally posted by SGFuryZ

    Jamotech, yeah people don't often die from marijuana or AAS.
    Just so everyone is clear on this, NO ONE has ever died and NEVER will strictly from marijuana usage, simply said, the body cant hold even close to enough to kill you. No flame bro just wanted that to be clear, also let it be clear that it is very possible to die from AS.

  14. #14
    hammerhead's Avatar
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    I'm very very glad that steroids are illegal. Good point Fury. I'd like to see politicians and insurance companies and judges/juries back off a little and give medical professionals the breathing room they'd need to treat AAS users as AAS users - be it AMA (against medical advice).

    Doctors treat smokers and drinkers and even drug addicts all the time albeit AMA. But AAS - no protocol for it. That's the right road - don't legalize it but let doctors treat AAS users and monitor their health.

    Where in the law written or unwritten does it say that in order for my doctor to treat me I have to live like he fucking says I should? When was the last time a doctor refused to treat someone for asthma because they were a smoker or wouldn't treat someone for acid reflux disease because they drink in the evenings? Dammit this is one of my pissed off posts just in case you couldn't tell.

  15. #15
    arthurb999's Avatar
    arthurb999 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hopefully they come out with those "magic pills" Mike used to talk about.

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