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  1. #1
    wolves06 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2008

    NEW CYCLE - Advice needed

    Age : 21
    Years Training : 5
    Previous Cycles : 2
    Weight : 94kg Height : 6ft 2

    Ime starting a new cycle next week, though i am going to be using a variety of compounds throughout it. My first two cycles were only for 8 weeks and were just your standard Sus and Deca , plus nolv and clomid pct. On both i got good gains and managed to keep most of it afterwards. Please rate my cyle? is there anything in there that i dont need to be taking or anything i should add? and also what gains can i expect from this?

    My cycle is going to be 12 weeks -
    Test Prop - 500mg a week (eod injections)
    Masteron - 400mg a week (eod injections)
    dbol for the first 3 weeks (40mg ed)
    anavar for the last three weeks (50mg ed)
    proviron for the last 3 weeks of cycle (100mg ed)
    arimidex for the duration of cycle (.5mg ed)

    clomid 150,100,50 mg ed (1st,2nd,3rd week)
    nolvadex - 20 mg ed (4 weeks)

  2. #2
    200byjune's Avatar
    200byjune is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2008
    i rate the cycle 4.. 3 weeks anavar no no. arimedex .5mgs ed is a no no. how about::

    1-10 test p 500mgs ew
    1-10 mast 400mgs ew
    5-10 winny 350mgs ew

  3. #3
    wolves06 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    yeh, by the way why not the anavar and arimidex ?just wondering

  4. #4
    comsol1's Avatar
    comsol1 is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by wolves06 View Post
    Age : 21
    Years Training : 5
    Previous Cycles : 2
    Weight : 94kg Height : 6ft 2

    Ime starting a new cycle next week, though i am going to be using a variety of compounds throughout it. My first two cycles were only for 8 weeks and were just your standard Sus and Deca , plus nolv and clomid pct. On both i got good gains and managed to keep most of it afterwards. Please rate my cyle? is there anything in there that i dont need to be taking or anything i should add? and also what gains can i expect from this?

    My cycle is going to be 12 weeks -
    Test Prop - 500mg a week (eod injections)
    Masteron - 400mg a week (eod injections)
    dbol for the first 3 weeks (40mg ed)
    anavar for the last three weeks (50mg ed)
    proviron for the last 3 weeks of cycle (100mg ed)
    arimidex for the duration of cycle (.5mg ed)

    clomid 150,100,50 mg ed (1st,2nd,3rd week)
    nolvadex - 20 mg ed (4 weeks)

    At 6'2 and 94kg ya I would drop the anavar and the masteron. I would go wit at least a 16 wk cycle.

    1-12 test p 200mg eod
    1-3 dbol 40mg/ed will be fine
    4-6 a-rol 50mg/ed
    6-12 tren a 100mg eod
    here is where it would be fine to through in your mast or anavar for wk 12-16 then your pct. Eat like a hog and train like a bull. You do four of these over the next 2 years and you will be the mofo walking around the gym push ing weight and then you can just start cruisn. Most people will say no no too young not enough cycle yada yada yada. Say you are in your mid 20's. After three years you will be seeing these 30-40 yr old slamming their 1500mg/wk cycles and only keeping up with you while you can keep pace just cruisn and you don't want to be doin that at 40. At 40 you want to be just cruisn. JMHO

  5. #5
    200byjune's Avatar
    200byjune is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by comsol1 View Post
    At 6'2 and 94kg ya I would drop the anavar and the masteron . I would go wit at least a 16 wk cycle.

    1-12 test p 200mg eod
    1-3 dbol 40mg/ed will be fine
    4-6 a-rol 50mg/ed
    6-12 tren a 100mg eod
    here is where it would be fine to through in your mast or anavar for wk 12-16 then your pct. Eat like a hog and train like a bull. You do four of these over the next 2 years and you will be the mofo walking around the gym push ing weight and then you can just start cruisn. Most people will say no no too young not enough cycle yada yada yada. Say you are in your mid 20's. After three years you will be seeing these 30-40 yr old slamming their 1500mg/wk cycles and only keeping up with you while you can keep pace just cruisn and you don't want to be doin that at 40. At 40 you want to be just cruisn. JMHO
    so what are youi saying? in your opinion its better to start early or start later? i couldnt unserstand lol

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