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  1. #1
    austin4023's Avatar
    austin4023 is offline Junior Member
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    New Jersey

    3rd cycle ideas. Var+winny?

    hey everyone Im thinkin about what to do for my 3rd cycle. 1st cycle ran test E for 10 weeks saw good results. 2nd cycle ran sust + deca for 10 weeks saw great results..... so here I am 5"10 180 lbs pretty solid. not sure about bodyfat, I figure if i lost like 8 lbs id be shredded if that helps. Anyways thats my intro....

    heres what i was thinkin for a solid muscle building cycle that produces quick results because I'm trying to look huge for memorial day weekend lol....

    Weeks 1-12 Anavar 50 mg everyday
    Weeks 1-4 D-Bol 40-50 mg everyday
    weeks 6-12 winstrol 50 mg everyday

    then clomid or nolva for pct obviously, nothing definite yet, lemme know what u guys think

  2. #2
    maxiderm's Avatar
    maxiderm is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2008
    if your looking to add mass i wouldnt recommend that cycle. also i would add test into the cycle and omit winny altogether.

    and wanting to get huge quick... that makes me think that you arent too experienced with this stuff. and an oral only cycle... come on!

  3. #3
    austin4023's Avatar
    austin4023 is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2008
    New Jersey
    lol ur right i just kinda threw that in there i know it takes time to get results... but anyway so what do u think if i wanna put on quality hard muscle, but alot of it.... maybe test E 500mg/wk or sustanon 500 mg/week + var or winny, I just put d bol in there because alot of ppl say its a good jumpstart but if its just gonna make me boated then Im not even gonna bother

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