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  1. #1
    colo87's Avatar
    colo87 is offline Junior Member
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    Question for my boy about to start his cycle

    My boy is gonna start his first cycle he's 195 about 12 % bf and 6'. He's got test 400 and winny from our supplier and he just wants to know a good cycle for him. Hes got the same pct as me nolva and aromasin and wants to do something like start the test and then do the winny to get ripped...whats the best length of time, times to inject, when to start each, and dosage for him to take. Thanks

  2. #2
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    How old is your boy?

  3. #3
    colo87's Avatar
    colo87 is offline Junior Member
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    21 any suggesions?

  4. #4
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    How long's he been working out?

    Just think if your helping your 21 year old boy to get his hands on steroids you should understand simple cycles your self.

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shifty_git View Post

    Just think if your helping your 21 year old boy to get his hands on steroids you should understand simple cycles your self.

  6. #6
    colo87's Avatar
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    I didn't help him to get anything and he asked me to post up the question. All I use is test 400 and im on my first cycle right now and I know everything about my cycle and what I'm doing so instead of making comments like that why don't you just answer the question that was asked? If you don't want to answer it, can't answer it or whatever reason then by all means don't. Maybe someone else could help him out...Thanks

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    good luck

  8. #8
    colo87's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    good luck
    lol wow

  9. #9
    shifty_git's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by colo87 View Post
    My boy is gonna start his first cycle he's 195 about 12 % bf and 6'. He's got test 400 and winny from our supplier and he just wants to know a good cycle for him. Hes got the same pct as me nolva and aromasin and wants to do something like start the test and then do the winny to get ripped...whats the best length of time, times to inject, when to start each, and dosage for him to take. Thanks
    So who introduced him to 'our' supplier?
    And am guessing as you said your on your cycle and he hasn't started his yet you suggested he use the supplier you used as you got your stuff.

    If he's even ready enough to be using powerful hormones he needs to be here himself so he can understand the compounds and there uses / sides.

  10. #10
    colo87's Avatar
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    nah he actually introduced me and I know hes not going to come on here and will end up just listening to one of our friends who will tell him all the wrong shit so I was trying to help him out and figured what better place to ask this question. I don;t know the first thing about winny and never considered taking it ever for a lot of reasons so I never really researched it. Test on the other hand, I am very knowledgeable about and can help him there but his specific question was about taking the winny once he starts seein his gains from the test and how much...I guess ill just do the research for him but figured I could get a quick answer on here...anyway thanks for replying i guess

  11. #11
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Please understand that we aren't trying to be dicks about this, but I studied gear for 10 years before I ever ran my first cycle. It bothers some of us a bit when someone posts a question that could easily be answered with 10 minutes of research. When we were in school, the teachers could have just given answers to all the tests, everyone would have passed, but no one would have learned anything. Most of the time in life knowing the right answer isn't as important as knowing why the right answer is right, and the time it takes you to read the profiles then do a search will make you much more prepared in the future to help yourself and your friend.

  12. #12
    austin4023's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    Please understand that we aren't trying to be dicks about this, but I studied gear for 10 years before I ever ran my first cycle. It bothers some of us a bit when someone posts a question that could easily be answered with 10 minutes of research. When we were in school, the teachers could have just given answers to all the tests, everyone would have passed, but no one would have learned anything. Most of the time in life knowing the right answer isn't as important as knowing why the right answer is right, and the time it takes you to read the profiles then do a search will make you much more prepared in the future to help yourself and your friend.

  13. #13
    shifty_git's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    Please understand that we aren't trying to be dicks about this, but I studied gear for 10 years before I ever ran my first cycle. It bothers some of us a bit when someone posts a question that could easily be answered with 10 minutes of research. When we were in school, the teachers could have just given answers to all the tests, everyone would have passed, but no one would have learned anything. Most of the time in life knowing the right answer isn't as important as knowing why the right answer is right, and the time it takes you to read the profiles then do a search will make you much more prepared in the future to help yourself and your friend.

    Steroids aren't something to be taken lightly.

    And i know ya might just be trying to get advice so you can help him, rather than him getting bad advice from other guys his own age who know NOTHING about how to use steroids properly and safely.

    But the responsible advice to give to anyone who doesn't understand the compounds and the science behind them and there use should be.. 'Don't do them till you have researched them and understand what you are doing'

    This is what you should be telling him as a responsible adult.

    How would you feel is he ended up in an A and E department because of things from infection right through to heart or liver damage?

    And even best case scenario a fair possibility of him having to go have bloodwork done constantly and be on HRT from a young age?

    Not trying to be a cock, but best advice to give him is to hold off doing them and do his research. Then he will understands the compounds to avoid any of the bad possible outcomes.

  14. #14
    colo87's Avatar
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    I agree with that completely lol but I know he won't listen and will do them anyway but yeah I would and have told him a lot of those things but he's not going to listen...Anyway thanks I did some research to help him out so better that then him not knowing what he's doing and messing up even more

  15. #15
    39+1 is offline Banned
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    telll me this thread isnt real

  16. #16
    paulzane's Avatar
    paulzane is offline Productive Member
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    Well the very least you can do for him is to print off the profiles of the compounds that he has and give them to him to read and to keep for reference!

    All the profiles are on this site as you, no doubt, already know!

  17. #17
    colo87's Avatar
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    yeah thanks bro Ive helped him out as much as i can so w/e i tried my best hopefully hell make a mistake that wont be permanent but will only be severe enough for him to start doing his own research because im afraid that's the only way he'll learn

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