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  1. #1
    oppose is offline New Member
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    Deca + testosterone

    So im 23, 200lbs, box and lift weights. dunno my body fat. my friend did a cycle of this before and ill be doing it with him now. whats up with this combo? im concerned about hair loss. um i cant think of any other questions at the moment and this is my first post so if this is answered in one of those stickies im about to read my bad lol.

  2. #2
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    First things first,

    Do you understand what PCT is?

    Also what is your diet like?

    Research a simple cycle of Test E with maybe a dbol kickstart...
    No need to over complicate things by using deca on ya first cycle.

    Make sure you research on why a simple test cycle is best for you, and to understand the compounds your putting into your body.

    Understanding your natural system and how AAS effects it is essential for safe use.

  3. #3
    ChuckLee's Avatar
    ChuckLee is offline Scammer
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    Agreed with shifty

  4. #4
    oppose is offline New Member
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    ya i forgot diet. ive been boxing since january so ive had a fairly healthy diet. no more drinking from what i understand lol. we have this place called FUEL close to where i live, all bodybuilders go there, lots of healthy options like chicken and bison etc.

    i just started reading the newbies starter guide so nope i dont know what a PCT is. what do you mean by over complicate things by using deca ? i only mention it because its what my best friend used for his 1st cycle ( this is his second ) and he had positive results and just picked it up.

    my computer loads things slowly so im reading it as fast as i can. i wanted to do some research about questions i have and i remembered the internet existed lol. god bless google.

    i would say my goals are to gain muscles, burn fat in my mid section and then try to keep as much gains as possible afterwards with regular working out. is that feasible? well back to reading the newbie guide lol.

    ps: seriously tho on the hairloss, will 1 cycle make me go bald? maybe a stupid question but i love my hair.

  5. #5
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    Quote Originally Posted by oppose View Post
    ya i forgot diet. ive been boxing since january so ive had a fairly healthy diet. no more drinking from what i understand lol. we have this place called FUEL close to where i live, all bodybuilders go there, lots of healthy options like chicken and bison etc.
    Check out the diet section, theres some stickies at the top on how to taylor ya diet to ya goals with some suggested diets.

    i just started reading the newbies starter guide so nope i dont know what a PCT is. what do you mean by over complicate things by using deca ? i only mention it because its what my best friend used for his 1st cycle ( this is his second ) and he had positive results and just picked it up.
    If you take 2 compounds and have a bad reaction you wont know which one is causing the reaction as you have done neither b4.
    If you go with Test to start and its all good, add other compounds for ya next cycle.
    PCT is how you get your natty system working again after a cycle. Post cycle Therapy .
    There are suggested PCT's in the PCT section, also read the other stickies to understand how the PCT works.

    my computer loads things slowly so im reading it as fast as i can. i wanted to do some research about questions i have and i remembered the internet existed lol. god bless google.

    i would say my goals are to gain muscles, burn fat in my mid section and then try to keep as much gains as possible afterwards with regular working out. is that feasible? well back to reading the newbie guide lol.
    Try to do one goal at a time. Bulking while cutting is hard to do as ya diet needs to be big to bulk and small to cut.
    Bulk then cut is what most do.

    ps: seriously tho on the hairloss, will 1 cycle make me go bald? maybe a stupid question but i love my hair.
    If your prone to male pattern baldness look into 'nizoral shampoo' and 'Finasteride' and hot DHT effects hairloss.
    Answers in bold.

    Also, with using test and deca...

    Test sides are mainly estrogen related.. which can be delt with using an AI (check out stickie in the PCT section of AI and SERM descriptions) so its easier to control.

    Deca is in a group of steroids call 19nor's - and there sides are more progesterone related, which are harder and more complicated to deal with.

    Start simple, educate, and you will have results you will be very happy with and have minimal sides and risks.

