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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Post Primobolan & Test E

    I want my next cycle to be these two, and I wonder what people think of it as my goal(s) are directly aimed towards "Cutting".

    As summer is approaching - we are all aiming ourselves this way I would think.
    I've never done Primo, nor do I know dosage for my cycle. I am also looking for a hair-safe-cycle.

    I wonder though - because it is a DHT based steroid (sorry if I'm using awkward terminology) will it increase my hair loss?
    I do take Rogaine, Nizoral & Finasteride.

    To recap, my questions are:
    - Dosage with 500mg Test E (I might do more, as my last cycle was only 500mg)
    - Will it increase hair loss? Or are sides mild with this gear..
    - What are your opinions on this 'cutting' mix
    -- I ask that because I don't believe people use this mix as a cutter.

    24, Male, 205 pds, 14%bf
    4 cycle history
    Tren , Test, Winny, (with Clen and Anavar on the sides)

  2. #2
    Prada's Avatar
    Prada is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nov 2005
    Well test is bad for your hair, albeit you are protecting yourself in the best possible way by using Rogaine, Nizoral & Finasteride. Therefore you hairloss will be minimal but dependent on how sensitive you hair is.

    Well the Test will lead to temporary edema which will not really look like a cutting cycle while ON but with a good diet and once the water sheds off you can be cut yes. Using an AI could help if you care. Or you can use Test Prop or Susp.

  3. #3
    Z-Ro's Avatar
    Z-Ro is offline Senior Member
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    Well, if it were me I would use Test in conjunction with some type of DHT inhibitor, either Finasteride or Dutasteride.

    Also as Prada suggested I would use Rogaine and Nizoral.

    Finasteride or Dutasteride/Rogaine/Nizoral is kind of the tripod of which stopping hairloss hinges on but I myself would through in Polysorbate shampoo and Spiro 5% cream if you have the money.

    As for Primo? Is it UG or Schering? Schering is hard to get ahold of and I do not trust UG Primo and I think its the cause of people's hair loss because its too easy to put Winny or Tren in a bottle and lable it Primo.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    Well I'm not sure what brand it would be.
    Anatech is the name brand that I'm used to - around here.

    If not primo, than what would you use for a cutting cycle?
    I wish I could use Trenbolone Acetate, but alas - it's cursed in the hairloss dept. (funny that Alas links itself.. haha)

    I would really appreciate alternatives. Or a way AROUND losing hair whilst being on Tren .

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