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  1. #1
    Tha X is offline New Member
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    Estrogen too high. Is nolvadex the cure?

    Hi. I'm male, 18, and I go to the gym alot. I got pretty good results, so far I have not used any steroids . But like 6 months ago I found that I have fat on my butt, even though I had a quite low fat percent. So I thought this might be estrogen. Only supplements I use are proteine and creatine, also used Methoxy for a month. And I was right, I went to see a doctor and he made a blood test:

    Testosterone : 10,7nmol/l
    Estradiol: 142pmol/l

    So my doctor thought it'd go back normal itself and told me to take Vasonit and E+C vitamin for 2 months. Now I went back and the levels had gone even worse.

    Testosterone: 6,9nmol/l
    Estradiol: 171nmol/l

    Now he gave me a 1 month prescription for Nolvadex . I will also continue with Vasonit and vitamins, also taking Zinc, Magnesium and a compound of B vitamins. I also try to drink green tea, which should inhibit aromatase.

    As I know high estrogen leads to even more estrogen production which lowers testosterone. So if I use Nolvadex which just blocks the estrogen, will my testosterone level go normal or estrogen will still have effect on it? And after 1 month usage of Nolvadex is the estrogen going to **** me up again? I read that it would be better to use Proviron or Arimidex .

    I also wonder how did it happen that my hormone levels got wrong so badly. I have not done any steroids at all. Maybe as I use proteine and creatine my liver isn't capable to fight the excess estrogen? would also like to know what foods to eat to fight the estrogen. Also heard that Vitex is good in such cases, should I give it a try?

    Edit: forgot to say that I have no gyno, nor have my nipples been sensitive.

    Any help and advice is welcome. Thanks.
    Last edited by Tha X; 04-17-2008 at 08:23 AM.

  2. #2
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    IMO adex would be a better route as nolvadex is a SERM which is a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator in which it will modulate estrogen or replace estrogen at the receptor so some estrogen does pass through. Adex is an Aromitose inhibitor in which it inhibits the aromatose enzyme which will convert androgens to estrogens. Like I said It may be a better choice for you BUT I would stay with the nolvadex and see how it goes as nolvadex is responsible for not only fighting the estrogen for the receptors BUT also increasing your free testosterone by increase FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone). This is done by blocking negative feedback inhibition caused by estrogen at the hypothalamus and pituitary. Keep on this to see how the treatment works, the doc MAY have you put on something else but have patience as BB'ers utilize nolvadex to combat excessive estrogen and help restore your body's natural test production which is part of their PCT. (PCT or Post Cycle Therapy )

  3. #3
    Tha X is offline New Member
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    Thanks for response.

    But how bad these levels really are? Well testosterone level is different every few minutes, so it is quite hard to get the right results.

    What about the estradiol? How high has it to be to get gyno?

    And I still wonder how this happened. All natural.

    I've heard that estradiol leads to the maturation of bones. Considering I had this estradiol level for months, have my bones stopped growing. In 2 years(from 16 to 18) I went from 179 to 180cm only.
    Last edited by Tha X; 04-19-2008 at 01:06 PM.

  4. #4
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tha X View Post
    Thanks for response.

    But how bad these levels really are? Well testosterone level is different every few minutes, so it is quite hard to get the right results.

    What about the estradiol? How high has it to be to get gyno?

    And I still wonder how this happened. All natural.

    I've heard that estradiol leads to the maturation of bones. Considering I had this estradiol level for months, have my bones stopped growing. In 2 years(from 16 to 18) I went from 179 to 180cm only.
    do you have any symptoms of gyno?

  5. #5
    xxterxx is offline Associate Member
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    how much did the doctor prescribe the nolva to you? 20mg per day? 40mg per day?

    i would say get gaspari's novedex XT or 6oxo.... they are proven to kill estrogen too.... since its OTC... no harm trying it..

  6. #6
    AnimalGear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxterxx View Post
    how much did the doctor prescribe the nolva to you? 20mg per day? 40mg per day?

    i would say get gaspari's novedex XT or 6oxo.... they are proven to kill estrogen too.... since its OTC... no harm trying it..
    I completely disagree

    those are suicide inhibitors and won't do much at all. Stick to real PCT since this is a real problem

  7. #7
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnimalGear View Post
    I completely disagree

    those are suicide inhibitors and won't do much at all. Stick to real PCT since this is a real problem
    ive never heard of those. anyone know what they are?

  8. #8
    Mammon is offline Banned ~ Scammer
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    crap... OTC crap

  9. #9
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mammon View Post
    crap... OTC crap
    all otc stuff is crap. i was thinking maybe arimidex ?

  10. #10
    Mammon is offline Banned ~ Scammer
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    that would be my choice..

  11. #11
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tha X View Post
    Hi. I'm male, 18, and I go to the gym alot. I got pretty good results, my last cycle was a year ago, 800mg/wk of deca for 6 weeks. like 6 months ago I found that I have fat on my butt, even though I had a quite low fat percent. So I thought this might be estrogen. Only supplements I use are proteine and creatine, also used Methoxy for a month. And I was right, I went to see a doctor and he made a blood test:

    Testosterone : 10,7nmol/l
    Estradiol: 142pmol/l

    So my doctor thought it'd go back normal itself and told me to take Vasonit and E+C vitamin for 2 months. Now I went back and the levels had gone even worse.

    Testosterone: 6,9nmol/l
    Estradiol: 171nmol/l

    Now he gave me a 1 month prescription for Nolvadex . I will also continue with Vasonit and vitamins, also taking Zinc, Magnesium and a compound of B vitamins. I also try to drink green tea, which should inhibit aromatase.

    As I know high estrogen leads to even more estrogen production which lowers testosterone. So if I use Nolvadex which just blocks the estrogen, will my testosterone level go normal or estrogen will still have effect on it? And after 1 month usage of Nolvadex is the estrogen going to **** me up again? I read that it would be better to use Proviron or Arimidex .

    I also wonder how did it happen that my hormone levels got wrong so badly. I have not done any steroids at all. Maybe as I use proteine and creatine my liver isn't capable to fight the excess estrogen? would also like to know what foods to eat to fight the estrogen. Also heard that Vitex is good in such cases, should I give it a try?

    Edit: forgot to say that I have no gyno, nor have my nipples been sensitive.

    Any help and advice is welcome. Thanks.
    hmm well that explains a lot. you probably messed up your hormones. plus deca only is bad.

  12. #12
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    ive never heard of those. anyone know what they are?
    A suicide inhibitor is a form of OTC AI's that bind to the estrogen cell and "deactivate" it until the estrogen cell dies. It doesn't try to limit estrogen from the source, but rather just deactivate as many estrogen cells as it can.

  13. #13
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    A suicide inhibitor is a form of OTC AI's that bind to the estrogen cell and "deactivate" it until the estrogen cell dies. It doesn't try to limit estrogen from the source, but rather just deactivate as many estrogen cells as it can.
    so its the same relation as alcohol has to brain cells?

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