  6. #6
    austin4023's Avatar
    austin4023 is offline Junior Member
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    Agree with shifty.... best first cycle is probly straight test... Id go with Test E 400-500mg for 10-12 weeks, you probly wont burn that much fat during this type of cycle but if ur main concern is gaining mass and strength theres no better starting point then test

  7. #7
    oppose is offline New Member
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    thanks for the advice. i was gonna take a nap before class but now im reading all these stickies lol. i just got to the section in the newbie starter guide about just using test for the first cycle and i agree its a good idea to see how things go. do i need to take the test shot in the butt? i hear it hurts like the dickens afterwards. probably not the best terms to use but hey lol.

    estrogen related side effects are retaining water and hair loss eh? so i guess regarding estrogen blockers ( dunno if thats the term), can i get those at like the vitamin store? ill check that stickie as soon as i can. what does progesterone mean? my friend who took the deca /test combo said he had bad back acne but its seeming more likely ill just use the testa.

    regarding a testa only cycle how often would i have to do the shots? alrightie back to the reading.

  8. #8
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    Estrogen related sides can include water retention, gyno, tiredness, headaches..
    Fluctuating levels of both estrogen and testosterone can cause acne, tiredness and feeling crap...

    When test converts to DHT it effects hairloss and the prostate...

    Only use an AI on cycle if you need to, one of the advantages of doing the test only cycle is that you will learn how sensitive you are to estro and its sides.
    Some guys have to use an AI in the cycle, some dont.

    PCT stuff can be purchased at the site sponsor AR-R (banner at the top right)
    (Although i think there out of some vital stock at the moment)

    Test E or C is ideall dont twice a week - so ever 3.5 days.
    But you can get away with once a week but opening up chances for fluctiuating levels so more sides.

  9. #9
    Jfew44's Avatar
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    Shots dont really hurt at all, but it depends on the person. There are a variety of injection sites for you to choose from, you dont have to do it in ur backside, especially with 2x week shots. Good luck reading and absorbing everything

  10. #10
    oppose is offline New Member
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    So i just talked to my friend cuz i wanted to find out the exact names of the stuff he got. one was the deca and it had the medical name but the test just had the word BOLD on it and the guy he got it from was a blend of different test's. does that matter or seem wierd? i guess it would be a blend of Test E and Test C.

  11. #11
    oppose is offline New Member
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    so i read the PCT article but it really just flew over my head. what would i need as a PCT for just a test cycle? do they need to be injected as well?

  12. #12
    RAWDEAL:'s Avatar
    RAWDEAL: is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by oppose View Post
    So im 23, 200lbs, box and lift weights. dunno my body fat. my friend did a cycle of this before and ill be doing it with him now. whats up with this combo? im concerned about hair loss. um i cant think of any other questions at the moment and this is my first post so if this is answered in one of those stickies im about to read my bad lol.
    Hey Bro..theres alot you should read up on...Test-E /DECA ? and dball is my favorite cycle..Been creepin up on 24lbs this week, LOL, love it..You really need to have your diet in more fast food Bro..Once you get the hang of this stuff it becomes a obsetion when you see the results...

  13. #13
    prokesian is offline New Member
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    Hey..does anybody mind if I jump in here to ask some related questions regarding beginer cycles, etc?

  14. #14
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oppose View Post
    So im 23, 200lbs, box and lift weights. dunno my body fat. my friend did a cycle of this before and ill be doing it with him now. whats up with this combo? im concerned about hair loss. um i cant think of any other questions at the moment and this is my first post so if this is answered in one of those stickies im about to read my bad lol.
    Read about it,the profile is priceless.

  15. #15
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by oppose View Post
    So im 23, 200lbs, box and lift weights. dunno my body fat. my friend did a cycle of this before and ill be doing it with him now. whats up with this combo? im concerned about hair loss. um i cant think of any other questions at the moment and this is my first post so if this is answered in one of those stickies im about to read my bad lol.
    DECA and TEST are the bread and butter when it comes to AAS cycles...time proven and effective.

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